Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-3-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-3-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-3-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “This is the date of interrogation of Adel Abdul Mahdi in Parliament” …the “government program” is everything that gets implemented. Better healthcare. Better lives. All the government services and resources they will provide the citizens after the rate change…they are waiting on the rate change…they were only able to offer the citizens very little because the government’s hands are tied and that’s because external powers control the timing of the rate change. And that’s called Donald Trump…The US is the only group that shed blood for Iraq. We pour trillions of dollars into Iraq. Trump actually put the tariffs on China and the sanctions on Iran. The US and the Trump administration are the ones calling the shots, controlling the timing on this. Not the IMF and Not the World Bank…

11-2-2019 Newshound Guru Francis Albert deleting the zeros from the exchange rate…as stated by CBI is quite different from the “LOP” Kap [Guru Kaperoni] continues to pitch. I think he’s just off base on this one, or the CBI is just making stuff up..which is possible too…

11-2-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …If you wake up someday and it’s a 1 to $1 exchange rate, Iraq just LOP’d, meaning you’ve made nothing. Believe me, Iraq will never substantially RV the dinar. If the dinar is ever going to go up in value, it’s going to go up based on investment and an improved GDP via a float.

11-2-2019 Newshound Guru Breitling …there’s really nothing else you need to look into or be worried about. What you need to do is you need to make sure you understand what your exit strategy is once you exchange your currency. In other words, what are your taxes going to look like? That’s what you need to worry about. That’s all you need to be thinking about. You don’t need to be thinking about how you’re going to spend it. Because first you need to figure out how much you’re gonna be able to keep, right? So you have to be thinking on those terms.

11-2-2019 Newshound Guru Vital Brad …the demonstrations have continued…The soldiers and the police they aren’t using deadly force. Things seem to be more contained…Mahdi has not resigned yet but President Barham Salih has come out and said the PM has expressed his willingness to submit his resignation asking the political blocs to reach an acceptable alternative…to avoid a power vacuum….we know what the people want. They want their wealth. When the Iraqi people’s currency is reinstated and revalued…Iraq is gonna flourish…their whole environment there will just transform…we’re getting to the boiling point where Iraq is gonna join the free market again and we all know what that means for us holding Iraq’s currency. They’ve met all the requirement and it could happen any time…