Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-29-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-29-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-29-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “RETURN OF THE SUBJECT DELETE THE ZEROS TO THE FOREFRONT” …this article is not the CBI talking but one of the leading Iraqi economic analysts talking to us. 1) It is saying we are now about to begin to enter 2018 so where is the project to delete the zeros? …They know it was held up due to “security reasons” so now that those security reasons no longer exist or are winding down, how about resurrecting this effort? 2) It says Iraq is now at a crossroads and about to begin a new era of economic growth. Can it be done without also bringing back the dinar to its past glory? 3) It says it is difficult to keep using the US dollar for outside trading (as we know is only mandated due to Chapter VII financial sanctions put on Iraq). Is it time now to get our real dinar back?

11-29-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 4) I quote: “lead to the adoption of consideration of this project and STUDY THE POSSIBILITY OF ITS APPLICATION DURING THE YEAR 2018 as one of the basics of monetary and banking reform” So we know this is part of the monetary and banking reforms still to be completed. Here we go again. Will they do it in 2018? So we now know 2017 is out. The RV is NOT going to happen in 2017… 5) I quote: “reducing the exchange rate of the dollar gradually after the challenge of security will devote convictions and accept the deletion of zeros” So they are saying to reduce the program rate gradually. Probably come out around 1:1 – IQD:USD. 6) I quote: “to reduce from 200 thousand to 100 dollars to 120 thousand dinars and the goal to reach 100 thousand Dinars but circumstances prevented timely completion of the gradual reduction.” I have been telling everyone all along the CBI has told us they first need to reduce the money supply of the older 3 zero notes in circulation by 2/3. So this article now confirms that statement. They are not quite there yet but close.

11-29-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 7) I quote – “The bottom line is that it is necessary to adopt the Central Bank of Iraq for the project to delete the zeros and work on its implementation from now in order to achieve the objectives of reducing the size of the monetary mass” So we know they MUST do this project to delete the zeros now and continue on it until it is completed. 8) I quote… – “AND REQUIRED A MEDIA PROGRAM TO DEVOTE CONVICTIONS TO THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS PROJECT”. NO re-education yet thus NO RV! …the CBI MUST RE-EDUCATE THE GENERAL POPULOUS PRIOR TO ANY RV HAPPENING? …I told you this was not from my OPINION but it came directly from my CBI contact. I am excited as to what may come this December. Are they going to move forward with a possible January 2018 RV target? If so they will have to do the re-education process very soon. I do still think this may be a target but let’s not rush to hype. If they do not re-educate in December then we can forget an EARLY 2018 RV.

11-29-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Tigris channel reveal details of the World Bank negotiations with Iraq on the corruption of the currency auction” My take on this…the IMF is warning Iraq that if you continue to let the reserves erode you will risk the collapse of the economy. More importantly it once again confirms the plan to float the dinar. …we don’t want a managed float or a peg…we want the global financial system to set the rate. And that only happens with a free float. Iraq needs to create momentum, then they can let it go and watch it rise.

11-29-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling There’s never been an “In country revaluation”. That’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard in my life. You can’t have a currency where it’s one price in one country and another price in another country. And all the rest of the world is a different price. How does that work? If that’s true then I’ll just take my dinar and go to Iraq and exchange my currency. If i’m going to exchange for millions and millions of dollars that’s not going to be a threat to me is it? So that’s stupid and doesn’t make any sense.

11-29-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf There is no Global Currency reset as currencies reset daily thru currency trading. – That is not strictly true. 50 years ago this month the UK government devalued the GBP by 14% and initiated a partial global reset. At that point in time the GBP was still the primary reserve currency and all countries with GBP reserves had to reset their exchange rates. If the US today devalued the $ by 14% there would be virtually a full global reset. Any significant change in a reserve currency has a widespread knock on effect.

11-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO Abadi said two months ago that he would declare independence at the end of November and he counted it down to days, and then to hours, then to Saturday.

11-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …today I have some very exciting news to share with everyone. It is about the “PROJECT TO DELETE THE ZEROS”. We know that the RV will come as a result of this project to delete the zeros. This last phase of the project is the conclusion of the long-awaited revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. Yes – this is the part we have been waiting for and will get us the RV thus go to the bank. But still not yet. Why? …the last time we heard from the CBI on this project to delete the zeros, was last April 2017, when they finally came out and told us they were “postponing” the continuation of the project “indefinitely” meaning until further notice. We all know they MUST do this project sometime to completion. Remember we all thought that it would come in EARLY 2017 as they told us it would? I too was supporting this idea since the CBI TOLD US.

11-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The reason why I feeling excited now is NOT that I expect an RV any day /every day as imminent (simply not true) but is because they had projected in the past when they would conclude the project many times already and in April they finally had to come out give us a realistic timeframe – which was “THEY DON’T KNOW”. Can’t be any more honest than that? However, they also said (and this is the important part), that they postponed it due to SECURITY reasons as to why they did not do it in EARLY 2017 as they announced they would. The security issue revolved around fighting of the ISIS and Daesh terrorist organizations in Iraq.

11-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Finally, they are now considering once again moving ahead with the project. We know that when they do this they will quickly move to the last phase and this includes a significant rate increase over the program rate. We also know this will be preceded, if not coincided with the launching of the rest of the set of the lower denominations. So these are events to watch for. Remember, they already launched some of these notes in earlier years in anticipation of the RV back then and had real targets that could not come to fortition.

11-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO The fact that two CBI banks have opened in the last two days and apparently another one in Jordan is impossible without a released currency. IMO These other countries wouldn’t want this, or even let them do it, if their currency was restricted.


11-28-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [On a scale of 1 to 10, how much “more” confidence does the “unrevealed” Intel give you that the RI/RV will happen by this coming weekend?] Confidence is at an all-time high, and 95% of what my sources have said has come to pass, over time. As for whether the RV happens by this weekend, everyone has that impression right now. I might get more intel today to confirm that or to clarify the timing. It’s never been an exact science… We seem to be on schedule with the plan outlined by Iraq; that indicated late November, early December and here we are.