Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-28-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-28-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-28-2019 Newshound Guru chattels Articles: “Parliamentary finance likely to pass the 2020 budget if the final agreement between the governments of Baghdad and the region”; “Parliamentary source: Baghdad and the region sign next Sunday an agreement on the 2020 budget” Historically Kurds are always more hopeful about a budget agreement than Baghdad and or reality. We shall see.

11-28-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The “hot topics” on the subject seem to be budget, budget, and also…Budget. Included in the Budget is always some kind of reference to the rate of the Iraqi Dinar, and every year we have a variety of interpretations on how the Budget will work with a change in the value of the Dinar. To keep things extremely simple, we can just summarize – the “new rate” does not need to be in the Budget. The Budget doesn’t have to take a rate change into account. The rate mentioned in the Budget doesn’t mean a thing! The reason is very simple.

11-27-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat It’s 2019 and the dinar is still NOT freely traded by banks outside IRAQ…and still no RV. Is it time for this to happen. …I feel these demonstrations may be the key to forcing this change finally to happen. It is not a matter of having the value to support $1.00 or even $3.00. It is instead a matter of ending the corruption and getting the political will to just do it.

11-27-2019 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I’m hearing this could be an excellent/happy Thanksgiving for us …we are in a window right now…What I’ve got is from 9 PM tonight (Tues night) …all the way to Friday morning 9 AM…Now that means we could be notified anytime within that window and get started…we heard it from several sources that were unrelated – at least 3 or 4 sources that were getting that information…Now, we have information from Redemption Centers that says that they are ready for long days 22 hour days, starting Friday, Saturday and maybe a little less like 18 on Sunday – Is it possible that we receive a toll free number on Thanksgiving day and set appointments for the next day, Friday, which is Black Friday – I think it’s not only possible but maybe probable…I think we are still very strong for the next few days – very strong.

11-27-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ I am hearing…that there is a hard time to release it now…I am hearing today from my Redemption center contacts that they are not working tomorrow but expect to work long hours over the weekend. So my gut feeling…they may release the 800 numbers tomorrow for banking on Friday. So based on all of this from many sources I do not expect any thing to happen today. [Do you believe in this story of a hard set time after all the delays and excuses?] Yes I do believe this one…if anything happens…even if it’s on Thanksgiving I will…let you know…

11-27-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …they have to approve the budget first. Then they can do the rate change. Then they can implement the demonstrators demands. It’s that simple. That’s where you guys stand. That’s what all the facts are currently telling us…all of my thoughts and opinions have been confirmed 100% factually within the news. We look amazing. Yes more time is needed. And yes we do have to wait this out till that budget’s approved so this thing is definitely going into Q1 at this point…

11-27-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …The plan is not to go into 2020…the 2020 budget IMO was stress tested in many scenarios under multiple rates…so what did the CBI and the fab 4 decide on as the 2020 rate? It’s unknown to me. But the important thing I’m trying to teach you is that IMO there have been 5 test budgets and they were run successfully to make the 2020 budget successful for the citizens demands…

11-27-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We now approach January again. Is Iraq going to be ready? We know that the demonstrators want the HCL payments promised them. Remember this was delayed from September 2018 until January 2019 and then the RV did not happen and so no HCL payments happened…Some say the CBI is still moving ahead with the “project to delete the zeros”. I agree but right now at a snail’s pace. They are waiting for the demonstrators to settle down. Even then I am told by my CBI contact that nothing is going to happen until at least the new 2020 budget is opened. It contains the HCL money something the citizens are demanding…