Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-26-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-26-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-26-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru David M. Witty Sources say Iraqi Parliament meeting to select names for unfilled minister positions delayed because of lack of agreement on nominees.

11-26-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf …Iraq is unlikely to redenominate for some time to come. Iraq is facing a problem that no other country looking to redenominate has had to deal with, a huge percentage of the currency being outside the country. It is highly unlikely that Iraq would ever redenominate under current circumstance as the repercussions could be quite significant. I live in the hope that steps will be taken to remove the currency outside Iraq from circulation which would then pave the way to redenomination…

11-25-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Association of Iraqi Private Banks holds the course of Islamic Specialist in Governance and Compliance” There is a Customs and Tariffs Deadline by 11/30/2018 between Baghdad and Erbil to be imposed. Barzani has melted the Ice on the tension now. Oil is flowing through Ceyan at a double clip.. So seeing this compliance and risk certification for to satisfy Islamic Investors is finality for being ready to roll when the shift occurs in the internationally accepted IQD and investment related issues. imo.

11-25-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 At Saturday’s Parliament meeting, all cabinet-select names were submitted for consideration, including defense and interior ministers. The US has allowed Iraq some “energy only” exemptions regarding the sanctions imposed against Iran. Tougher US sanctions against Iran are being discussed. Parliament announced they will complete cabinet selections on Monday, no report was given on what they accomplished today. In order to be in compliance with the US sanctions against Iran, trading will be done with Dinars only. One US bank source is anticipating exchange activity on Monday (as they have before, so remain calm and cautious). Time Will Tell!

11-25-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan “Parliament raises its meeting to next Monday and allocated for the completion of the ministerial cab” I think they may have seated the Cabinet and will finish up other Items Monday. …We shall see…imo.