Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-19-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-19-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-19-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “When will the small notes be distributed?” When they distribute the dinar that’s the day that it happens…I have no answer for you. I don’t know when they will be distributed but I do know that they’ve already shown them the example of what they used to use back in the 40’s and told them you’re you’re now going to use the same thing pretty soon so make sure you understand Iraqi citizens what we’re doing…

11-19-2021 Intel Guru Holly All the meetings went well yesterday and completed! We await the next phase which is liquidity! No news until later if completion was successful overnight!

11-18-2021 Intel Guru Holly …I did hear meetings were still on going, are going well and should be done today. Progress is being made and we will get there sooner than later!…

11-18-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] In Iraq, I am being told they are planning to introduce the lower denominations on Sunday or Monday. Not just in some places but all over the country. This is big new IMO…it has been a solid news day with the word out of Iraq…So to me the news today was a huge win. It does not have us in the banks yet, but gives us hope that we will be there in a very short period. Also being told that they are pushing hard to have everything released before Thanksgiving. Don’t know if that means we will be in the banks or just making our appointments …but it’s very encouraging.

11-18-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The execution of a strategy…we are in the final countdown and to see the international world reacting to Iraq the way they’re doing right now – why didn’t they do it last year? Why didn’t they do it 10 years ago? 20 years ago? Because the conditions were not for what is happening now. There’s security and stability. There’s actually a government that is being run by good leaders – Kazemi – and the central bank has been cleaned up…

11-18-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …In 2012 the CBI planned for a January reinstatement preceded by the project to delete the zeros. This is FACT and is backed up by Dr Shabibi’s own words when he addresses a news conference in 2015 saying that Iraq has an unpresented opportunity reinstate the Iraq dinar in early 2013 having all permission do so. If it were not for the raid on the CBI by Nori al-Maliki and the ousting of Dr Shabibi as the chairman, I would not be writing this…today…

11-18-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Again more Iraq dinar exchange rate talk. We know where they’re going with this… Article: “A financial official determines the possibility of changing the dollar exchange rate in next year’s budget” …there is a lot of talk about the exchange rate – back-fourth-back-fourth… My thought is that they’re gonna at the very least put it back to the rate it just changed from…right now you get 1450 dinar for every one dollar. They’re talking about going back to the old exchange rate which is you get 1190 dinar for every dollar…you want that number to continue to shrink. At least we’re taking a step in the right direction…I’ll take it in increments as long as it’s consistent…

11-18-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I guess there are a lot of folks out there calling for it between the 21st and 23rd… Not hearing anything new from Iraq or the middle east yet …but overall the news is pretty solid that they are moving forward and not going backwards…hopefully it will start picking up steam.

11-18-2021 Intel Guru Holly I had news last night that things should be flowing today. It is too early to get confirmation, so keep the positive thoughts going…

11-18-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …the real target we can put our arms around is still the early January 2022 timeframe. This is the only date, if we wanted to speculate, that makes any sense…The CBI has told us over and over again that the BEST time to change the currency rate is at the beginning of the FISCAL year. Jan 1st begins their new fiscal year. I am not now talking about changing the program rate but doing the reinstatement which is much, much bigger and much different…

11-18-2021 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] You don’t see them denying it anymore. That’s been cleared up. You don’t see them talking about 1 to 1 rate – that’s been introduced. You don’t see them talking about floating and going international – that’s been explained…The CBI governor and prime minister of Iraq both are talking alike. There is no more confusion. We are so close to the end. Both of these gentlemen are echoing each other’s words in front of the citizens on the topic of both of their reforms. Every day this is being sent out to the citizens of Iraq…IMO all this education should be exposed/done before January the 1st 2022.

11-18-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am hearing that they are pushing to get it out the door as quickly as possible…The Reno meetings were great. …It was very productive…Nobody knows the exact timing but I am thinking …based on chatter…that we should at least be making appointments before Thanksgiving…

11-17-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Demands to revaluate the dinar, the government responds” They accomplished what they wanted there’s no doubt about it. Quote “…the economist said…the exchange rate of the dollar should be gradually reduced to thirteen hundred dinars while keeping an eye on the cash transactions…” …I think in the beginning it’s going to be small increments because they want to see how it affects the economy. So the increase went from 1190 dinars for every dollar to 1450 which isn’t good. We don’t want the number to get bigger we want it to get smaller. They’re talking about meeting halfway to 1300 dinars. That might be more realistic. It might happen but I think this is what you’re gonna see. Increments. Gradual increase. But a lot quicker than people think…