Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-18-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-18-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-18-2021 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] You don’t see them denying it anymore. That’s been cleared up. You don’t see them talking about 1 to 1 rate – that’s been introduced. You don’t see them talking about floating and going international – that’s been explained…The CBI governor and prime minister of Iraq both are talking alike. There is no more confusion. We are so close to the end. Both of these gentlemen are echoing each other’s words in front of the citizens on the topic of both of their reforms. Every day this is being sent out to the citizens of Iraq…IMO all this education should be exposed/done before January the 1st 2022.

11-18-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am hearing that they are pushing to get it out the door as quickly as possible…The Reno meetings were great. …It was very productive…Nobody knows the exact timing but I am thinking …based on chatter…that we should at least be making appointments before Thanksgiving…

11-18-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …the real target we can put our arms around is still the early January 2022 timeframe. This is the only date, if we wanted to speculate, that makes any sense…The CBI has told us over and over again that the BEST time to change the currency rate is at the beginning of the FISCAL year. Jan 1st begins their new fiscal year. I am not now talking about changing the program rate but doing the reinstatement which is much, much bigger and much different…

11-17-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Demands to revaluate the dinar, the government responds” They accomplished what they wanted there’s no doubt about it. Quote “…the economist said…the exchange rate of the dollar should be gradually reduced to thirteen hundred dinars while keeping an eye on the cash transactions…” …I think in the beginning it’s going to be small increments because they want to see how it affects the economy. So the increase went from 1190 dinars for every dollar to 1450 which isn’t good. We don’t want the number to get bigger we want it to get smaller. They’re talking about meeting halfway to 1300 dinars. That might be more realistic. It might happen but I think this is what you’re gonna see. Increments. Gradual increase. But a lot quicker than people think…

11-17-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I firmly believe Al-Kazemi is going to be the next prime minister…the Sadar coalition won the majority during the election last October and the party is strongly considering al-Kazemi as their candidate and they told us so…I believe they will not revalue the currency until this is “officially” announced and al-Kazemi is seated…the reinstatement of the currency needs a stable government and getting the newly elected prime minister in place is part of a stable government.

11-17-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] the big news …is that Reno is a major hub of activity right now…there was a big Pow Wow – get together meeting between heads of state – and financial leaders from many, many countries – also our Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was there – representative from… Iraq…and many other countries…we believe they are setting up the schedule…for the remainder of the groups that are to go – and we of course in tier 4B at least one banker is suggesting a 90 – 95 % chance of us receiving our notifications either [Wednesday] or Thursday…this thing is constantly moving – but the indication is very good – we know that things are rolling in Iraq – we know that they’ve got plenty of assets backing their gold and dinar (golden dinar – which is the term used for it)…We hope it’s this week…things are looking very good…

11-17-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] The flow of information that’s coming out to the citizens is coming out at a much more rapid pace…it is detailed with so much information about their monetary reform and about the exchange rate and about the new currency…it is being done every day…they are revealing more to the citizens every day on an hourly basis and then they loop it and they repeat it…You can’t just drop the monetary reform in the lap of the Iraqi citizens without guidance, without education…

11-17-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Lots of folks are still in place. There were big meetings yesterday…They don’t know when they will start at this point…Other than that it has been very quiet… I know that everyone is tired of hearing this and I am tired of telling it…Just remember it’s a “when” not an “if” and we have so much good stuff coming.

11-17-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra They have done everything they need to do to bring the new rate and the new white papers in in glowing fashion. They’re ready to do that now. It’s apparent…they’re lining up on their digital platforms…’glory days’ of the currency – that’s what’s going on but also the country want to redevelop itself and rebuild itself to the glory days of what it once was. So it’s not only the currency…

11-17-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Firefly boots-on-the-ground Iraqi TV update] FIREFLY: Kazami advisor on news saying Iraq’s final payment to Kuwait at $600 million and that will complete Iraq’s compensation and lead Iraq back to the international community. This will be paid in full early 2022 thus releasing Iraq from the official article 7 making acceptance for Iraq.

11-17-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Banks are closed next Thursday and Friday so wonder if there might be a push to go before that.]
I am still looking for it to happen before but it is a important one to consider because many people have given us the 21st to 24th date…

11-17-2021 Newshound Guru Militiaman A lot of things are pointing toward a digital transformation is coming and from what we’re hearing the citizens have been educated. We get wind from boots-on-the-ground that in fact that’s the case – that there is shortages of currency…citizens are getting larger amounts of larger notes as apposed to the smaller ones…that is very telling situation at this stage of the game…we’ve heard today that the news about them talking about going back to the ‘glory days’ is being broadcasted on TV and has been and we get that from a very credible source…