Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-15-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-15-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-15-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 I believe the final segment of training with the private banks are done. I believe they are signaling that this Friday will be the finality of all this. I think there will be a statement from Abadi coming along with a national celebration by, if not on, Friday. Iraq is meeting with the WTO on Friday and I think they will be declaring that they are international before then. IMO Iraq could join the WTO with a low rate, just not a program rate because of the restrictions. However, I think the probability of this is about zero. I believe IMO that they are at least 1:1 or near it now.

11-15-2017 Intel Guru Delta Article 8 requires Iraq to have a rate that is fair for their neighbors and what will be called the “true” value.

11-15-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Right now we are in a situation where Iraq is looking to put out their actual rate for their dinar here if they haven’t done it already… I think we are looking to that possibly any moment. My understanding is their induction to the WTO, World Trade Organization, they need to have that international rate up and actively live beforehand. I don’t know how much before hand, I thought 3 days… …the control situation for Iraq has migrated over to the Central bank of Iraq, CBI, where they have the control on releasing that rate and showing that rate. That is a real positive step Iraq has done to do what they needed to do to be inducted into the WTO on Friday.

11-15-2017 Intel Guru Bruce The quote unquote the announcement from Iraq that has been made. The celebration is going to follow to celebrate they are sovereign, fully liberated from ISIS and back on the world stage as an international trading partner. That celebration…my understanding is that was to begin tomorrow [Wednesday]. I haven’t been able to confirm that tonight to know that for sure but that was my understanding yesterday. I am excited where we are to the process because every day I hear more and more what is coming together for us, and roughly how close we are and the fact we are right there.

11-14-2017 Newshound Guru Stryker Second Amendments to the 2004 CBI Law is Done…Iraqi Parliament voted on the second amendment to the 2004 CBI Law this morning…

11-17-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 With Speaker Jubouri in America … it seems Parliament got some work done …finally voting on that CBI law to “keep pace with global economic development ” … reading laws related to transparency in investing arbitration ,…. promoting tourism and Iraq’s rich history and antiquities as additional income streams…imo.

11-14-2017 Newshound Guru sandyf Of course Iraq can revalue at any time, done it several times over the years. A significant change can only be done at certain points in time. There is no precedent for anything other than percentage points on an overnight basis. [What are those “points in time?”…for any “significant” change…] It would need to be coincidental with an accounting period. Normally the smallest period would be a month… It should be fairly obvious that you cannot change wages an invoicing arrangements during a financial period. Also the structure of public companies would have to be altered. To understand the implications of a ‘significant’ change, people should look to what actually takes place during a redenomination. Zambia published online a set of technical guidelines for theirs which is well worth reading. A significant revaluation would be the equivalent of a redenomination without a change in currency code.

11-14-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “The House of Representatives votes on two laws and ends reading five laws” Quote: “The Council completed the vote on the second draft law of the Central Bank of Iraq Law No. (56) of 2004 on the Coalition Provisional Authority (dissolved) submitted by the financial committees and the economy and investment for the purpose of increasing the capital of the Central Bank of Iraq…” Parliament voted on CBI law.

11-14-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 On Monday, Parliament passed 4 laws, and voted to give the CBI the ability to increase its capital and granting powers. Abadi’s speech did not pinpoint the exact date of the “largest celebration ever in Iraq” however…I have just learned of that designated day but am awaiting further detail before disclosing it. Well, it’s Terrific Tuesday and we’re not even halfway yet! Time Will Tell!!

11-14-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: “The House of Representatives votes on two laws and ends reading five laws” Quote: “The Council completed the vote on the second draft law of the Central Bank of Iraq Law No. (56) of 2004 on the Coalition Provisional Authority (dissolved) and submitted by the financial committees and the economy and investment for the purpose of increasing the capital of the Central Bank of Iraq and keep abreast of global economic development…”] […great to see a vote finally on the cbi law ,this is one of the laws the IMF has asked for ,does it have to go into the gazette or is it now law…] I believe it needs to be entered into the Gazette or signed by the Pres. It usually happens rather quickly.