Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-7-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-7-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-7-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I asked [my CBI contact in Iraq] about the project to delete the zeros and was told it is coming and is now an active project no longer just a later project. I asked for some target dates and was given that they planned to redenominate sometime prior to the end of the year. To me this is so inline what we are thinking for a January 2024 reinstatement timeframe and other events also lining up.

10-7-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Wall Street Journal Article: “Iraq Asked for $1 Billion in Cash. This Time, Washington Said No.” Quote: “Iraq is seeking a special shipment of $1 billion in cash from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, but U.S. officials have withheld approval, saying the request runs counter to their efforts to rein in Baghdad’s use of dollars and halt illicit cash flows to Iran. Since the U.S. invasion of Iraq two decades ago, the U.S. has supplied $10 billion or more a year to Baghdad on semimonthly cargo flights carrying massive pallets of cash, drawn from Iraqi oil sales proceeds deposited at the Fed. In Iraqi hands, the bank notes have become a lucrative source of illicit dollars for powerful militias and corrupt politicians, as well as for Iran, U.S. officials say”

10-7-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …no update yet…from redemption center folks…as to whether they expect to work this weekend. I have been hitting a brick wall…their phones seem to be turned off…. I don’t know if that is a great thing or a coincidence. Yesterday a number of them told me they are on “stand by” specifically for currency exchanges. I think this is huge. Let’s see if something comes of it.

10-6-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 It [the dinar] will be introduced internationally. I don’t care if it stays at 1132 as long as it’s international. What is that definition? Restrictions free…The next step of the Iraqi dinar should be coming out… International equals a new exchange rate.

10-6-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [Iraqi banking friend Aki update] Can I bring my dinars to your bank to deposit them? AKI: No. I follow international laws. I’m a bank in the United States of American. You can only deposit American dollars in my bank. I work with the CBI but I follow American international laws.

10-6-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] More chatter on the Iraqi side of things with great expectations for the weekend. Most are looking Late Saturday/early Sunday for something from Iraq. Some type of announcement?

10-6-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy I think you’re going to see it go up in increments…but it’s going to take 2 or 3 years for it to even get close to 1 to 1. I know you guys don’t want to hear that…I definitely feel we’re going to get there within the next 3 years absolutely…It’s my feeling a lot of great things are happening over in the Middle East…

10-6-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] They are trading the rates up. Iraq did what they needed to do. They’re all good to go. They’ve already been sending out hydrocarbon law funds on the on the profit sharing, if you will of the oil and gas in Iraq…maybe we get notified Saturday, maybe it’s Monday afternoon, but either way we go we’re definitely moving forward this final result for us…

10-6-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man The parallel market is a black market. It’s illegal. They’re not supposed to be doing it. They’re only supposed to be doing trade in dinar…At some point in time, whether it be today, tomorrow, the next day or out to the end of the year, they’re going to de-dollarize the country…There’s illicit trade going on and there’s fraud/money laundering and the ultimate goal is to get rid of it…If you’re going to de-dollarize the country you’re going to need to bring it [dinar] some value because a dollar is worth a lot more than a dinar at the moment…

10-6-2023 Newshound Guru Jeff A very very very important article came out… “Iraq prohibits cash withdrawals in dollar in early January 2024″ This is either very very extremely good new or very extremely bad news… Quote: “The country will ban cash withdrawals and transactions in dollars starting from January 1, 2024 in the latest effort to limit the misuse of the country’s hard currency reserves in financial crimes” Again this is either very bad news or very good news. If you receive it as good news it has nothing to do with the rate change specifically in the month of January. The rate is not changing in January.

10-6-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A lot of my sources feel that Monday is our day…A lot of them …actually…think our day is before that and Monday is when we start going to the bank! They are all expecting big things this weekend. I am hesitant to say if it’s a “go” or “not a go” just yet. But I am excited about the potential. There is nothing negative at all.

10-6-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They are saying within two weeks it will be the first step of the electronic transfer formation. FRANK: In two weeks they told Iraqi citizens they will be the first step of the electronic transfer formation? Which started on the 28th of last month? So what are your intentions in two weeks CBI? What are you sending across your border internationally?

10-6-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Article: “Iraq to end all dollar cash withdrawals by Jan. 1 2024 official” Breaking news…Iraq will bank cash withdrawals and transactions in US dollars as of January 1 2024 in the latest push to curb the misuse of hard currency reserves in financial crimes and the evasion of US sanctions on Iraq….This move aims to stamp out the illicit use of some 50% of the 10 billion US dollars that Iraq imports in cash from New York Federal reserve each year…guys this is major.

10-6-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Iraq prohibits cash withdrawals in dollars as of the beginning of 2024″. Quote: “A senior official in the Central Bank of Iraq said that the country will ban cash withdrawals and transactions in US dollars as of January 1, 2024, in the latest effort to limit the misuse of the country’s hard currency reserves in financial crimes…dollars deposited in 2024 can only be withdrawn in local currency at the official rate of 1,320 dinars to the dollar.

10-6-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …From the banking side (I got this from a couple different sources) So from bankers in different states…They were told they are officially on “STAND BY”… We have not seen that in a very, very long time…and I have never gotten it from multiple states in different areas that are un-related…AND, these are from different top-tier banks. So this is something going out from multiple banks…in multiple states.