Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-5-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-5-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-5-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Boots on the ground SuperGirl in Erbil Update] I spoke with Dyaa and his family, so far no one has received anything nor have they heard anyone receive anything concerning the HCL… FRANK: We are hearing it from many sources but we believe they are just rumors. They mentioned they may be doing traunches but we have not seen any evidence of it yet.

10-5-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are hearing some conflicting opinions that we need the house of representatives to be back with a new speaker of the house to remove the remaining sanctions on Iraq. It is my understanding the bill is already at the senate and it could happen at any time.

10-5-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I don’t really talk specifically on rates…But…we’ve got very strong rates on dinar and Dong well into double digits.

10-4-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They’re saying in two weeks it will be the first step of the electronic transformation. FRANK: That would be the digital electronic international transformation. {Mic drop}

10-4-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Where are they going to get all the money to do all this road construction? Where are you going to get all the money for the water, sewer and all of those things? Where is that money going to come from when you have an exchange rate at 1310? Everybody should be pretty happy to see Iraq is getting ready to be underway…

10-4-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Some banking sources Think redemptions may start on Monday…they think this…but do not know for sure. Focus on the fact that we are seeing solid progress…and that things are close. To be honest I am hoping for it to happen this weekend.

10-4-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Financial expert: The International financial system prevents Iraq from dealing with non-dollars” It’s kind of hard to be part of a system that prevents you from dealing in non-us dollars…People are not using the central bank. The United States is not helping the central bank central the issue. They’re creating the issue. They’re creating the black market.

10-4-2023 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Iraqis celebrate their 91st National Day” Quote: “Iraqis celebrate the 91st National Day, as Iraq became the first Arab country to get rid of the British mandate, and the 57th in the world to gain independence and full powers in accordance with international law.”

10-4-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …they paid contractors…and they’re also paying on the HCL Law…The oil and gas law…they’ve paid people that we know have already received it…So Iraq is rolling…they’re doing everything that they said that they were going to do and bringing it out including their budget and all of that good stuff…I’m looking forward to everything transpiring. This is an incredible time for us. Everything is ready to go…getting ready to get notified that appointments can start exchanges… hopefully as early as tomorrow [Wednesday] afternoon/evening.

10-4-2023 Guest Guru PompeyPeter Iraq has to be Article VIII to ascend to the WTO…Are they going to say they’re Article VIII at 1300? No they’re not. Absolutely not. Theoretically/technically they could but they’re not…How do we know they’re not? They’ll implode. They cannot do all the things listed on the budget. Why would you go at 1300 to 1 when you could go 1 to 4?

10-4-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Al-Sudani congratulated him on the National Day: Iraq will remain a pillar of stability, security and prosperity in the world” Quote: “In February of 2008, it was decided to make October 3 a national holiday, and that decision was not effective until September 2020 after the Iraqi government issued a law related to the national holiday.”

10-4-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: hearing that a currency lockdown has occurred. Have you heard this Mark? MarkZ: No I havn’t…but I am wondering if that is why there is sudden quiet out of Iraqi contacts. I reached out yesterday and today and am hitting a brick wall. It would not surprise me if a currency lockdown had started in-country. Question: What is a currency lock-down? MarkZ: Basically it is where a country locks down borders so people cannot come and go carrying currency…while they handle a “change in value” ….In other words they go dark similar to what Kuwait did for about 10 days.

10-4-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [Iraqi banking friend Aki update] Why October 1st [to open your bank]? AKI: This date was chosen. That date was based on when the HCL would come out. Also this date was picked to pay the Iraqi citizens their oil sales proceeds through the HCL. As of yesterday [October 1st] all Iraqi citizens past the age of 16 years old should have opened an account or one was opened for them…As of [October 1st] Iraqi citizens from around the world can open in these banks. They’ve been coming in to my bank to open up because of the monetary reform education…

10-4-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Now they will only use the auctions for the GOI to run its businesses from now on making it very difficult for Iran to steal dinars through the auctions because that’s where they used to steal the dollar through the auctions but there are no more dollars and that’s why your security and stability is so strong right now. That’s why we believe you’re article VIII and the whole world is pouring in right now because they know that.

10-4-23 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article quote: “The union submitted an invitation to the organization to attend the introductory symposium on Iraq’s entry into the World Trade Organization which will be held October 4, 2023…” You have World Trade Organization going to have a meeting…We’re going to have to wait and see how that turns out…Ascension is hopefully on the table…

10-4-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE CENTRAL BANK INTENDS TO ADOPT FOUR CURRENCIES INSTEAD OF THE DOLLAR FOR EXTERNAL TRANSFER” Yes, they are finally going to pay for imports outside of the dollar. Wonderfull news for us… Yet another sign the currency auctions to pay for imports solely in US dollars is coming to an end and fast. This yet more WOW! News!

10-4-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ …I am told we will suddenly see a lot of movement on the removal of sanctions…I expect to see that in the next day or two…