Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-5-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-5-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-5-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …they said on this Saturday the 5th they were going to vote on the Education Minister now they’re not showing any intentions of doing that…ONE article says that tomorrow, Saturday, most of the political blocks will vote to dismiss the government. So be cautious with that. It may not happen. We’ll have to wait and see…

10-5-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni These Iraqi protests have gone on now for several days. This is not what we as investors want to see happen. Delays in reform and investment will be the result. Not good…They need to get investment and companies to come in and put people to work, that is what will raise the value of the currency.

10-4-2019 Intel Guru MilitiaMan …The CBI on the 10/01/2019 has since been in extensive research, preparation and coordination to go live globally! They have the ability of global distribution now from the looks of it…All is good for us and those looking for a bright future in Iraq…So let’s see if the saturation and distribution gets out to the citizens this weekend or there real close. The 15th is not far off. Lots of things line up on that date.. As in the 2020 Budget, citizens demands, China Taxes and Tariffs with the USA, etc. ~ imo ~ MM

10-4-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat [Guru] Frank26 says 12 large armored trucks traveling to banks seen…I want everyone to know these trucks are NOT filled with the smaller of the smaller category notes. They are the promised 250, 500 and 1000 dinar notes…the CBI needed to replace these notes. These are now the replacement notes. So this has NOTHING to do with the RV…

10-4-2019 Newshound Guru Bloodloch [reference sandyf post 10-3-2019] “The CBI has an IQD denominated liability in respect of the currency that has been issued. This liability is underpinned by assets but the bulk of the assets are foreign currency denominated. If the IQD were to rise in value the liability would increase but the asset value would remain the same. There is only about 8% equity in the CBI accounts so it would not take much of a rise in the value of the IQD for the CBI to be bankrupt.” Companies, institutions, central banks, and everyone else on planet Earth use a single valuation unit to record and report their assets, liabilities, and equities, said unit usually being their respective national currency. In the case of the CBI financials, it is all valued in Iraqi Dinars, period. All the assets. All the liabilities. All the equities. All IQD.

10-4-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “SAUDI ARABIA ALLOWS AND ENCOURAGES INVESTMENTS IN THE IRAQI STOCK EXCHANGE” …we already heard that October was the timeframe to begin the Nasdaq indexes also. Now we are seeing the Saudis also coming online. This is all fantastic news. How can they go much longer without having a rate to trade on FOREX?…

10-4-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Every ounce of effort put into this venture will one day (soon) return many times over.

10-4-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We were hoping we wouldn’t see you today…and you were in NDA land. I am not under an NDA yet…Noone really knows what the rate is going to be…just plan for higher and lower rates… If anything big happens I will be sure to update you this weekend…

10-4-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …What is the rate change waiting on? What steps does the rate change need for the rate change to occur? …(Things shared with you are not set in stone)…they still have to get the money ready to go and the money has to be allocated and be ready to be dispersed. Those steps have to come from a budget…the 2020 budget is linked to the rate change big time. It’s got a lot of financial allocations and monies…items that pertain strongly to the rate change. So they have to complete the budget before the rate can change. It’s that simple…that’s the reason I’ve been telling you that the rate cannot change this year. It’s because they have to finish and approve and complete the 2020 budget which will roll into next year.

10-4-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat “IRAQ: DEMONSTRATIONS OVER UNEMPLOYMENT, CORRUPTION AND POOR PUBLIC SERVICES.” …they were demanding currency reform. …The protestors actually do have this on their list of demands. This is all VERY good for us and our investment. A government like the GOI can’t keep making these promises to the people and then do nothing. Eventually the people will rise up and do something to get what was promised…is the GOI going to meet the demands? We know one of them is the currency reform. The demonstrators gave them 15 days to meet the demands.