Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-4-15

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-4-15

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-4-2015 Newshound Guru Millionday Article quote: “Rafidain Bank announced its readiness to cover documentary remittance and emerging companies and traders who import goods from outside Iraq.” THIS IS HUGE AND IS THE BEGINNING OF A MARKET ECONOMY — TRADE — DOCUMENTARY REMITTANCE. THIS IS A HUGE STEP TO ACTIVATE THE ECONOMY WHICH GOES WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR — INVESTORS ETC. THIS IS THE ANNOUNCEMENT THEY ARE READY — NOT PREPARING. VERY GOOD NEWS.

10-4-2015 Newshound Guru Millionday Article quote: “…a formal letter of Abadi Office arrived to al-Maliki, in this regard, asking him to hand over all public property, which is still occupied, to the official concerned authorities in the Government, within 48 hours…” HE WAS ORDERED 48 HOURS…THIS IS CURRENT NEWS OF AN ORDER FROM ABADI — SO WITH TIME CHANGE I WOULD SAY TOMORROW [SUNDAY] OR NEXT MORNING IS HOW LONG HE HAS… THIS IS A FORMAL ORDER THAT WOULD RESULT IN A WARRANT IMO AND BY LAW THAT I HAVE READ.

10-4-2015 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article quote: “Rafidain Bank expressed readiness to cover documentary remittance and emerging companies and traders who import goods from outside Iraq.” …this is really the same thing as what the CBI instituted back in March. Rather than purchasing foreign exchange through the auctions, merchants use these remittances through their bank (in this case the Rafidain) to do the currency conversion and payment for imports. This method provides the most secure method and justifies the exchange of foreign currency (know your customer). The end result is a reduction of criminal activities such as money laundering and hopefully reduces the demand on the CBI’s reserves.

10-4-2015 Newshound Guru Chattels National Reconciliation is the term used for establishment of so-called ‘national unity’ in countries beset with political problems. Again I say, National Reconciliation is a process and not an event. A very complicated process in Iraq that is likely impossible to begin until DAESH is ousted from Iraq. There may be a plan developed and definition of the interests to be included in a methodology, but it is not something to legislated one day, IMO.

10-4-2015 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG I was likely mistaken about the Law of 3 presidencies…[see BGG post 10-2-2015] – the one dealing with Maliki is the Law of Advisors (I think)…I was confused about what they were talking about…not uncommon for them to “evolve terms”… and I thought that was what was going on there… they appear to be two different piece of legislation…but all of this is really not the point – Abadi just gave Maliki 48 hours to get out…that is the DEAL.

10-3-2015 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article quote: “the Committee of Economy and Investment Authority hold on Sunday a consultative meeting for the purpose of Search Investment Law and the addition of some paragraphs.” Looks like last Tuesday or Wednesday they met and reviewed or made changed (second amendment) of the Investment Law. And now a meeting is scheduled for tomorrow to see it its ready to go to a vote or not.

10-3-2015 RUMOR Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: “The Central Bank serves development and creates an appropriate environment through monetary and economic stability, the Central Bank’s reserves is to support exchange rate stability and to economic stability…” Dr Shabibi has been very quit for a very long time. So why now does he decide to speak out? I believe it is because he feels safe and less threatened by the goons of the past Maliki administration. The atmosphere is the government is slowly changing. He feels the Abadi administration is different and is making real reforms to create the political stability he needs to operate so now they can realistically address the monetary and fiscal policies needed to bring Iraq out of this economic crisis. So I have been saying all along and emphasizing that the CBI needs STABILITY prior to any RV.

10-3-2015 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Have been sitting here…contemplating the news…though it may not be telling us much…it still appears to be showing how things are being done in lightening speed within Iraq at the moment… First Dr. S [Shabibi]…found the fortitude to speak out against his nemesis, Maliki. Now we see PM Abadi doing much the same thing but on a more “global” scale asking for help, but at the same time …telling the world…we aren’t going to play political favorites while we fight terrorism. Abadi is saying…we’ve had enough of the games, it is time to get serious… They need time…time to get the LAWS working for them….time to deal with security and terrorists….time to make things safe to spring forward to their next level…the BEST is yet to come and you don’t know how incredibly true that is becoming.

10-3-2015 Newshound Guru Millionday “…text of the draft of the National Guard, which was approved by the President of the Republic Act based on the provisions of subsection (I) of Article (61) and Forever (Third) of Article (73) of the Constitution. This law was initiated due to security circumstances through which Iraq is due to exposure to terrorist attack…” APPROVED BY EXECUTIVE ORDER…IT MEANS EXECUTIVE POWER WAS USED DUE TO DIRE NEED IN COUNTRY. HOWEVER — THE CONSTITUTIONAL ARTICLES ARE NOT RIGHT BUT — HE DOES HAVE POWER FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY — SO WE WILL SEE WHAT ELSE COMES OUT TO VERIFY THIS REPORT. THINGS ARE MOVING FAST RIGHT NOW — SO OBVIOUSLY IT IS VERY INTERESTING TO SAY THE LEAST.

10-3-2015 Newshound Guru Chattels The Three Presidency Law has nothing to do with Maliki’s position as VP…Maliki has appealed the Abadi “decree” eliminating his position…Allawi also. And both continue to “act” as VP’s according to the news reports. Maliki’s immunity is not absolute anyway.

10-3-2015 Newshound Guru sczin11 If the Parliament site in Iraq is accurate regarding the reading of laws and their dates respectively, there are 2 TWO readings and a Vote! Not 3 as some try and preach! As far as the AML- it was passed by HOR mid sept – from there stops by COM for final approval on way to POR for ratification, before hitting the press – the official gazette! As of a few days ago, it was stated the need to go back to com for final approval, SO based on current ink, I would say it is NOT in the gazette…

10-3-2015 RUMOR Mnt Goat Progress of Reform Laws: 1) Islamic Banking Act, passed by the House of Representatives at its meeting on Thursday 10/1. 2) second reading of the Law of the Three Presidencies. I believe this law is not needed for RV but surely puts more nails in the political future of Maliki in Iraq. It does add to the political stability of Iraq. We have already seen the Parties Law passed in parliament in mid August and I feel this presidencies law goes hand in hand with it. 3)We are told that the Investment Law also is done but we still await the formal announcement (much needed for the RV). 4)We still wait for the National Guard, Amnesty and Accountability and Justice laws (high priority and critical prior to any RV)

10-3-2015 Newshound Guru Millionday Article quote: “the Second Amendment to the Iraqi investment law has been completed once and for all, after included several paragraphs…” NOTE — HAS BEEN COMPLETED ONCE AND FOR ALL — WHOOPOW. THIS IS FOR ALLOCATIONS AND DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN INVESTMENTS. SO NOW THEY WANT TO PASS IT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE…A THUMBS UP FROM UN AND A RUSH ON IMPLEMENTATION…