Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-25-17
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-25-17
10-25-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article Quote: “Iraq and Saudi Arabia are two major economic powers in the world to acquire the wealth of the two sides, which require a large volume of work that requires the efforts of the private sector in both countries and the region, as well as the evolving global effort to invest in wealth in a way that changes the shape of the economies of the region for the better.” In other words they are saying, “There is money to be made guys… Lets get to it.”…
10-25-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: “Abadi defends role of Iranian-backed paramiltaries at meeting with Tillerson” Quote: “In his opening remarks at the meeting with Tillerson, Abadi said Popular Mobilisation “is part of the Iraqi institutions,” rejecting accusations that it is acting as an Iranian proxy.” These articles are the reality of Iraq right now, it ain’t pretty but it’s the facts. Abadi’s reluctance to remove the Iranians from Iraq is a huge indicator for who’s really in control of Iraq. Tillerson told them to go and Abadi told him to go pound sand. This article is an illustration for why we’re still sitting here waiting for Iraq to move towards an open market economy, it’s because they do what Iran tells them to do, not the US or EU. Hopefully Iran will allow the Iraqi people to move towards an open market economy and things will change for the dinar, but in the meantime, articles like this help answer the question; “What the hell are these guys waiting for?”
10-25-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Cash in up front only what you need. Remember, when you cash in your dinar you’ve created a taxable event. So only cash in what you need. So what do you need? Well you have debts you’re going to want to pay off…you’re going to have certain expenses…Legal and accounting expenses that are going to be coming up in the future. Some plans that are going to require some money…so all of those things need to be taken care of. Only cash in enough to take care of that to meet your immediate needs. Next, get your house taken care of. Pay off your mortgage…your cars. All the debts you have hanging on your shoulders, pay them off. Is there going to be a taxable event? Of course there is obviously and you’re going to calculate whatever your taxes are…this is where you also have a conversation with your tax professional. Because when it comes to fruition they ARE going to listen to you. Because money always talks…so take care of those things first.
[NOTE: The above should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-25-2017 Intel Guru Bruce In Iraq Prime Minister Abadi had made an announcement on Sunday or Saturday…The language in it was very positive about economic reforms moving forward….The idea of the restoration of Iraq. The belief was that it was what was needed to be said by Prime Minister Abadi to move Iraq forward and release everything in terms of the blessing. Everything we have heard is very positive where we are right now with all the currencies coming together, and with all countries coming to together in agreement. With the timing of this coming very close… I can just tell you we really thought we were there even last night. Things happened that didn’t allow it. Those things have been handled and it is moving forward. We are in a great place…
10-25-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “A new project to provide electronic payment services to local banks” Quote: “…while confirming the company portal of Iraq Electronic Financial Services, it is certified according to international standards and instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq, and sets the best global financial practices” …logic says that the banks of Iraq are not just connected to the American banks but they are now connected to every bank on this planet earth!!! AMAZING!!!…LOL…guess what’s next!!!
10-24-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: “A new project to provide electronic payment services to local banks” “Coordinating Council” Quotes: “while confirming the company portal of Iraq Electronic Financial Services, it is certified according to international standards and instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq, and sets the best global financial practices between De Iraqi citizen to facilitate his life and work for the benefit of financial institutions and bodies of the national economy.” “Iraq and Saudi Arabia are two major economic powers in the world to acquire the wealth of the two sides…” These are exciting arts. This is occuring now not in the future.
10-24-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Do you think Abadi is waiting a bit to help his chances with the election in April? I wonder if the RV will come in then just before the election to help him?] …if Abadi wants to influence the voters, he should be doing the RV right now so that the citizens can be enjoying the benefits.
10-24-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: “The largest US banks .. Praises the performance of Iraqi banks” [Corresponding banks are the key to this moving forward. The USA banks have linked themselves with Iraqi banks so when the time comes for a reality rate EVERYONE is on the same page.] BINGO!…And this process continues to move forward, and closer to that time…
10-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “MP NIAZI MIRAMAR OGLU CALLED ON FRIDAY TO PASS THE LEGISLATION OF THE OIL AND GAS LAW” …we get yet more confirmation that HCL and Article 140 is not completed and was actually the reason for the Kurdistan referendum in the first place. Iraq will not have peace and not have justice in distribution of their wealth until this issue is resolved and the proper legislation is passed in parliament. As Mnt Goat told everyone the referendum will soon cause the final draft of HCL to be brought before parliament for passage. Is this technically needed prior to the RV? NO – of course not, but we are not talking technically. Instead we are talking about political stability and this last round of nonsense over Kirkuk oil should convince everyone of this. Do we need this for the RV for STABILITY reasons? I am told a BIG Fat YES!
10-24-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 No matter what the dinar rate comes out at, there is more to come, whether for a few hours, days or weeks. Whatever it comes out at, it may go up but certainly won’t go down. This is a country’s currency, and the rate will stay at that level at least for a while.