Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-23-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-23-2020
10-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy I’m speculating, it’s just my opinion, you’re either going to see this revaluation of the Iraq dinar happen either before the election or sometime in January. I don’t like doing dates and rate but there’s a lot of other things that are happening around this timeframe and I have a feeling the IQD is going to play a huge part of this…I don’t have any proof of what I’m saying..I’m just saying to you based on a lot of conversations that that I have with different people, based on a lot of news that I’ve read, based on a lot of articles that I’ve read, there’s some type of race going on, there really is, as far as what monetary system is going to be used.
10-23-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Why are there so many articles about floating the dinar over the years? Because that is how monetary policy truly works. Exchange rates rise as economies grow. Nothing Is random…
10-23-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The White Paper for Economic Reforms: vision and key objectives” Quote: “The Iraqi government has formally adopted the White Paper for Economic Reforms prepared by the Crisis Cell for Financial and Fiscal Reform.” No matter how we slice this, they need an international exchange rate prior to launching. They European Bank of Reconstruction and Development is in the final stages for Iraq’s ascension to the bank. It is with them and along with the Global Accounting Firms of Ernst & Young and Pricewater House – Cooper that are involved with the final requirements. To get to the final requirements tells us this White Paper has already been in play for many months and years already. To meet with the EBRD and E & Y and PWHC is for to implement it internationally.
10-22-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I told you guys a while back…that I wasn’t sure why but there was a lot of central banks that were stocking up on the IQD which at the time didn’t make no sense…In addition I told you that the BIS oversaw very large currency swap that involved the Iraqi dinar. Also I told you there’s a lot of countries that have been making moves recently on the IQD as well. What this means is – I’m not sure. But there are a lot of people moving on IQD. I can’t help but think that all these counties and banks are stocking up on IQD then it might be…Iraq becomes somehow a poor man’s version of the international reserve currency for whatever this thing is that they’re doing…this is just speculation but there’s too many moving parts that seem to be going together here…
10-22-2020 Intel Guru Footforward […since it goes to the forex market, can Iraq update it during a banking holiday or Iraq’s weekend?] yes. I’ve been told that Iraq can update or change their rate any time they want.
10-22-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “A member of Parliament Finance sets an expected date for the October salary distribution” Quote: “He emphasized that the government should proceed with its reforms, noting that the Minister of Finance said that the White Paper will be implemented as of January 1, 2021.” …Reforms are a part of the White Papers. What the White papers are yet to have exposed to the masses, is first and prior to any implementation of the White papers, is a rate at which the reforms will be allocated in and to! Yep, prior to the end of year salaries that are yet to be determined Or have yet to be paid is a rate for the last final 4 months of the year…
10-22-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] On the RV front I am still hearing very positive things that lead me to believe we will see this before the end of the month. Lots of chatter…I am also hearing we should have a lot of news by tomorrow morning.
10-22-2020 Intel Guru Bruce …it feels like we’re saying Sayonara! And we kinda are – at least in our expectation is great for something very proximate to now…could we start Thursday? More likely – we’ll see what happens – It’s a heads up…not calling it – just saying – this is what I am getting…And talking about rates…Dinar and Dong much higher than we all thought – front screen rates – much higher – you will be just fine – So don’t sweat it…it’s going to be wonderful…I believe this is coming to us and we’re ready to move on and get this done – it appears that they are ready…
10-22-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …They probably released the most important piece of news today that we’ve seen this entire year…Article: “Urgent Parliament holds a session next Saturday, completes electoral districts and reads the law on financing the fiscal deficit” …the borrowing law is needed…they’ve told us factually in the news that the large deficit within the budget is the reforms…they’re saying on Saturday they’re going to start the first reading of the fiscal deficit…this is probably the most important news that you’ve ever seen this entire year…This is huge.
10-22-2020 Intel Guru Footforward Article quotes: “The Iraqi government is working hard to implement financial and administrative reforms, and the reform white paper outlines to overcoming crises and achieves development in various fields.”; “Al-Kadhimi’s European Tour which started on October 18 includes London, Paris and Berlin.” I believe they are looking for people to invest in Iraq’s economy which is about to boom…He’s not out begging for a hand out. He’s looking for investment in Iraq because they are about to revalue their currency in my opinion…He’s doing this so they have deals in place to hit the ground running.