Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-22-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-22-2020
10-22-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …They probably released the most important piece of news today that we’ve seen this entire year…Article: “Urgent Parliament holds a session next Saturday, completes electoral districts and reads the law on financing the fiscal deficit” …the borrowing law is needed…they’ve told us factually in the news that the large deficit within the budget is the reforms…they’re saying on Saturday they’re going to start the first reading of the fiscal deficit…this is probably the most important news that you’ve ever seen this entire year…This is huge.
10-22-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] […is it true Trump is being fined every day the RV is delayed?] I cannot find anything to support that anywhere…i have dug and spoken with contacts at the Hague…I believe it is out of Trump’s control. I was told he signed over his control of the event. I do not believe that is accurate.
10-22-2020 Intel Guru Footforward Article quotes: “The Iraqi government is working hard to implement financial and administrative reforms, and the reform white paper outlines to overcoming crises and achieves development in various fields.”; “Al-Kadhimi’s European Tour which started on October 18 includes London, Paris and Berlin.” I believe they are looking for people to invest in Iraq’s economy which is about to boom…He’s not out begging for a hand out. He’s looking for investment in Iraq because they are about to revalue their currency in my opinion…He’s doing this so they have deals in place to hit the ground running.
10-21-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra Question “Do you think that the reinstatement of the Iraq dinar is about to work?” Is that a rhetorical question? Yes Absolutely it is. That’s one of the reasons why I’ve been so quiet because I’m just waiting for them to make their move.
10-21-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …our days are coming to an end…Once they say to the citizens come into the bank…we want to show you something. Once they do that. The moment they do that I’m done…you understand that my friend [guru] walkingstick, the firm that he belongs to has over 600 employees…about a couple dozen owners…of those 20, two of them own banks that represent that company of Walkingstick’s…It’s been there for over 30 years…that’s why whenever the CBI does something for the monetary reform they call…the one who owns banks in Iraq…sometimes we are able to give it [intel] to you…sometimes we don’t give it to you…it’s fascinating…and now coming to an end IMO…
10-20-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We know that in order to do this FLOAT they will NOT use the program rate and the currency auctions must be stopped in order to “reinstate” the dinar. They also…talk about “increasing the GLOBAL DEMAND” which we all should know by now means to get rid of the auctions and get it back on FOREX and use the dinar for trade once again. But as usual some economist also do not agree with Dr. Shabibi and the CBI in wanting to do this FLOAT…So this only confirms to us again that they are serious about the FLOAT. We know the process that is involved and it means first accomplishing the “project to delete the zeros” and so articles also talk about doing this now too along with the thinking of the FLOAT. Folks this is all “WOW!” and fantastic news for us…
10-21-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Red herrings…False flags… Chicken littles, running around yelling about the sky falling. You know what I’m seeing? The home stretch. …we are approaching the most critical and crucial time in history for the Iraqi Dinar. …This recent string of “concerning news” is the best thing I’ve seen in a long time! Article: “Collapse of the dinar is possible” This is a prime example of what we expect to see immediately before the RV. They want as much dinar sold back to them as possible. I’m not suggesting anyone “buy on bad news” – but I certainly won’t be bailing right now! This is the make or break time for Iraq – for better, or worse, we should have closure soon. I think we are headed in a great direction. Go Iraq…Go Dinar…GO RVVV!
10-21-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …the citizens started protesting last year on October 25th. The citizens are saying they’re going to bring it back and do it again…the citizens are only giving the government until October 25th of this year to have the reforms done. This is looming in the background…
10-21-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …there is an article that I think is a super huge big deal…because it’s gonna make a huge difference on what’s going on in the Middle East and that includes obviously Iraq… Article: “A Saudi Prince Declares Independence From Old Obligations” …this news here is huge…nobody wants the status quo anymore and this is important for what we want to accomplish over in Iraq…you’re gonna see the middle easy really really have an economic boom…I’m anticipating one more peace agreement probably coming out this week if not the following week. I think you’re gonna see Iraq along with Jordan come on board…This is great for a short term and long term investment into Iraq. The more stable that whole entire region becomes the easier it is to attract outside investors in who can help your economy boom…this is big news.
10-21-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Its been very quiet…It was even quieter than yesterday…I am hopeful we will soon see movement…everyone seems to still be sitting on “GO”…we sit here on the edge of our seats. They have been hiding the dates and rates on purpose for security reasons…
10-21-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …A lot of people keep asking me ‘Why do you have so much confidence in the Iraqi dinar?’ 1. Iraq has the U.S. dollar to back it up. That’s the bedrock of Iraq. 2. They can get loans that help them get more dollars. They’re selling oil, not only that, they have resources where they can get loans and they get it in the U.S. dollar…I can’t wait. It’s coming. I promise you…have a plan when it revalues…
10-21-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra …we’ve got Mnuchin in the Middle East…At the very same time we’ve got Kazemi in the European theater. Both are doing business. They’re not there for a tea party. They’re both there to do business. And that is going to position Iraq into a great opportunity of being the central country for business and trade in the Middle East…yes they are Article 8 but they need to do one more step to be formal and that would be to announce their new rate…
10-21-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …IOO the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar has landed at the CBI. Now you have to be patient and allow them to get everything in order…you have to let them finish what they’re doing. They’ve landed IOO and now they’re going to tell the citizens…