Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-22-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-22-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …let me clarify yet more misunderstandings being passed around. Within the 10 years of the Iraqi embargo prior to the 2003 war with Iraq, the Saddam Hussein currency went into hyper- inflation. This was an intentional stifling of the economy, while pressure was exerted while complying with UN resolutions for the inspection program for weapons of mass destruction. Essentially the economy of Iraq fell apart. Remember the oil for food program. Why in hell do you think they had that program? Contrary to many of the beliefs by the dinar investment community, the rate as this time was not even close to the infamous $3.22 rate, everyone talks about and uses to justify this investment. So let me dispel this rumor.

10-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Next, once the newer 3 zero notes replaced the old Saddam notes, they had to slow down and stabilize the economy somehow. How did they do this? They did this by issuing the news notes along with instituting the a “de facto” peg of these notes to the US dollar. This was pegged to the US dollar only and not the British pound. The CBI and IMF have told us this countless times already in articles and news. Next, this “de facto” peg is not a float and is not even close to a float the IMF has talked about putting the Iraqi dinar on, once they move the currency out of sanction restrictions (which I believe they are now doing) and back to “full” international status. I don’t care to get fussy in what specifically they will call the float they will use but it will be a “fixed float” in that the market will determine the value based on supply and demand for the currency. In other words, they will fix an initial value and let the market drive it.

10-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …there is no reason to compare the Iraqi dinar to the Kuwait dinar experience. The is no reason why the Iraqi dinar may not rise very quickly once they unplug it from the financial sanctions and restrictions and place it back on the open market. If it gets out of hand, the IMF will simply step in and regulate it. But when they do, this it will be with the old 3 zero notes combined with the newer lower denominations. Both will coincide for up to 10 years, as the CBI has told us. The dinar is planned to be pegged at his time to an SDR basket (five leading global currencies). …the value is not now artificially low, as it…went into hyper-inflation due to the sanctions and embargo of 1991. The dinar has been valued at exactly the rate it deserves. But having said all this – there are the recent Abadi reforms, the growing of the economy and the political stability and the security that has changed Iraq for the good and so it is time to change the value and progress to a new rate.

10-22-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: “Names of government delegation accompanying Abadi to Saudi Arabia” Quote: “Prime Minister Haider al-Abbadi visited the head of a large government delegation to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and during the meeting it was agreed to form a joint council between the two countries concerned with security and economic affairs.” …seems like Abadi took his whole Cabinet with him! … and some high-level advisers … people who actually get things done in the GOI … as compared to Parliament … US-SOS Tillerson as well …thinking there is far more involved here than just a feel-good visit to the neighbor … imo.

10-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Tell me …What is Faster than The Speed of Light? IMO, The Iraqi RI …(smile) […I’m smiling… and I’m patient… it’s coming soon to a bank near U.S.] IMO… In my Soul…Yes…For they have no choice. This MR path is not of their making…It was Instructed to them to Follow and Accomplish. Their once Baby Steps are now well Balanced in the Direction they are…Running to.

10-21-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: “KOGAZ invests $ 372 million in Iraqi oil fields” All of the turmoil, and upheaval going on in Iraq is certainly affecting investors decisions to do business with them… NOT…

10-21-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “US Treasury: We pay attention to the development of the private banking sector in Iraq” Quote: “The US Treasury announced on Friday that it is paying great attention to the development of the private banking sector in Iraq, indicating that it is optimistic about the opening of relations between Iraqi banks and US banks.” …this is a grand slam! Connectivity to the UST.. “on set 1″ Already started…

10-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Celebrations are anticipated for Iraq on Saturday, platforms and bleachers have been constructed and strategically placed and an extremely large Iraqi flag has been mounted. The Prime Minister’s speech is accordingly scheduled as preparations are being completed. Iraqi TV is showing military mobilization to retake the last two provinces held by Daesh along with officials speaking of being congratulated for their efforts of economic reforms. They talked of many countries and /or businesses getting involved to help them rebuild the country. Some US banks are anticipating exchanging everyone starting next week…they are seeing a higher Dinar rate on the screen. Time Will Tell!