Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-22-15

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-22-15

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-22-2015 Newshound Guru Millionday Article quote: “necessity of activating the themes contained in the government program through the development of policies and mechanisms for implementation and applied to the development of economic sectors trends that achieve what is stated in these themes in the detailed aspects and determine the timeframe for their implementation.” …THE NEWS IS AMAZING…I AM SO EXCITED. FORMATION BEING DONE FOR NATIONAL OIL COMPANY DUE TO LONG AWAITED HCL AND FORMATION OF THE ECONOMIC COUNCIL FOR THE FINANCIAL POLICIES — MONETARY REFORM INTERNATIONAL BANKING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT — WITH CALL FOR A STRICT VERY RUSHED DATE TO BE GIVEN SO THEY CAN MOVE FORWARD AS OTHER COUNTRIES. THEY HAVE TO ACTIVATE THE GROUP OF EXPERTS TO MONITOR MONEY DEVELOPMENT AND GIVE AN EXACT DATE. TIME TO RELEASE INTERNATIONAL EQUATION AND GLOBAL PRICES IMO. …IMO WE ARE VERY CLOSE…THE IMPORTANCE TO MOVE FORWARD — IMO — NEED VALUES FIRST THING.

10-22-2015 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “Conscious / parliamentary Economy: Investment Law will happen quantum leap in Iraq’s revenues” What an interesting choice of words here…”quantum leap” in revenues for Iraq…why…due to the Investment Law and the amendments that are currently being worked on in Parliament…get these amendments wrapped up and on the books and the investors are sure to follow…and along with them…will come bank accounts that are full of money that is drooling to be of assistance to Iraq and the many projects that have been put on hold for a significant time now…these amendments will be eliminating a great deal of red tape and a large potential of corruption from the past…this is a very good improvement for investors looking at Iraq.

10-22-2015 Newshound Guru wmawhite Article: “Deputy: the importance of the investment law lies in its implementation mechanism” Quote: “the Iraqi investment law is important and needs to the mechanism of implementation…” Implementation Mechanism? NICE! Activate the private sector, implement economic reform, etc…all require the same thing…the ability to conduct commerce outside the boarders of Iraq. Iraq’s private sector, that so many are ready to activate, can not survive unless they will be able to conduct international commerce… because they will need to import 90% of their goods. IMO, we are seeing the administrative and procedural processes that the CBI said would take place prior to the completion of the “Project”.

10-22-2015 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Do you believe that the 2016 budget is in the books?…and if so is the HCL embedded in it?] I believe this next budget will be the easiest one ever. “In the books”? Not quite, but close enough.

10-21-2015 Intel Guru Frank26 I call it a LAVA FLOW for a very good reason. Have been SHARING that the last 3 weeks to be…S …L…O…W. But may I suggest that after next MONDAY…THE LAVA FLOW WILL BECOME LESS VISCOUS…It will run at a much Quickened Pace! In fact may I suggest that the viscosity lessens starting today…Yellow Light. Iraq will be off the USD by 1/1/16. AND…Last night the Integrity Commission announced Tuesday the arrest against others of the current Ministry of Commerce a number of Director’s Generals of The Ministry.

10-21-2015 Newshound Guru wmawhite the Investment Law is about “investments”…the change in the value of the IQD is totally related to the exchange rate of the IQD relative to other currencies. Such as: IQD to GBP, or IQD to EUR, etc. All of these laws are need for the future because that is when these investors will arrive. RI/RV is for the present …Laws are the future.

10-21-2015 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Is the old issue between the Kurds and Iraq the holdup (17%, religious history) , or are they just hammering out the final details?] IMO, the religious history is no longer the major factor that it used to be. What we are witnessing is a hammering of the details, and the hammering is getting good.

10-21-2015 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 I’m excited…why…from what we see in the news today…it’s all good…Indeed the Iraqis seem to be on fire with the actions they are taking…I know some say oh this is the same old thing we’ve seen and heard for the last xxx years….well to you it might be…but IMO…we’ve never seen the lava this hot…this cherry red to catch your pants on fire…I’m pumped up and excited as I have not been in quite a while.

10-21-2015 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 Budget reached the House…They go on recess Nov 1st. They need to have the budget done by Oct 31st. If they do not they must stay in session until it is done and voted on. They are needing this Budget done ASAP! 2016 Budget (which includes oil agreement between Erbil and Baghdad). This would be Baghdads last chance to make good on paying Kurdistan the 17% of the budget. Kurdistan has lined up new options for exporting the oil outside of Baghdad. Time to pay the piper…BUT they cut salaries which has caused more demonstrations. TICK TOCK TICK TOCK…Value needs to come from somewhere… EXPLODE WITH RATE…OR IMPLODE BY DEBATE.

10-21-2015 Newshound Guru rcookie Article quote: “A Court of inquiry judge said money laundering in Baghdad Ayad muhsen Ligature in a statement…that “the Court issued arrest warrants for three of the defendants in the money laundering files”. He said the ligature, “amounts that arise around suspicions that they were exposed to money laundering amounting to 69 billion dinars”. ITS INCREDIBLE! IMPLEMENTATION OF ARTICLE III OF AML ACT! FULL LEGAL PROCESS AN ARRESTS MADE! AND MORE IMPORTANTLY…THE MECHANISMS FOR INVESTIGATIVE.. TRIAL… AND PROSECUTION ARE NOW IN PLACE. [Did they get M [Maliki] yet? IT IS A MATTER OF TIME! THE CASE AND CHARGES ARE GROWING DAILY!

10-21-2015 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Over the last couple months I’ve been pretty solid on one thing: No HCL, No RV. Pretty cut and dried, right? I’ve also been kicking around another angle on this deal…we’re not going to get a huge warning, or even a hint, that the RV is coming. In fact, the opposite is my opinion…So with that in mind, don’t freak out when you read this: “Oil agreement between Baghdad and Erbil will be presented to Parliament! The government has hinted it seeks the transfer of the oil deal with the Kurdistan region, which is hereby given region, its share of the budget for fiscal 2016 by 17% file, to the House of Representatives. …yesterday that the budget bill arrived at the Presidency of the Council of Representatives by the government to put on the agenda and approval. ” That…my friends, has the potential to be the BIGGEST and BEST news we have seen since Chapter 7 was lifted. We are FINALLY starting to see some movement, and this is AWESOME!

10-21-2015 Newshound Guru Adam Montana But let me back up for a second… remember I said “don’t freak out”? I say that because even though this is great news, I don’t think we’re any less than a month out. This HCL movement is EXACTLY what we need, but based on my longtime observance of how things work in Iraq, I am confident that we will see a slowdown in news for about a month… and then BOOM! Something big is going to happen! Yeah, I just did that… I am sticking my neck out and giving a timeline. Maybe not for the actual final official RV, but we are looking at SOMETHING big, and soon. I’m very excited right now! But I’m also patient, and I encourage you to do the same.