Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-17-2024
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-17-2024
10-17-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Bank Story] BRAD: Huntington Bank in Pennsylvania…I funded my account with a small amount of money and I said I’d like to place an order for Iraqi dinar but before I do I want to see how much I can get for my money…To make a long story short they sell them at the program rate, which you know is nothing special…By the time I left I realized all I had to do was have her remove money from my account. I was on top of the world. I came home and called…Gary. I said you live in Indianapolis, Do you have any Huntington Banks where you are?
10-17-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Bank Story Continues] He goes yeah. I said, you want to call them and see if you can purchase the dinar and dong? He goes sure thing. He text me back half hour later, he goes, Brad I can get them here in Indianapolis too. They come out of Miami…Why would Huntington Bank all of a sudden be selling dinar and dong at…970 branches in 11 states? Boom! FRANK: …I have a Huntington Bank here in Toledo Ohio, they wouldn’t sell dinars in the past. Why are they doing it now? The reason why IMO is because it opens the door for them to exchange the three zero notes.
10-17-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Slim news coming out of Iraq…But this is a good one…“Erbil provides Baghdad’s Treasury with 77 billion dinars” this means look for that HCL (Hydro Carbon Law) at any moment…. They are trying to keep things under wraps till they pull the trigger…But they are behaving like it’s already done.
10-17-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Iraq is going to experience a “redenomination” of their currency meaning to execute the process of swapping out larger three zero notes for newer…lower denominations …when you take money out of circulation…You cause deflation, which is revaluing your currency or making it worth more. There is also all the other assets and variables involved that will FORCE the system to bring back the dinar to its nominal value, finally. They are…doing this redenomination…to “normalize” their currency back to their “normal” denominations, as before the sanctions took place. They will also need a “normalized” rate and not this current “suppressed” rate…
10-16-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 The HCL is done. It is completed. Sudani got it. It only waits for the new exchange rate like everything else. The fact they keep talking…about it over and over again is because it is about to be given…The moment you see the HCL, you will see your new exchange rate…
10-16-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] From the Redemption /wealth management side-They are ready and working and they are being told to stay close. They do not yet know timing.
10-16-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: ”US Senate enters the line of pressure on the Central Bank of Iraq”
10-16-2024 Newshound Guru Kaperoni A country’s currency and its value is not a random act or an arbitrary number. An exchange rate is based on a country’s GDP, economic success. Until Iraq diversifies their economy the dinar will remain weak.
10-16-2024 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Iraq is a different country and has grown significantly since 2014, however we are concerned ISIS is not completely destroyed, as many would believe, [My] second concern is oil prices are set to go down in early 2025 because demand is expected to decrease. Because Iraq relies heavily on oil prices for salaries for government workers [we] along with the IMF and the Iraqi Parliament are concerned this could affect Iraq.
10-16-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man What will have a profound impact on the global financial system? …IMO…is them at least reinstating their currency to what it was before. Going 1 to 1 isn’t going to cut it. Going to a full-blown reinstatement would do that. Also having a Real Effective Exchange Rate applied would do that. That’s the type of profound impact I’m expecting… Sudani mentioned a couple of times that the dinar is stronger than the dollar. Keep all that in mind.
10-16-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Iraq increased reserves at the IMF by 50%” This is huge. This is an increase to the IMF for their SDR’s (Special drawing rights). In other words when a country comes for a loan to the IMF – they are borrowing from Iraq. This will enhance Iraq’s voting power in the IMF as well. This makes Iraq one of the most influential Arab nations. We know we have World Trade Organization ascension coming…and they are now taking a lead role in loaning funds to other countries in need and writing policies for the region with the IMF…. They are close to restoring stability and faith to their country and their currency. I am excited on what we are seeing coming out of Iraq as of late.
10-16-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “The College of Administration and Economics at the University of Mosul holds its international scientific conference on ‘Development and financial and economic stability to restore confidence in the Iraqi dinar'” Quote: “The conference aimed to highlight the role of economic policies in achieving stability and restoring confidence in the Iraqi dinar”
10-16-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Concerning the CBI announcing to you Iraqi citizens that they are activating the banking reforms…That means they are activating the monetary reform. They’re going to give you your new lower notes. They are going to give you your new exchange rate. They’re going to give you the keys to the ATM… You are now going to be receiving your purchasing power not only through the new exchange rate but via the HCL and the jobs the economic reform is about to produce.
10-16-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Launching of the activities of the international scientific conference under the slogan ‘Development and financial and economic stability to restore confidence in the dinar'”
10-16-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “TRADE BANK OF IRAQ ANNOUNCES THE IMMINENT OPENING OF A CASH DEPOSIT CENTER IN KARKH” I would definitely call it a “WOW!” article. So why am I excited today when I read this article? …they are now in the beginning stages of setting up these “cash centers” specific to collecting the stashed and hoards of dinars outside the banking system…this center receives all cash deposits only for all customers…
10-16-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Remember…the CBI needs to shrink the monetary mass by two-thirds (2/3)…it appears they are now beginning to bring in their hard currency to the banks for deposit…I was told [by my CBI contact] that this process is part of the Project to Delete the Zeros and her committee is now working with the banks to retrieve this hard currency…the Project to Delete the Zeros has begun…WOW! WOW! WOW!
10-16-2024 Intel Guru RayRen98 OTHER SOURCES ARE “TALKING” ABOUT A DEADLINE DATE AS WELL… BANK FOLKS ARE TALKING, 3 LETTERS ARE TALKING…IT’S A BEAUTIFUL THING!!!… Question: “are the sources in agreement as far as the deadline date is concerned?” YES… TIME WILL TELL…THE CLOCK IS TICKING…