Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-13-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-13-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-13-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “The Minister of Finance stresses the need to adhere to the timetables to achieve economic reforms” This cooperation…goes far beyond Iraqs borders…The World Bank, the IMF, the Bank of International Settlements, the WTO, United States Treasury, etc….all have reached agreements with respect to Iraqs reforms and sustainability towards economic growth…It shows the aforementioned entities…know what Iraq’s reforms will mean to the world and the impacts it will likely bring to many nations of the world! …They are now openly making sure they are on record in saying so..

10-13-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “The exchange rate change should be the next step before the lower notes and everything else right?” The next step is to introduce the lower notes and the new exchange rate yes. But in that process it’s a chain of events – Picture a room with 100 mouse traps…if you throw one ping pong ball in that room…one mouse trap will cause a chain reaction…to fire off. That is what’s going to happen when you have the new exchange rate introduced to the world…

10-13-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] In Iraq: “Economist: 2025 budget amendments are pending and the date of approval before the end of the year.” Why is this important. We are looking at WTO with all files done and paperwork finished…and we are waiting on the official announcement that Iraq has ascended…Then the budget tables are to be done by the end of the year…and auctions will be ending by the end of the year. We were told many years ago that at the time they ended the currency auctions…there would be a rise in value of the Iraqi dinar. Now they are ending them before the end of the year…thats not far off. We are in the window.

10-12-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “The Iraqi Bank for Trade announces measures to support the stability of the exchange rate”

10-12-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Those that keep calling this a scam are silly and they don’t know what they own – If they even do…

10-12-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Community Comment: “Many are saying Sudani and Alaq are to blame for the hold up.” What are “many”? Because whoever that “many” is is very ignorant, very uneducated…in the understanding of the monetary reform process. For someone to say Alaq and Sudnai are the reason to blame for the hold up, that is a complete 180. It is Alaq, Sudani and Barzani now what are bringing success of the monetary reform and who are announcing it to the Iraqi citizens…

10-12-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I do know of a couple redemption center folks/wealth management contacts who are working this weekend. They don’t know if its this week or next week but very much expect it to happen in the month of October. So they are putting in extra hours to be prepared. They are putting in extra hours to be ahead…taking care of existing customers so that they have no diversions when they expect us. I think it’s very encouraging that they are so convinced they will see us in the next couple of weeks that they are putting in extra hours so when it goes …they can focus on all of us “new” customers.

10-12-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Iraq raises gold reserves to 152.6 tons, according to the World Gold Council” Quote: “Iraq’s gold reserves increased by 4 tons in the past two months, reaching 152.6 tons, according to a report issued by the World Gold Council. This increase places Iraq in 29th place globally among 100 countries in gold reserves, according to last month’s data.”

10-12-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy I was expecting it to go up in increments over time and it’s not working out that way because they were really moving in the right direction. Things were going really good but obviously everything went to hell in the hand basket.

10-12-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Parliamentary Finance: The Prime Minister has a real will to boost non-oil revenues”

10-12-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article Quote: “There’s been a completion of the first steps of the banking reform process.” In my view the next phase should introduce new currency denominations. If they’re going to have 3 zeros removed as Alaq said, you’re going to need new denominations. They never have had a three zeros exchange rate to be supporting the global financial system. They haven’t done that in 21 years so why now? They never will as far as I’m concerned…they’re never going to be the savior of anything at 1310.

10-12-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …we heard…let’s see the 16th, which would be Wednesday, is the day that Iraq is paying all of their contractors and paying any back pay that they need to pay…And it’s also the day, Wednesday the 16th, the day of celebration in Iraq for this RV and their new rate on the dinar, etc. So it looks like our start date would be Wednesday the 16th, but it could be actually, that we would start on Tuesday. I know we’re supposed to get notified on Tuesday whether we start exchanges or not. We’ll have see, but the whole thing is lining up beautifully…I’m excited about the timing…

10-12-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Articles…makes it very clear what they’re doing – adding value by lifting the 3 zeros. It’s right there. It’s from the Prime Minister. It’s from Alaq the governor of the CBI word for word. Anybody that tell you it’s a scam, educate them because this is not Bigfoot. This is not a UFO. This is not Lock Ness. This is a reality…happening right before our eyes.

10-12-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Gold in Iraq: A promising future for mining” this article is from 2015 but tells us how much gold they have in the ground etc. I had the privilege of talking with someone in the industry dealing with equipment…they have started moving a lot of gold mining equipment to Iraq. Iraq’s gold mining industry is starting to explode. They know they have a tremendous amount of gold and rare earth minerals there. As a Matter of fact experts over there say they may actually eclipse their oil revenues.

10-12-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE CENTRAL BANK CONTINUES THE ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION OF BANKING REFORM PLANS” …the CBI has completed the first phase of the banking reform process… First of all, we can confirm by this article that there is a plan and they are working towards it, and that is their road map…