Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-1-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-1-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-1-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …we’re putting everyone on red alert…the lower denoms have been given the approval to be distributed among all the Iraq banks – to the citizens once the rate changes…

10-1-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …looks like the Nasdaq/ISX news was nothing more than a software upgrade…I strongly put an emphasis for you over the weekend that the whole software thing between NASDAQ and ISX was nothing more than a software upgrade and the second item I brought to you was I told you that all the marching and protesting would amount to nothing…so far you guys are seeing that…

10-1-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …Well, well here we are done with September and it’s October already…Yes, the weeks and months are clicking away… They…bash me for justifying this might just go all the way until early January 2020. …SO, WHERE DO WE SIT RIGHT NOW WITH THE RV? …We are just waiting on the CBI to launch the smaller of the small category notes. Remember they already launched the 250, 500 and 1000 notes way back in 2003 and in 2011 they told us these notes will REMAIN in circulation as part of the smaller category notes… We are waiting for notes yet even of smaller denominations.

10-1-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …I have stated in the past that maybe in September the CBI might issue the new smaller categories if they were to follow the 2012 planned schedule. So it appears to us now they are not strictly following this plan. …I am beginning to see that they are still moving towards an early Jan 2020 move since their accounting year begins on Jan 1st. We know they have told us through their past attempts to reinstate the dinar that this is the BEST and MOST CONVENIENT time to do so.

9-30-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …guru Frank26 thinks something has to happen by tomorrow Oct 1st because the new FOREX/ISX agreement goes into effect. Wrong! …It’s a renewal and software agreement. Nothing more.

9-30-2019 Newshound Guru Breitling [Question: I got another email from [broker name redacted] they’re currency buy back policy best rate in town …Do you think this is a good sign for us?] Absolutely. Why would [Broker Name] send out emails trying to buy back your currency at a higher value if the market didn’t demand for it? It’s just a market demand. So that makes sense right? I’m telling you, people that I talk to that got into the ISX when I first got into investing in the Middle East – They wouldn’t touch the dinar. Now they’re all trying to get it. They can’t buy it at Chase Bank like I did. So they’re going out and buying it and making sure that it’s all legit. That’s where the demand is coming from…I’m very excited and you should be too…

9-30-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Spoke to a number of Zurich contacts who expect liquidity first thing in the morning…they are convinced this is it…they hear funds are waiting for midnight and the new fiscal year to start…They feel Oct 1st was always the plan…other dates were given to keep everyone guessing… So it does look like a shotgun start. Imo. [Will you come on and tell us if everything starts at midnight.] I absolutely will…as fast as I can. People in Iraq are sick of waiting…they still believe we can go at anytime… we hear they just may try to force it this weekend…

9-30-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 So this huge demonstration starts in Al Sadar city…if they don’t get this done by Oct 1st…IMO they are really going to hear from the citizens. IMO the CBI and the GOI are in cahoots for the introduction of their monetary reform. On Oct. 1st the Nasdaq is waiting for the Iraqi dinar to show up…so they had better be there.

9-30-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …what the gurus do…they’re sharing their opinion with you based on all the current data that has come from Iraq. But if that data changes I personally will change my mind fast and rapidly. My mind is so tuned in on what they do that I can change my mind at the blink of an eye…that’s what you saw me do about a week ago. My mind changed so fast because the factual data changed fast. What that simply means is that the old information that we were studying and looking at is kind of put on the back burner…me personally I’m not focusing on that anymore. I’m looking more at the new stuff because we have a brand new set of facts and data now going forward…

9-30-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The Arab Monetaty Fund is now including Iraq’s stock exchange among the 17 financial markets registered within the AMF. Good news and a clear step in the right direction.

9-30-2019 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan …we know the CBI has set it up so they are not selling dinar outside the country at this point and time. All of these dealers…are buying dinar internally inside the United States and then reselling it. That’s all they have. That’s the market. They are limited now. They can’t get it anymore. We also know the note count is being reduced. The accessibility to it is just not there. I realize we have not had a physical change in the value…but just take a look at the fact that the accessibility to it has become very limited. Very limited. That means somewhere down the line this thing is going to have value…