Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-7-2023
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-7-2023
1-7-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy They’re saying 12 to 1 [possibly revisited in 2026]. If they implemented that tomorrow I would not have any dinar left over. I’ll take 12 to 1. I can pay off my house as well as a lot of other debt and start all over debt free plus having pretty church of change to put toward my retirement.
1-7-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] Now we’re getting a couple of different things from three different Intel sources. Two of them are pretty much lining up with this can go any time between now and Monday…our final source that we heard from…was saying that…all releases Start this weekend…I think that’s good news. And these are pretty top sources too that’s giving this information…
1-6-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy Community Comment “The bad part would be when you minus taxes on it.” Yeah, it’s going to be capital gains tax…Whenever you’re dealing with foreign currencies as an investment you’re dealing with capital gains.
1-6-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 You’re only going to use the receipt if you’re ever audited. That receipt will determine whether they will be in the 40% or the 20% tax bracket. You will be taxed. Anybody that tell you that this is not a taxable event run away as quickly as possible…If you think you’re going to get away without paying taxes I’ve got some land on the moon to sell you.
1-6-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick Just because you didn’t see it…hear it…read it…doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened or in the process of happening.
1-6-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man They’ve totally said they’re going to cease using multi currencies. You go to the grocery store, you pay your bills inside the country you’re going to be doing it in dinar. You’re not going to be using the dollar. You’re not going to use the yuan, yen or any of those things. You’re going to be using one currency…
1-6-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Iraq wants US military gone” Especially after the US military killed a militia leader last week. Remember what Donald Trump said years ago. “We will be out as soon as you revalue and we are paid” So I think this is a good thing for us. He wanted the US to recoup all our economic interests and investments in Iraq. Iraq continues to show us that things are imminent. I believe this gives us an indication as they want us to leave quickly…so we should expect the RV quickly.
1-6-2024 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Iraq is believed to be floating on oil. Meaning there are millions of barrels of oil still in the ground which has not been tapped. The additional good news is Iraq drilled and reclaimed over 190 oil wells in 2023…
1-6-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy To see any real significant change in Iraqi dinar, no. I just can’t imagine that happening anytime really soon. They’re too dependent on oil. As Iraq continues to change that situation that’s better for Iraqis plus those holding on to the Iraqi dinar altogether. You can’t rely on oil for 95% of your budget. If oil crashes then guess what, so does that country. Period.
1-6-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “The Central Bank announces the imminent issuance of decisions to support the Iraqi dinar”
1-6-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: CBI on news saying they have taken measures and decisions on supporting the dinar and maintaining its value against other currencies in the world talking about how CBI fully supports and back dinar and how it will be holding its own against other currencies. Saying this will positively affect the exchange rate. FRANK: I am excited that they are giving you deeper information about the monetary reform and how it’s going to add value to your currency and I love how they keep saying in the coming days let’s see what happens around 15 January.
1-6-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The CBI is still closely monitoring the parallel rate…the parallel rate is expected to decline sometime in early January and at least match the CBI “official” rate. At that time the CBI will revalue the “official” rate to much closer to if not at 1000. Then again drive the parallel market to match it. This may take some time but I am being told they are talking weeks and not months… my CBI contact tells me we are almost here now and with the opening and spending of the 2024 budget and currency swaps with other neighboring countries for trade, it should finally break the parallel market and end it.
1-6-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] There are some very key meetings going on around the world on Iraq…Around the 12th through the 19th…. The banking side keeps telling me to relax because its done…and we should be able to see it soon. Problem is I don’t know what “soon” means anymore.