Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-7-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-7-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-7-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat First of all I have been telling everyone for years now that without the elimination of Iranian influence in Iraq there would be no RV…I also said the US was plotting a way to get them out of Iraq… They have plan and so be patient and watch it unfold…I know it may seem gloomy at times but hang in there…Don’t give up now.

1-7-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Anything you read that the parliament of Iraq did, any law legislation is impossible…the only ones who wanted the American troops out were the Iranian sympathizers…it’s the last scream of the Iranian militia…

1-7-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …What’s happening between the U.S. and Iran will have no bearing on the timing of the rate change…the timing of the rate change only has one speed associated with it and it’s extra slow…we are waiting on the 2020 budget with Iraq. That’s what you’re going to continue to see and that’s how the news is going to play out. The news will walk you into the 2020 budget. That’s where things are headed next…

1-7-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …There is no reinstatement. No RV or RI. Not how monetary policy works. Under the current conditions, things are beginning to deteriorate as a result of the backlash from US military efforts to eliminate Iranian general Soleimani. Parliament wants US troops out, the US has threatened economic consequences and as a result the exchange rate is deteriorating. No currency reform is in the near future. Iraq also fears the loss of economic activities and investment. Sit back and relax we are going to have to be patient and wait this out.

1-6-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article quotes: “Chairman of the Finance Committee, Haitham al-Jabouri, confirmed on Monday that the strategic framework agreement with the United States of America is still in effect, while he indicated that the House’s decision yesterday regarding ending the foreign presence has nothing to do with it.”; “We are in contact with all relevant authorities on this issue and are keen to maintain economic relations with all countries, including the United States, and in a manner that serves the interests of our country in terms of security and economic, especially since there are large investment contracts between the two countries in important and strategic sectors.” …pretty much says it all.

1-6-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …Iraq is going through a change. A paradigm change. An epic historical change and because of that there is a price to pay…Iran is doing their very best to stop the forward progress of the reinstatement of the monetary reform…

1-6-2020 Guest Guru TexasSnake [via PDK] [So what do you think of all the unrest in the Middle east] I think it is kind of a smoke screen… When you look back to when Kuwait did their RV…there were similar circumstances…saying it was going to be put off and then suddenly in the next day or so it was there…It came as a surprise to most people even the ones who were anticipating it…we have a lot more intel on this one then they had on the Kuwait one.

1-6-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We were told a couple key meetings went on this weekend on how to handle the roll out. With all the upset in Iraq and Iran keep in mind that almost all the revaluation in the past have happened during a lot of smoke and unrest…Looking back on the history of revaluations it does seem to me that this would be the perfect smoke screen. I think it couldn’t be better timing. What I still hear from the banking side is very positive. From the Iraq side they were still expecting it on Monday or Tuesday. They just finished their inventory of cash in circulation so will see what they have to say this week.

1-6-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …it’s all coming together. The CBI’s last requirement to delete the zeros they said that the corruption political figures had to be removed and they were. After they got rid of those corrupt official Iraq started setting the stage for the rate change…That’s not just a one month step. They need time. That’s why they used the whole year of ’19 to set the stage. And now you can see they’re already told you, this isn’t my opinion… reconstruction, article 140, HCL…those items are in the budget. So what they’re indirectly telling you is they have to position money for those steps…so don’t worry about all that other stuff…there are no delays in this…no delays at all…