Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-5-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-5-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-5-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Who is the CBI now meeting with? They met with the U.S. Treasury for about 3 months in a row every Saturday. They then stopped meeting them and about a month ago they started just meeting with the executive level [of Iraqi banks]…

1-5-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The acting minister…made a comment there [Iraq] on Sunday that they do not need the government to be sat in order for the rate to change or to “adjust the values” of the dinar…Everyone just stay positive…we are very close…

1-5-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Parliament sets the Great Hall of the Council as a place for its first session next Sunday”. Looks like parliament is set to go ahead and hold their first session which will happen this Sunday. From there remember they appoint the speaker first, the deputies and then they announce the nominee for president. Salih has done a good job hopefully gets back in there…it’s January 9th…

1-4-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 From December 20th to January 9th – the education continues and they were to show the new small category notes to the citizens IMO. I pray it happens that way. If it doesn’t happen well I was wrong…you want to chastise me that’s okay…From the 9th of January onward you got the GOI seated officially…the three presidents…

1-4-2022 Intel Guru Fleming …We owe a HUGE THANK YOU, Iraq for moving forward with its revalued IQD in-country rate!…The Iraqi’s new Golden Dinar will take the global stage sometime through the 10th to the 15th even though they have announcements planned for the 22nd. The plan at this time is to go GLOBAL immediately with an impressive rate of over $6.00 US…

1-4-2022 Intel Guru Holly …This is a fluid event and changes daily…We are in the final stage…We are almost there. Do not give up ever! No matter how difficult it gets, hang in there!

1-4-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni An article came out tonight referencing Iraq’s economic successes in 2021. Primarily Iraq still has not achieved any significant steps to diversify their economy. Until that happens, there will be no change in the dinar…Iraq could be many many months away from changing the current monetary policy. Until a new government is in place, Iraq passes the laws necessary for foreign investment, and until they continue to build a diverse economy there will be no change.

1-4-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Likely to change the dollar exchange..Saleh: the government will amend the 2022 budget,” It’s nice to see this same individual no longer spreading lies that it’s never going to happen – you’re [Iraqi’s] never going to have purchasing power. This canary is singing a new tune.

1-4-2022 Newshound Guru Petra [Iraqi banks have been closed the past two weekends] Banks at the end of the day ledger-up all their funds. Every teller goes and takes their drawer and they go and count it, rectify it and make sure there’s nothing short. They put those drawers in the vault and ready for the the next day. That information is sent to the Central Bank…For people to say we’re going to take 2 weeks off to do all this accounting? Friends that accounting is done every day…Now they have a quarterly but it’s all electronic now. It happens in one day…

1-4-2022 Newshound Guru Petra Why they had to do two weeks of inventory right before the end of the year? …the banks have been closed the last two weekends. The bank people had to be there to do “inventory” but it’s a joke. Something is being hidden because something is being done in the background to true-up so that when the new rate does come out they’re ready to rock and roll to exchange the old currency for the new…I think that’s what’s being lined up IMO…

1-4-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Sources: Al Sadr presents two candidates to head the government, and the likelihood is for Al-Kazemi” This article here is major…Sadr is playing 5D chess and the rest of the people are trying to catch up…whatever this move is by Sadr it seems genius – put somebody up there with him [Kazemi] that is less liked and see what they say. It looks like Al-Kazemi is going to get back in there.

1-4-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Saleh on the news today saying that the next government will make changes to the exchange rate. He also said the 2022 budget is waiting for the next government to be seated and that will be the very first thing we’re going to do…even if approval is delayed current payout will stay until the new exchange rate is presented by the government. FRANK: I mean talk about a confession…there will be a new exchange rate, they will change the exchange rate that they have when the budget is done and when they sit the 3 presidents…the change is coming…the CBI gave the GOI the new exchange rate. That’s why you’re about to see the new small category notes because the exchange rate will follow right behind it or right next to it.

1-4-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I hate to say it but looks like a serious nothing burger overnight. I rather expected it would be… no news from Iraq. I have spoken to many contacts since yesterday evening…They are all waiting like we are…. They believe the trigger will be pulled within the next 2 days. I am hopeful they are correct. Remember no one knows the exact timing…

1-4-2022 Intel Guru Holly …Remember, This RV/GCR has never been done before…We are in the final stage of the roll out…I know it is very frustrating and we are beyond tired, but it will be done this month…