Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-30-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-30-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-30-2022 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Iraqi ports confirm that no port in neighboring countries has any impact on Al-Faw” The automation of the port is going to be a money machine! Likely the next Dubai in context of bigger. Once they go international with their REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) , the amount of money will likely compete with the oil revenues…Iraq will have a sovereign wealth fund that will be massive in the future. They’ll be able to support their exchange rate easily.. It will be GLORIOUS.. Like the good ole days…

1-30-2022 Regular Guy Guru Vital Brad We’re going to see a lot of changes happening. We’re going to see things tightening down. More government oversight. But the good news is people that have prepared, people that do hold some Iraqi dinar IMO and some other currencies…the rates…are going to be a lot higher than they are right now. It’s a buy low sell high…It’s what they call generational wealth where our kids’ kids kids benefit from this wealth exchange…

1-29-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [What were the dinar rates before the program rate? Many articles say they are going back to the old rate…] Yes…they have been unclear what old rate they are referring too… but, many Iraqis are expecting that new rate on Tuesday…

1-29-2022 Regular Guy Guru Vital Brad We’ve got a couple people in Iraq …sharing their point of view…they’re talking about the changing the rate of their currency. Some people are saying ‘Oh, they’re just referring to going back to the 1190 rate.’ IMO unless they pull the trigger quickly it will give people that aren’t aware of this time to jump in and really load up.

1-29-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni If Iraq floats the currency they can gradually reduce the money supply over time and allow the dinar to gradually appreciate based on the success of the economy. That is the only way that dinar can go up in value.

1-29-2022 Intel Guru Holly …The news is great and all is on track. Remain positive…I wish I could say more, I can not…

1-29-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So much very good news today to tell. I can hardly hold back my jubilation of what is shortly to come…once the button is pushed the actions necessary to bring Iraq to a financial power house will be in motion. Right now, we await the announcement for the second session of the new parliament which will nominate and vote on the new president in the same session. Then the new president, after taking oath, will nominate the new prime minister. …NOTHING will stop it. I totally believe, from what I am hearing, that the CBI will trigger the project to delete the zeros somewhere in this process soon and we can expect to see the reinstatement shortly there afterwards…I am expecting to see it sometime in February. I do not think we will get out of February without the reinstatement of the IQD back on FOREX.

1-29-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] People are still in place…been a quiet night overnight…Things happening in the world are playing out and imo…forcing the RV to happen…[Mark do you know more about the release schedule than you can tell us?] Yes I know more than I am telling you because of an NDA.

1-29-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] Do not dismiss articles on the new exchange rate and the return to its ‘glory days’ or any words that they are using. All their effort at this time is only to do things for the citizens of Iraq…

1-29-2022 Regular Guy Guru Vital Brad Article: “Al-Sadr nominated Al-Kazemi as prime minister for the majority government” After the government as a whole is fully seated I think it could go anytime. The sooner the better of course …

1-29-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The Central bank of Iraq announces an “unprecedented” growth in its foreign reserves” Empirical data from the CBI to the citizens in the process of their education to let them know we’re more than ready for the monetary reform.

1-29-2022 Intel Guru Holly …We are in the end game everyone. The stuff behind the scenes is a thriller movie. It’s unbelievable. Stay positive…This is real, this is happening…

1-28-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I had conversations with Iraqi contacts and they are looking squarely at Tuesday of this upcoming week.

1-28-2022 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] Everything is coming together in terms of what Iraq has done – Iraq plans to have their government in place and announce that on Sunday – I think everything is lining up in that perspective – Beautifully…we should be setting our appointments for Tuesday the 1st of February…it seems like it’s finally coming to fruition…for our exchanges…I’m excited about where we are now finally…the timing – the dates – everything we’ve been looking for – I think we’re really finally apparently there…