Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-3-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-3-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-3-2020 Guru BobTheTaxMan …We are here. We are really really knocking on the door of this thing coming to fruition…I know the CBI is a little difficult to understand…there happen to be a graph that’s showed up…that thing is a SHOCKER! …the graphic changes that is going on inside the CBI really denotes the major shift that is happening and is on it’s way…that graph is really dramatic…I haven’t seen anything so far that shows such a drastic change. This is official. This is coming out of the CBI itself…

1-3-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru tman23 Word is Solemani was in Iraq to operate a coup, the plan was to take over the Iraq government and arrest Iraqi president Sahlim Barham…Hadr Ameri, leader of the Badr corps is said to have been arrested by US authorities…so now we hear on major outlets for an emergency session for Parliament …should hear about Ameri being arrested in next day or so…going to be an interesting weekend…

1-3-2020 Newshound Guru chattels [as far as that 50 trillion to 5 trillion,I would certainly love some clarification on it’s true meaning. I have seen differences in opinions.] Let’s just wait for the next report. It it was an error then it likely will be corrected. If it stays the same then maybe there is something to it all.

1-3-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There is a rumor…that the CBI reduced the money supply from 45 trillion or so to around 5 trillion. [Reference Guru Breitling 1-2-2020] This is not possible on many fronts. Though the CBI reports website shows such a chart – it is not possible. 1. the CBI continues the currency auctions. And the auctions are based on a “balance” of dinar to dollars. Offsetting that would create substantial demand for the currency. 2. the CBI has come out on numerous occasions that 70% or so of the currency in circulation is “chunky” meaning it is outside the banking system. In homes, under mattresses etc. If the money is outside the banking system as stated the CBI would not have access to it to reduce it. So one can conclude that the chart is wrong.

1-2-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …I’ve been getting emails of people asking me about the graph from the CBI…it shows the drop in currency…if you go back…what was the value? About $3.25…they had between 1 and a half to 2 billion notes in the market…that was the number that we needed to watch. The chart that you guys are looking at is very important…there it is from the CBI…Look how much the currency has dropped. Here’s what we don’t know. We don’t know how many denominations are out in public. In other words how many 25K notes. How many 10K notes. How many 5K notes. So even though they say they’ve dropped the note count it doesn’t give us enough information to determine how many dinar are out there. But we can see they dropped the note count. It’s right there in front of you.

1-2-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …Every country on the planet that drops their note count what happens to the value of their currency? It goes up…it’s universal…they’re [Iraq is] dropping their note count…when they drop their note count guess what? The value of their currency goes up. They’re putting things in place. The budget depends on investments because they’re losing in the commodities market as far as the energy markets go. So they’re investing in the international markets. And they’re not gonna do that at a ten of a penny…that’s what these guys are trying to tell you. So all these indicators are in place. It should make you very very happy…I couldn’t be more excited…

1-2-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …one of the more popular gurus…saying it’s gonna change at the beginning of the year and the budget will be implemented at the beginning of the year. I told you guys to be cautious with this type of information because this is over-hyped BS…

1-2-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …For the CBI to launch the project to delete the zeros any time soon would take a miracle. However, I am not hearing the CBI is going to postpone again due to the current situation. But this puzzles me as to why they would do this in the midst of such chaos…We see much instability issues now in Iraq. This situation is close to a major escalation but not yet. Some foreign investors are pulling out of Iraq but this can still be salvaged. The government must find solutions very soon or years, if not decades, of work will be lost…I still keep my hopes up that the CBI may still move forward in the midst of the turmoil…There is still a window of opportunity remaining. Let’s just see how it all plays out..

1-2-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …a lot of stuff we’ve been looking at…everything is coming down the road. Everything is lining up. If people are not excited about this they’re never gonna get excited…you have Iraq telling you that they have a new budget based on lower oil prices and its determined by investments. And so what are they gonna do? They’re gonna reduce their note count. They’re gonna start doing what we’ve been talking about…they said that they needed to add value to their currency. Now they are dependent only on that because they have to add value to their currency to get into the international markets…we couldn’t be in a better position. That’s why I’ve been so positive…there’s nothing else they need to do. They took the cover off of everything. All this stuff is in the news. They’re telling everybody what they’re gonna do.

1-2-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …IMO they are in the process of positioning the money for the rate change – the last final step…there actually haven’t been any delays…