Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-3-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-3-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-3-2018 Intel Guru Bruce I do believe it is close and we have indications we might be just where we need to be. We said Iraq is basically is done and operating with a new rate. They haven’t yet put out to the world what that rate is…I know our US Treasury is working closely with the CBI in Iraq. It maybe the CBI changeover or revealing of the new rate on the Iraqi dinar maybe controlled or somehow indicated by our US Treasury…The rates are solid, all good…

1-2-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin News release: “To all banks licensed to practice money exchange and all authorized financial transfer companies (filing applications on 2018/1/7)”. The pdf is in Arabic, but it mentions {RTGS} [Real-time gross settlement]. I think this may be big… It looks like it is opening Iraq up to International banking which is something we have only dreamed about. I think it is all about digital banking. It may affect the auctions. Less cash required. The imports and exports could become an instant electronic transaction. I would like to think this would require a true valued currency. It just tells me that the banking industry has really come a long way. Iraq is coming out of the dark ages since the Chap. 7 restrictions were removed. This also clamps down on the corruption in the black market imports. The whales have had a field day. Transparency and accountability will be key moving forward.

1-2-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru tman23 …STILL POINTING FINGERS WHY OUR NOT EXCHANGING…YES NO ZEROS WERE LIFTED…NO CHANGES MADE…I’m sure everyone is disappointed and will hang on until next month or maybe until after the elections or maybe after the reappointment of a new CBI governor…There are a million reasons or excuse that can be made… I said NOW or Never and seen good reason for the event…start of the new year…opening day…LOOKS like a BUST…time to let the ludicrous idea DIE !!…it’s been on life support for to long…

1-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Wow! January 2018 has arrived. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! Seems like we have been waiting for this timeframe for a VERY long time. It is here now and we are witnessing history being made. I want everyone to know I am not predicting a date for an RV. What I am attempting to do is to give you my BEST possible evaluation of the situation now at hand according to the data presented to us…I know for a fact the new ATM machines are programmed only to handle the newer lower denomination category notes… I know for a fact that some banks still don’t have the software tested and worked out for their machines to be online yet. This is an ongoing project. They hoped to have them all up and running by the end of 2017…

1-2-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat …This information I am hearing is real this time and I am hearing great things from the CBI. I am hearing from my CBI contact they are going forward this time and can not afford to stall it again. However here is the problem: The CBI is now working closely with the US Treasury to release it. This is the ONLY holdup right now….My advice is to just wait and watch….its coming folks…..!!!!!! Tic Toc, Tic Toc we are on a clock!