Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-28-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-28-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-28-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Al-Sudani acknowledges the existence of a rise in prices and says that the window for selling the currency “distorted” the financial and banking systems” DISTORTED BECAUSE THEY DEPEGGED & ARE PREPARING TO FLOAT INTERNATIONALLY Quote: “Al-Sudani said, There is a rise in prices as a result of fluctuations in the exchange rate of the dollar, but overall our financial situation is the best since 2003..”

1-28-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …we had some “WOW” news this week with the inauguration of Ali Alaq as the director of the Central Bank once again. No, he is absolutely not in a proxy position…We must stop for a moment and ask the significance of this move by Al-Sudani to appoint Ali Alaq back as director… he was very ambitious and wanted to bring back the prestige of the dinar… I believe we can expect the same sort of communication…about where we stand with the project to delete the zeros and any move to go international…This will probably take place in a week or two.

1-28-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Al-Sudani acknowledges the existence of a rise in prices and says that the window for selling the currency “distorted” the financial and banking systems” Quote: “One of these files will be dealt with with the US Federal Bank and the Treasury Department, to find out the repercussions of applying the standards set by the US Treasury in a way that guarantees the desired goal from all sides.”

1-27-2023 Intel Guru yada …the dinar has been positioned to increase in value internationally through the efforts of removing the dollar from their market. Not only removed from Iraq , all the contracts that go forth with Iraq from other countries will be paid in dinars. No converting to dollar, to dinar, then back to other currencies. Paid in dinar. This creates more value and good for us in the know.

1-27-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man They’re forcing effectively that Iraq needs to move on and to adjust their currency and to do so it will be reflected in their stock exchange…it’s a two-fold situation. Once they hit that stock exchange [between now and the 29th] not only will they be able to buy the stocks within themselves…the world at large can come in electronically and digitally through separate platforms…Those separate platforms…will require the exchange rate change…to have an Article 8 compliant structure…we believe…the Central Bank governor Alaq has been brought back into the realm to do.

1-27-2023 Newshound Guru Henig Article “The currencies of Iran and Syria fell a lot after Washington scrutinized Iraq ‘s dealings in dollars”

1-27-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Stop looking for words in my words. Very simply IMO the central bank of Iraq has already told the citizens of Iraq ‘we have a new currency, we have a new exchange rate and we will give it to you.’ If you don’t like that argue with them don’t argue with me…If you think my opinion is exaggerated or if you think my opinion is not coming out truthfully? It’s the CBI’s opinion for the love of…

1-27-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …we are in that window of notification…we…should be notified between now and 7pm, Sunday night…we have been told that this should start for us, meaning exchanges…in the last three days of this month…I believe they intend to get us started this month…Nobody’s talked about the first of February which is Wednesday – yet – So let’s see how they handle that…Iraq is set and ready to go. We understand they’ve traded their opening value there in country rate up quite a bit…so far. And we’re looking forward to our exchanges here.

1-27-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Alaq is a good person for the completion of the monetary reform…the central bank governor it’s only a title…I don’t want you to worry about this switcheroo.

1-27-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East I hope on the 29th it [the Iraqi dinar] goes on Forex…it can be international but it doesn’t mean anything … everyone is getting excited…enjoy your work. Enjoy it, maybe later you’re not gonna work anymore so enjoy it now. Be happy…If you’re working now and you’re not retired enjoy your work. Go work happy…for now you gotta work. Don’t be mad and sad and all that…don’t stop your life.

1-27-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …the news from Iraq has been very quiet on the RV front overnight. There is a lot of chatter about logistics, who gets paid, and possibly the budget over the weekend…There is a whole lot of continued bank chatter. My contacts in Redemption centers, who also work in Wealth Management as their job…have been trained to process foreign currency. They are on call this weekend…they are expecting it to be a very hard work week next week…They are very excited about what is due to happen…. According to them…the first of the week and possibly over the weekend. Nothing appears to be dragging out…We know this is a “when” not an “if”…

1-27-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Independent deputy: Al-Sudani’s visit to Washington is the only and last solution to the crisis of the dollar’s rise”

1-27-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready I think Iraq may, as usual, drag this out to the 31st. That will cause them problems, but will fit their historic pattern. I don’t see how they can blow past the 31st when their stock market is supposed to be live on NASDAQ on the 29th. Sudani has promised the world a revaluation by the 31st.

1-27-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Article: “Iraqi dinar analysis” Quote: “Who is in charge of the IQD exchange rate? The Iraqi government determines the Iraqi dinar’s value, and it does not fluctuate unless the central bank alters the exchange rate. This means that the government sets the currency price for sale and purchase.” We also know the IMF and the World Bank plays an important decision in helping Iraq to decide.

1-27-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “An Iraqi delegation visits Washington to discuss the crisis of the rising dollar”. THE EU & THE USA REMOVED IRAQ FROM THE LIST OF THE MOST CORRUPT NATIONS IN THE WORLD… LAST YEAR. THEREFORE SUDANI PREPARES THE IQD TO FLOAT.

1-27-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Does it still look like some of the banks will have a redemption center inside?] Absolutely. The majority of the RC’s will simply be a bank branch equipped with trained, knowledgeable people and equipment for our currency exchanges. They count it right there in front of you and you get your deposit. So some will be stand alone buildings, and some may be just an office in the bank.