Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-26-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-26-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-26-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat [continued Q & A] …with my contact in the Central Bank. Question: So are you saying you now have an in-country revaluation of the Iraqi dinar? Answer: We are gradually rolling out an increase in rate on the dinar as we electronically pay the January govt payrolls and going forward… The marketplace must catch up slowly. We plan to gradually also roll out the newer category notes to match. This is a slow process but we hope to be successful. This process has taken many years to implement and we are within the final stages of completion.

1-26-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Do you still like January?] YES…BUT…I LIKE EVERYDAY OF THIS MR [MONETARY REFORM] BECAUSE IT IS UNDER GREAT PRESSURE TO COME FORTH… [If we see the RI in January would it be possible we would see the RV within the first Quarter?] YES!!!

1-26-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Complete system Vehicle Tracking (GPS) Banking Services ” Quote: “The Ministry of Communications has completed vehicle tracking company for the benefit of the Iraqi banking project, while the light station installed in the hand Baghdadi in Anbar province to link security and service departments with the capital.” I look at this as more good news. The CBI needs to track vehicles hauling currency to and from banks and this just provides more security. Especially when they start hauling dinar for destruction.

1-26-2018 Intel Guru Bruce When it comes to Iraq…We know those bonds that were being offered Wednesday morning…did not sell so well in Iraq because a lot of the people don’t trust the banks. They do not trust the CBI. They did make another attempt to sell more bonds. They were cut off after an hour or so of trading. They did some more selling of those today [Wednesday], and again more outside than inside of Iraq. I believe those bonds will sell. The only thing I know is the rate for the dinar that was attached essentially to the bonds is a very strong rate for the dinar and is the same rate as the opening rate will be on the CBI and on our bank screens here. I do know that. I do know that it is slightly under $5… …some people tend to believe that the Dong is going to be at 47 cents. …Just not true. The Dong is already close to $2 just the other night. …I think the screen rate is going to be in that range or higher for the Dong.

1-25-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: “National Investment: Kuwait conference will offer a strategic and 157 medium-sized projects” Quote: “The Conference Kuwait International is scheduled to be held for a period of 12-14 of next February will be dedicated…to offer investment opportunities in Iraq, will also allocate other days to raise $ 100 billion for the reconstruction of the liberated cities will participate in the conference 70 countries, in addition to organizations international including the World Bank.” …the whole point of investing is get a financial return, without an open market economy and a functioning banking system with convertible currency, there’s no “investment” in Iraq. Handouts? Sure. Relief aid for the displaced? Check. Sovereign bonds can be secured by Iraq’s oil revenue, there’s no security investing in Iraq’s infrastructure. Let’s revisit this after the conference and see what happens.

1-25-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat [continued Q & A] …with my contact in the Central Bank. Q: What about the UN charter. Don’t you have to be under Article 8 to operate out of monetary sanctions from the wars, meaning the movement to a different monetary regime? A: Yes, this is true and there are plans to move from Article 14 to operate “fully” under Article 8. The plan is to complete this within the first quarter of 2018. At this time we hope to have monetized to the new dinar categories. Question: Won’t you also have to stop the current practice of the currency auctions? Answer: yes, this is the plan within the first quarter of 2018 to stop these currency auctions.

1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: “National Investment: Kuwait conference will offer a strategic and 157 medium-sized projects” Quote: “The Conference Kuwait International is scheduled to be held for a period of 12-14 of next February will be dedicated…to offer investment opportunities in Iraq, will also allocate other days to raise $ 100 billion for the reconstruction of the liberated cities will participate in the conference 70 countries, in addition to organizations international including the World Bank.” Unless the currency is convertible nothing of any consequence will happen.

1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana […isn’t Iraq election in February? If so if the rv is not do before the election what is Abadi’s chances of being re-elected?] Election dates… actually, ANY event in Iraq… they tend to be confusing and subject to change. It seems to change from week to week more or less. It appears that the election process will start in February, but the actual vote will not happen till May.

1-25-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO Iraq has an International Currency Now. IMO CBI has a strategy and are distributing the LD’s ( Lower Denominations) in the banks now. This week Dems asked President Trump how he would pay for the Wall…He said (IMO) to ask him next week! We told you…to wait until Davos was over…and soon President Trump will make his keynote Speech in Davos. President Trump will also say IMPORTANT THINGS in his State of the Union Speech! IMO..Something is planned for January…Don’t know for sure if it’s to raise the value? Next week my teams and I will know more. IMO At the end of all of this the USD will come back stronger just like it did in 1999 ( Kuwait RV? ). IMO Banks may have RI’d already and we just can’t see it posted yet….but, IMO they are sure acting like it in Davos…

1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling Watching the Iraqi Dinar is not some special event. There’s not something special or secretive in the background going on. It’s simply an economy that’s in the market and has to compete and they have to watch what it is they are doing so they can balance out their currency with their economy in order to compete correctly…No body outside of a country has the right to manipulate somebody else’s currency. It just doesn’t happen…the reality is it has to do with markets.

1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana […on a scale from 0 – 10 how far or how close are we to thé HCL Rv?] …a 10/10.

1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “US Vice Foreign Minister in Baghdad next Sunday” Quote: “Visiting Deputy Foreign United States Secretary John Sullivan of Baghdad on Sunday for talks on activating the strategic framework between the two countries on the diplomatic, political and economic levels of the Convention.” The economic side of the SFA is the TIFA agreement. Clearly that can not be activated until Iraq’s banking system is engaged with the world.