Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-25-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-25-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-25-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Results of the foreign currency sale window for Sunday 01/24/2021, and executed today” Here is just more support …that they are ceasing the Multi Currency Practices… 0 cash sales. A key indicator change is coming.

1-25-21 Newshound Guru Pimpy …one article says they plan on keeping the rate that it’s at now for the next 3 years. Some of you are going ‘Oh my god we have to wait 3 years?’ That’s very possible. Like I said when you hear good news don’t get overly excited. When you hear bad news don’t get overly bummed out. IMO is it going to stay that way for 3 years? No I don’t think so…Hopefully peace will remain in the Middle East. Iraq will continue to grow and if they could do this I think the rate change would change a little bit quicker…just because they say it don’t mean that’s how long it’s going to take. There are a lot of other things to take into consideration…do plans change? Yes, they do…I have my own theories on why it’s not going to last.

1-24-2021 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV reported that Parliament will complete the amendments to the budget law by Wednesday or Thursday and will present them for voting at that time.

1-24-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Sumaisem: America will not pump dollars into Iraq, and dealings will be in the digital currency…and Baghdad is forced to comply with the recommendations of the international monetary 27th December, 2020″ FORCED to devalue to 1460… Then think FORCE means they had to get in sync with the region. They are once they delete the zeros…imo…So there by they were forced into it, which means they have no choice but to RI…imo.
1-23-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Iraq is moving in Kuwait’s footsteps. It’s that simple. Kuwait changed their rate at the beginning of their fiscal year. Iraq’s already told you that’s what their intention, goals and objections are too. Iraq already came out telling you in print that they are going to increase the value of their currency at the beginning of a new budget period. Iraq’s new fiscal year does not even start until April 1st…Iraq has gone as far forward as they can at this point without changing the rate…once they finish the ’21 budget it’s game over. After the ’21 budget comes the rate change.