Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-19-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-19-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-19-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan It looks like…the reducing of the value of the local currency [Iraqi dinar]…wasn’t a good move. The devaluation created more inflation. Pricing has gone up 30 to 50%. That’s not only from the articles, that’s what we’re getting from people who actually are over there…Are they going to keep it at 1450 for another year? My personal opinion is they will implode…for them to pay taxes they are not going to be at 1450…It just does not make any sense to anybody that they would do that. What’s more likely is that they change the rate again in early 2021…

1-18-2021 Intel Guru Footforward Right now there isn’t a ton of RV info to talk about. Iraq is basically going in circles and I suspect they will keep doing so until Iran is delt with…They aren’t holding because of Iran…But there is something that needs to be broken with Iran.

1-18-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] There is plenty of chatter coming out of Iraq on auctions, bills, the change of value…they plan to revalue and release the lower denomination bills buying up the higher denomination bills off the streets. …Very good stuff coming out of Iraq. Some of our military sources are getting excited because they are also dinar holders. They are anticipating a change in value shortly. Days to weeks…that is what they are expecting at this point…IMO everything is watching to see how this week unfolds.

1-17-2021 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV reports that the Finance Minister has revealed that the 2021 Budget will be comprised of borrowing 63 trillion from internal banks and 23 trillion from external banks. The 63 trillion will be supplied by the new exchange rate, it will go FROM trillions down to billions, and the 23 will come from investors outside the country. Congratulations! Parliament is having a meeting TODAY to discuss setting the date to pass 2021 the budget law. FROM trillions down to billions is dropping the 3 zeros and increasing the “exchange rate” Wooooooo Hooooooo!