Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-16-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-16-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-16-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram International news feeds light up with details on the Iraqi PM statement on US troops. Article: “Iraqi PM backs indefinite US troop presence in country” Quote: “Iraq would like similar relations with Washington to those enjoyed by Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf oil and gas producers says Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed al-Sudani”

1-16-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Although this [past] article makes a great case why the rate is gong to be reinstated at $3.22…there’s nothing out there that guarantees the rate at $3.22. I say that hesitantly because in an article they tell you why the rate is going to be reinstated at $3.22 and they’re using quotes from individuals who are part of the United Nations and the whole nine yards…there’s places within the article which I’m going to have to elaborate a little more so people are not misled…I realize you guys..are grown adults…I’m going to elaborate more and point out why there’s some concerns about something being said in there…

1-15-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The dollar is declining in the Iraqi market” REMEMBER WHAT WE TOLD YOU NOW THAT THE IQD IS DEPEGGED, THE USD WILL FLUCTUATE CONSTANTLY… UNTIL THE IQD FLOATS.

1-15-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] They are taking about new small category notes to the citizens of Iraq which means a new exchange rate to match them. You can’t put new small category notes into the market without the current exchange rate. It won’t work…

1-15-2023 Newshound Guru Breitling Iraq is still cranking. The powers that be in Iraq, the people with the authority, I haven’t heard one of them say, ‘This isn’t going to work. We aren’t going to add value to our currency. Maybe in 30 years.’ Nothing. They’re still on it. They’re still very very enthusiastic about it. They need to weaponize their own currency is the language that they’re using. So that’s all good.

1-15-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “Al-Fateh: Selling oil in currencies other than the US dollar is very possible” I have said this and said it and said it… This is not an unrealistic set of events. EVERYONE wants off the US Dollar. The question is, what will they get on? What if it were Dinar?!? WOW.

1-15-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni What law needs to be passed now? It’s not what law, it’s laws. They’re over 100 outstanding laws in Iraq that need to be passed to encourage investment in Iraq. Nothing is happening with the dinar until Iraq develops a private sector economy!

1-15-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “In the document .. The Parliamentary Human Rights Committee calls on the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance and the concerned authorities to reduce the price of the dollar”. THE NEW EXCHANGE RATE AND THE NSCN’s WILL SUFFOCATE THE VALUE OF THE DOLLAR IN IRAQ.

1-15-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy If you want to have a stronger exchange rate for your currency you need a very stable government. You need a stable currency. You need a stable economy and having 94% of your budget relying on oil revenues is not a stable economy. Al-Kazemi went in there and changed it. It used to be like 98% relied on oil revenues and now it’s down to 96%. It doesn’t sound like much but that does make a difference. I like to see how far Al-Sudani is going to get. I’m sure he’s doing anything and everything he can to make as much of an impression to the people of Iraq so when they go to early elections they’ll consider him all over again…

1-15-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “An expected visit of an Iraqi delegation to Washington, and the “Dinar and Dollar” file is at the forefront of the talks” Quote: “a high-ranking Iraqi delegation to visit the United States on the eighth of next February…The delegation, which includes economic officials and from the Central Bank, will hold meetings with senior US officials in Washington to discuss the issue of the dinar and the dollar, and the economic relations between the two countries,”

1-15-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “Is the exchange going to be taxed?” Oh, yeah! Have you ever made a capital gains where you never had to pay tax on it? Maybe on a different planet but not on Earth…if you exchange them inside of a year’s purchase you’ll be somewhere in the 40% tax range. But if you hold it and you have capital gain after one year of holding it you’ll probably be in the 20% range.

1-15-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am hearing from contacts in Iraq that they did indeed bring them in (bankers?) to update them on how they are going to handle the restoration of the rate. Restoring it to its old value. This is big – its absolutely enormous for us….

1-15-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …the corruption in Iraq is affecting the reinstatement of the dinar…it is my full belief that we will not see the RV we are looking for until the corruption in Iraq is taken care of…