Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-13-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-13-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-13-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Parliamentary Finance: The 2020 budget ncludesi the payment of the last payment of Kuwait’s debts” Quote: “the total amounts of the Iraqi budget for the year 2020 amount to fifty trillion Iraqi dinars…” …that is a big change from the total 160 – 165 Trillion of the past If I recall. Hmm… Drop the Zeros, and it is in billions, just as they said their goal was if I recall that right!

1-13-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …the QFS System – The Quantum Financial System is a new system that we, as far as I can tell right now has completely transitioned over to from the Swift System…Two benefits for us – 2 benefits that come out immediately…No 1 the speed of transfers and they use the term ledger to ledger …can occur in 28 – 52 seconds; even globally – around the world – that is fantastic speed – No longer will the banks hold our money while a wire is coming in or say well it’s going to take 9 days or 11 days to get here – those days are gone – We are under a new banking system…

1-13-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the rate doesn’t need the budget, the budget needs the rate. The RI is simply waiting for the budget, waiting for the GOI, waiting for the garbage out there to stop. Let’s stop the protesting and the killing and see what else we can can do here…

1-13-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …this was submitted to the US Treasury under the Freedom of Information Act. We had asked them how much Iraq dinar does the US Federal Reserve Treasury hold within its reserves? They had responded back to our request…They said in excess of 20 Trillion Iraqi dinar.

1-12-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article quote: “The contribution to achieving development and attracting foreign investment” They don’t attract much in the form of foreign investment at a program rate. The recent meetings at the CBI this week have clearly shown they are moving on with their monetary reform road map and that is to get reconstruction underway. The China deal with 100,000 barrels day to provide exactly that was just inked the other day. …I am fairly sure they are telling us they are effectively ready to get the show on the road…Will the UST, WB, IMF, BIS and WTO be looking for them to do so? I would say absolutely they are…It is all about the money, jobs, etc…imo!

1-12-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [Iraq’s currency regained its footing after a few shaky days last week. IQD/USD back to pre-crisis level at banks and money changers. Thus far extent of capital flight seems limited- a good development for Iraqi people if it holds.] Yes, back in compliance. But will this period require another 90 days?

1-12-2020 Intel Guru Footforward He [Trump] said “their” currency. I would think that means dinar…

1-12-2020 Newshound Guru chattels Trump said: “We have a lot of their money. There is $ 35 billion in an account.” My read / take is that Trump said that there is 35 billion dollars in an account belonging to Iraq. That does not mean to me that there is 35 trillion IQD in an account.

1-12-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article “Deputy: The vote on amending the Financial Management Law will address the problem of the delay in approving the budge”. …they’re basically telling you right now that they amended to finalize the Financial Management Law…What they’re telling you is that the 2020 budget is most likely going to be applied to international currency so it has to adhere to international standards…they’re telling you Iraq is going international with this 2020 budget…

1-12-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan The table is about to be set. Trade deal inked with Iraq and China already, then the Cookie gets Icing next week with the USA and China trade deal too. I don’t know for sure, but I have a strong feeling there is no coincidence’s about these to events taking place now. Even the CBI has told us they reduced the note count, they even show in their spread sheets on the Arabic side (per Delta) that they have paid for the recent new printing of money to the tune of approximately $190 million +- over the last year or so. There were and are videos…that showed the process of what they are doing with the large notes. They were and may still be destroying them…In the video they were not showing worn and torn notes. They were showing good quality 25k notes and in very large quantities. The CBI website shows in the Charts the reduction. Charts on that site are for international use and they are extremely accurate for many reasons too.