Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-10-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-10-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-10-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …Believe me that this mission to rid Iraq of the Iranian overpowering influence has been planned since 2017, if not even before. What they needed was an opportunity to begin execution of the plan. These current events are not just happening but rather they are well thought out. It is all planned out…The US is NOT going to pullout of Iraq. We tried this already and we know Iraq is not yet ready for this…Once the currency auctions end in Iraq, and they will end, Iraq will move on. WE will go to the bank and exchange our dinar…

1-10-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …let’s look at their patterns…back on Sunday Iraq’s parliament, which was a majority Shia, passed and approved a new law to remove foreign military…all that news from both direction saying that the US had to go and the US was gonna sanction Iraq was all lies and BS…What is significant about that? This is called China syndrome. Back when China had intentions of changing their rate they had put an ad in the media saying ‘we have no intentions of changing our rate.’ Then about 3 days later… they did change the rate…10 years I’ve been in this investment …this is the largest amount of misleading information or lies in their media that I’ve seen in the shortest period of time and IMO they’re doing this because…the whole rate change is a classified event. They don’t want us to know about it…

1-10-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The finance comittee reveals the mechanism for paying Iraqi debts .. And the Central reveals its policy to control the exchange rate” The fact that they are now openly talking about the tools (mechanisms) are in place to permanently correct the course of Iraq’s monetary policy…is huge and very welcoming for us all. …in respect to the conditions they are now in [militarily], they are still moving forward and head on with the monetary policy to control the exchange rate. Once they stop the auctions they will not have any other Multi Currency Practices (MCPs) to deal with. IMF requirement…The dinar exchange rate will be devoid of them (mcp) when fully article 8 and out of sanctions and thus, the world can freely trade internationally in IQD.

1-9-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni So is there a way to fudge the numbers when you fall out of compliance [on the 2% rule]? Who knows but the CBI does report the auction exchange rates in their spreadsheets which ultimately end up in their reports to the IMF. The bottom line is if stability is an issue I doubt the IMF would accept them into Article VIII. And if anyone questions the validity of such a rule all I have to do is go and look at the Article IV Consultations between the IMF and the Central Bank of Iraq to see that it is very clearly documented as a requirement.

1-9-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [I did see on Congress Website: start Date REMOVED for HR25 VAT “Fair Tax Act of 2019” is still pending vote—go to congress website for bill “HR25”. I noticed they REMOVED the 1/1/2020 start date removed.!] I saw that as well… IMO when they are ready it will only take 5 minutes… they can pull it out…Sign it and BOOM…it will be sitting on Trump’s desk for final signature…

1-9-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The “2% compliance” deal is good to see, but it’s not mandatory for an RV. Consider the organization that “requires” 2% compliance… the theory falls apart after that. Iraq can go 500% out of compliance and push the RV button if they want. So long as the CBI is backing the rate, it will fly.

1-9-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “IRANIAN DOMINANCE OF IRAQ HAVE BEEN PROVEN TRUE” I have been telling everyone for years that the Iranian influence would have to be challenged and it is the problem of corruption in Iraq as to why our investment in the dinar is not going anywhere. So now we are seeing it all playing out. This is the bad news but the good news is it is now being challenged (the timing of it) and this had to occur to get to it (got to go through it to get to it) . Look at the bright side – it could be even worse as we could be waiting yet another decade for this challenge to even take place but it is happening right now. The Trump administration is getting it done and now is the time…

1-9-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ Things really seem to be heating up on the banking side of things. I am hearing all Redemption Centers are in place and ready. I am very hopeful that this is not going to be another false alarm. This time things feel very different to me.