Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-1-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-1-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-1-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …You have to look at Kuwait’s as a prime example to gauge Iraq. Kuwait specifically did theirs on a Sunday morning of March 24th of ’91. The reason it was done at that time is because that was done shortly before the beginning of their fiscal year which would be April 1st…Iraq is gonna have to change the rate at the beginning period of a new accounting period…because this is such a major rate change…if it was $3 that would be a 3000% increase. If it was closer to $4 it would be a 4000% increase. That’s massive…I’ve been saying this to my long timers throughout the entire year of 2019…

1-1-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …Iraq already came out telling you they’re doing a temporary interim budget at the beginning of the year which means the 2020 budget will not cover starting from January. They’re telling you that they’re going to utilize a new fiscal year. Because of that temporary budget…the factual data shows that they’re transitioning back to their previous fiscal year going from April through March…

1-1-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [Any news on the flat tax?] No…We have seen a number of resolution bills that are still in committee pointing to they are prepared for the flat tax…the paperwork is in place…they need to pull a quick vote for approval

12-31-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat UPDATE: Reinstatement progress…Remember that the UN and Sadr both agreed to finally pay out the excess oil revenues through the HCL to the citizens and do it now. …This was weeks ago? But we also know this will take a change in the rate and will trigger the smaller of the small category denominations to come out. The process has been set up that way to happen. So we wait…for things to settle down. But they will not even begin to settle down until a new prime minister is selected that meets the demands of the protestors. When will this happen?

12-31-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat It takes time and we see much progress. The Iranian backed blocs have to get it into their thick heads that things are NOT going back to their form of normal (meaning corruption). Already the new election law changes how the process works. Oh – yes they would like things to settle back down their way so they can keep stealing from Iraq and feeding Iran. But this is why the demonstrations are happening in the first place and so this is NOT going to happen, not ever! …We must go through this to get to it (our investment).

12-31-2019 Intel Guru Jeff I’m looking for two key things right now within the month of January [Budget and PM]. IMO I feel Iraq has about 90 days. They’re not in any kind of rush. 90 days to really get the money positioned and change the rate. I’m looking from the beginning of January through the end of March…

12-31-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ The Iraqi run on the US Embassy guys…can you blame them? I do not think this is a negative for us…I think this is positive for us. The Iraqi people are being held hostage monetarily while America screws around getting things done or not done…Iraq is ready…has been ready…They have done what they needed to do to revalue their currency…they are beyond frustrated.

12-31-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So the news today is still all about the Iranian influence in Iraq and the chaos it is causing. Finally, the US forces took action against them. The protestors support this action. Some Iranian backed politicians, of course, did not like and so spoke up. But this will all change and sooner than later. It may take an escalation of the US forces to push them out… What will happen? Whatever does happen must be met with support from the GOI and parliament.

12-31-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …Iraq through the year of ’19 has showed you a lot of articles showing if they were to change the rate right now because they are pegged to the dollar that the new rate they’d achieve would be “$1 plus”. In order for them to achieve a “$3 plus” rate they have to have to do what Kuwait has done. They have to un-peg from the dollar and re-peg to a currency assortment basket…