Iraq without a budget in 2022

Iraq without a budget in 2022


Iraq without a budget in 2022Indicators of Iraqi political confusion do not call for optimism about the possibility of approving the financial budget for the current year, especially with the entry of the government formation crisis into unprecedented complications, and in light of the current intersections within Parliament, which entered its legislative recess several days ago and lasts for a whole month.

The budget specifies the items of state expenditures during a year, especially for salaries, support, and repayment of debt burdens, as well as the target for state revenues. Despite the government’s success in obtaining about $18 billion within the emergency security law recently approved by Parliament to secure energy imports, finance important service projects, and fund the Social Welfare Fund, officials confirm the country’s continued need for the budget that was drafted earlier at nearly 90 billion. dollar.

And last Tuesday, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, in a speech he delivered on the sidelines of a meeting of members of his government, confirmed that “the country needs the new budget so that the state can proceed with its projects to serve the citizen.”

But the Federal Court stripped Al-Kazemi’s government of all powers, as it is a caretaker government with limited powers, and it is not entitled to propose important bills with the invalidation of all appointment orders of higher grades issued during the period of the caretaker business.

And the deputy in the Iraqi parliament, Ahmed Hama Rashid, said, “The current government is unable to approve the country’s budget for this year, because it does not have the powers to legislate laws according to what was approved by the Federal Court,” describing Al-Kazemi’s talk about the necessity of approving the budget. more”.

The Iraqi electricity network is exposed to sabotage (Dimiter Delkov/AFP) Iraq’s
begins to pay off Iranian gas debts amid hopes that the electricity crisis will end
. Iraq has been experiencing it for nearly 8 months, which prevented it.”

And a member of the Economic Committee in Parliament for its previous session, Najeba Najib, considered the recent Federal Court decision related to the powers of the caretaker government, as “restricting the hand of the current government with regard to approving the budget.”

She explained that “the complexity of the political scene around the formation of the government and the resignation of the Sadrist movement’s representatives from Parliament was a clear message that the crisis is heading towards complexity, so the 2022 budget will not see the light this year,” noting that even if a new government is formed, the budget will be a supplementary part for two months or more. Only three months.”

She pointed out that “entering Iraq in the sixth month of this year without legislating the country’s general budget will deprive the government of paying its internal and external obligations and spending on the requirements of projects and services necessary for citizens.”

Electricity of Iraq (Hussein Faleh/AFP) Iraq
: The establishment of electrical interconnection stations with Saudi Arabia has begun
, and the economist Ali Al-Fariji considered that the political crisis over forming the next government has plunged Iraq into a new chaos over how to invest the state’s revenues and capabilities.

Al-Fraiji told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that it is difficult to pass the budget for this year in light of the political turmoil that Iraq is witnessing, unless the politicians surprise us by striking the laws, the constitution, and the instructions of the financial management of the state, noting that Iraq today is entering into economic chaos that is added to The size of the negative accumulations of previous years.