Iraq warns foreign oil companies from contracting with the Kurdistan region

Iraq warns foreign oil companies from contracting with the Kurdistan region

2017/10/19 13:18

Iraq warns foreign oil companies from contracting with the Kurdistan region[Ayna-Baghdad] The
Ministry of Oil strongly warned all countries and international oil companies of contracting or agreement with any party inside Iraq without reference to the federal government or the Ministry of Oil.
“The irresponsible statements made by some officials inside and outside Iraq or by foreign companies regarding their intention to contract or conclude oil contracts with this or that entity within The geographical boundaries of the country without the knowledge of the federal government or the Ministry of Oil, is a blatant interference in the internal affairs of Iraq and a reduction of national sovereignty and an outright violation of international norms.
“The federal government and the Federal Oil Ministry are the only parties that have the constitutional and legal powers to conclude contracts and agreements related to the development and investment of oil and gas wealth.”
He added that “the government and the Ministry of Oil are responsible for drawing and developing strategies related to oil and gas wealth in accordance with the Constitution and the laws and powers and instructions in force, whether in the conclusion of agreements with countries or contracts with international companies, otherwise these agreements and contracts are illegal and non-binding to the Iraqi state and grant the right to the government and the ministry To take legal action in domestic and international courts in order to protect national wealth. ”
The Minister of Oil stressed that the government and the Ministry of Oil are keen to provide a safe environment for the work of international companies and protect their investments throughout Iraq, including the northern provinces.