Iraq: “The Framework” clings to forming the largest bloc in order to preserve “the rights of the Shiites”

Iraq: “The Framework” clings to forming the largest bloc in order to preserve “the rights of the Shiites”


Iraq - The Framework clings to forming the largest bloc in order to preserve the rights of the ShiitesThe former Iraqi Prime Minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, hinted yesterday, Monday, to the possibility of a breakthrough in the political crisis afflicting Iraq, coinciding with signs of an international calm that will be reflected in Iraq, and while the “coordinating framework” insists on forming the largest parliamentary bloc, in order to preserve the rights of The Shiites,” the head of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, said that there is no stability without “equilibrium.”
A leader in the “coordinating framework” suggested the disintegration of the “triple alliance”, which includes, in addition to the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, and the Sunni “sovereignty” alliance led by Khamis al-Khanjar and Muhammad al-Halbousi, stressing that the “framework” supports Barham. Fit for the position of President of the Republic.

Abdul-Mahdi hints at an expected political breakthrough… And Al-Hakim: There is no stability without balance

Ayed Al-Hilali said that “the framework was able to present an initiative that was accepted and rejected,” explaining that “the partners in the tripartite alliance cannot at this stage abandon Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr, but perhaps in the coming days we will witness a state of dismantling in the alliance in the direction of the framework and its national initiative and its announcement.” Establishing a strong government that fulfills the citizen’s desire to end the political blockage,” according to the media of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
He added: “The tripartite alliance has not yet dealt with the coordination framework initiative in a positive way,” noting that “the coordination framework demands an agreement after the tripartite alliance rejected the consensus and closed the doors of meetings.”
Al-Hilali pointed out that “the coordination framework supports Barham Salih for the position of President of the Republic, and it was agreed on the candidate for the position of Prime Minister (he did not name him), and on the other hand, he should understand and not be exaggerated in raising his demands to avoid disrupting the political process.”
He stressed that “the House of Representatives will not hold any session to elect the president of the republic before April 6,” noting that “the judiciary will intervene, and perhaps after another period we will reach more positive understandings.”
This coincides with the selection of the leader of the “Al-Fateh” coalition, Hadi Al-Amiri, as one option to manage the next phase, while noting that the “coordinating framework” will go to the “guarantor third” to preserve the democratic path in Iraq.
Al-Amiri’s office said in a statement that the latter “received the Italian ambassador to Iraq, Maurizio Cricante, in his office in Baghdad, where he assured him of the necessity of a national agreement in managing the next stage.”

guarantor third

He added: “We went to the guarantor third to preserve the democratic path in Iraq and preserve the rights of the Shiite component, and the national initiative that we proposed came to end the political blockage.”
In addition, the Italian ambassador said: “Our relationship with Baghdad is very good, and Italy has always supported Iraq since 2003 and in its war against terrorism, and this support will continue with full respect for Iraq’s sovereignty.”
Al-Amiri praised “the Italian role in support of Iraq and its sovereignty,” expressing his hope for “developing relations in the fields of maritime and air transport due to Italy’s expertise in these areas.”
At the same time, he confirmed that the “coordinating framework” did not and will not give up forming the largest bloc, and Al-Amiri’s office said in a second statement that the latter “received the German ambassador to Iraq Martinez Yegar, who assured him that the Shiite framework did not and will not give up forming the largest bloc to ensure the right of Shiite component. Al-Amiri pointed out that “political stability must be achieved because this will produce a strong and stable government that is able to maintain security and stability and provide services to citizens.”
In addition, Yegar stressed that “Germany will not interfere in Iraq, as it used to do in the past, and it will deal with any government formed by the Iraqis, and the sovereignty of Iraq is important to us.”
Al-Amiri praised “the role of the German government in supporting Iraq and respecting its sovereignty, and stressed the need to develop economic relations and benefit from German expertise, especially in the field of electric power.”
In parallel, the leader in the “coordinating framework”, the Secretary-General of the “Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq” movement, Qais al-Khazali, affirmed his welcome for any positive role that ends the “political blockage” in Iraq, especially from Arab countries.
This came during Khazali’s reception, in his office in the capital, Baghdad, with the Egyptian ambassador to Iraq, Walid Ismail, and the accompanying delegation, according to a statement. Khazali stressed, according to the statement, that “the coordination framework is not with political obstruction and disruption of the country’s interests, but is open to positive solutions that are far from exclusion,” adding: “We welcome any positive role, especially from brotherly Arab countries.”
This is happening at a time when the leader of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, saw that there is no stability without balance, again at the same time not participating in the next government.
He said in a televised interview that “it was formed a year before the elections, and the first of them was the Sadrist movement to include all Shiite forces… But before the elections the movement froze its presence and after the results they did not return and did not withdraw. ».
He explained that “what the citizen has heard now are nominations for positions, but the value of the autopsies when they are within one vision that guarantees the cohesion of the coalition,” noting that “the tripartite alliance is living (a honeymoon), which is a state of interest in forming the government, but they did not engage in common challenges to show its cohesion such as sensitive and logical issues. If they succeed in forming the government, how will they face the structural and pivotal issues? What they alone now is how to reach the government, but the problems will appear at the beginning of the formation of the government».
He added that “the next cabinet’s first task is the budget law, so how will they deal with the entitlements, and there are different opinions among them, and some of them will concede to the other,” noting that “the tripartite alliance, from a different point of view and visions, is supposed to be an alliance according to specific understandings and visions.”
Al-Hakim pointed out that “the political elites and the Iraqi people so far do not know the plan and programs of the tripartite alliance to manage the state, i.e. an alliance that wants to form a government that must be reconciled and understanding with itself so as not to break in sensitive and crucial issues to face challenges.”
He stressed that “there is no stability without balance and we need a balanced equation… We have a societal reality of components that have their sizes, and the formation of a government and the transformation of a large component from a majority to a minority, this creates an imbalance.”
He said that “a government of a national majority is a necessity in our personal opinion, but to add another characteristic to it, a government of a balanced national majority, for a government of a national majority without balance would mean no stability.”
And he indicated that “our previous alliance in the 2018 government was according to a balanced architecture and the rights of the components in it are preserved, and any coalition that forms the government must have a balance.”
He stressed their non-participation in the government, saying: “Whoever will form the government, whether the framework alone, or the Sadrist bloc alone, or both together, in all cases, we have no intention of participating in the government.”
He added, “The facts of time and place, the realities and expectations of our people push everyone to show flexibility in the middle of the road, and then things will heal. And calm the souls, and in light of the atmosphere of the month of Ramadan, which is a month of worship, reflection and review, and as a result, we only have each other.”
He added, “Iraq is part of a regional and international system that affects and is affected by it, and there are regional and international transformations that have positive repercussions on the region and its security in general, and Iraq is not an exception. I am not talking about external interference, but rather about an Iraqi reality that affects, is affected and interacts with its regional environment, as is the case with other countries.”
The leader of the Wisdom Movement presented his vision about the “duration” that al-Sadr had set for the “framework” forces in order to form the new government, saying that they in the Wisdom Movement did not want to participate in the government. He said, “We will remain within the framework to protect the balance and the largest bloc, and thus we can achieve the stability of the country.” Al-Hakim added: «My conviction is that a government that lacks the framework or the Sadrist movement cannot achieve stability. He pointed out that “Al-Sadr has his point of view and his insistence on the majority is respected, but the conditions of the arena require broad participation in the new government. Al-Hakim stressed: “I will advise the framework with all its forces to maintain the bridges of desire to invite Al-Sadr to the participation of the Sadrists in the next government,” noting that “there is an opportunity during Ramadan to clarify the program of the next government clearly and with the agreement of all parties, in order to resolve the crisis.”

rapid developments

The former Prime Minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, put forward several scenarios, which he described as “perceptions to break the political blockage.” Abdul-Mahdi said in his blog post yesterday, “In front of the (coalition) position and the reaction of (the framework), the road is still closed, so what are the options? Are there visions of resolving the situation?”
He added, “It is possible to let things take their course, as the accelerated external developments in the coming days and weeks may impose new options, opening up horizons for better understandings, but betting on that is not enough, and there must be visions of bridging between the demand of the national majority of the “triple alliance” and the “bloc.” The biggest” for “the framework”, to break the crisis.
He added, “But betting on that is not enough, and there must be visions of bridging between the demand for the national majority for the “triple alliance” and the “largest bloc” for the “framework” to dismantle the crisis.
Abdul-Mahdi indicated that “calling all the representatives of the population majority for a meeting outside parliament meetings (for example, 2006 and the election of Al-Jaafari versus Abdul-Mahdi), it guarantees the attendance of 150-160 deputies and more, loyalists, opponents and independents (…) the names nominated for prime minister are presented, and if more than two are submitted, A first round is organized to elect two winners, followed by another to choose the candidate of the largest bloc, so that (the framework) achieves its demand, and (the current) will guarantee its demand as well (…) when needed, the other components follow the same mechanism or similar to it according to their conditions and balances, for example 2014 and the election of infallible versus Saleh ».
He suggested that “the opponents of the various components declare a bloc (the national minority), in exchange for ensuring that some requirements and conditions (among them) are agreed upon on an internal system. Electing a presidency that it represents. It is not required for all opponents to join the bloc, but those who do not join may not enjoy all its rights,” noting that “the opposition, for example, has a vice president for all committees of the House of Representatives and at least one third of the members of the committee. The representative has the right to be on more than one committee. The deputy chairman of the committee has the right to meet with the relevant minister at least once a month, and when necessary. And that his committee receive reports and questionnaires from ministries and agencies regarding their activities, contracts, appointments, etc., to provide the requirements for oversight and legislation.
And for the good performance of oversight and legislation, Abdul-Mahdi suggested that “the presidency of the bloc has the right to meet with the heads of the executive and judicial authorities at least once a month, and when necessary, and that the presidency of the bloc meets with the Presidency of the House of Representatives and the presidency of the majority bloc at least once a month, and when necessary to coordinate the work of the legislative authority.” Fundamentally, the members of the bloc enjoy all the protections and facilities from government departments and our foreign representations to perform their work.”
He added: “According to its system, the bloc meets periodically and takes its decisions as (a watchdog and an alternative government). Fundamentally, it manages the accountability, hosting and interrogations individually – or with the majority, and for the maturation of its visions and decisions, it can seek the assistance of an agreed number of experts and advisors from inside and outside the state, and the House of Representatives bears their expenses in a fundamental way, (in addition to) the possibility of moving between the majority and minority blocs, and mechanisms are necessary (Fundamentalism) for what may entail a change of (the majority), at the level of the legislative and executive powers.”
According to Abdul-Mahdi, “the transnational parliamentary majority can organize itself according to an internal system that includes the ministerial curriculum, the methods for taking its decisions, resolving disputes between its wings, and working methods within the parliament and with the rest of the authorities,” noting that “within the framework of the “national majority,” and after Agreeing on the ministerial curriculum, the other party – when choosing a “current” or “framework” candidate for prime minister, has the right to hold ministries or positions to prevent exclusivity and marginalization.
He went on to say: “If the majority and the minority identify their positions and methods with two large blocs, and some of them want to stay outside them, then they must be given representative and non-representative roles, so that they can exercise the roles of hydration or decisiveness according to the circumstances. According to the principle of neither harm nor harm, they are neither suffocated nor obstructed. The goal of the political and electoral process is to reach a rational and effective government that serves the people and the country.”
And the former Iraqi prime minister concluded by saying: “These are personal perceptions that I did not consult with any of the competing forces, and they do not represent an ideal solution. The optimum will correlate with a sound law for parties and elections, so that the voters can decide from the start (the largest bloc) and (the alternative government), so it is not left to the subsequent bargains and obstructions. , as it happened and is happening.”