Iraq resort to international loans to meet the employees’ salaries

Iraq resort to international loans to meet the employees’ salaries


Iraq resort to international loans to meet the employees salariesBAGHDAD / JD / .. warned a number of experts and specialists in the economic affairs of the arrival of the country into financial bankruptcy after liquidity, which has become inadequate to meet the operating state requirements, including the salaries due to lower oil prices into force, noting that the Iraqi government has hired foreign loans of the international Monetary Fund and the World Bank for the purpose of bridging the salaries of state employees.
The Finance Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, has signed a contract to obtain a financial loan of $ 10 billion from the International Monetary Fund in Amman.
He says a member of the Committee of Economy and Parliamentary investment MP Ali al-Maliki, said that “there are statements of some officials, not to the possibility of the government staff salaries in April or June, but these statements are not based on accurate data showing that Iraq has reached the brink of bankruptcy and that he is unable to staff salaries “stressing can not use international loans in order to pay the salaries, because these loans entail conditions could reach the country to the risk of ominous.
He said al-Maliki told / KD /: “These inaccuracies in the statements and weighed heavily on the general economic situation in the country,” stressing that today’s government is unable to find the necessary to get out of the current financial crisis solutions.
“I can not get out of the current economic crisis, there were not maximizing the revenue of the state and not to rely only on oil,” adding that “Iraq has a great Kalsnaaa, agricultural and tourism religious and historical, both productive sectors When activated will enable Iraq to overcome their ordeal.”
For his part, stressed the economic expert Abdul Hassan al-Shammari, said the Iraqi government today stands confused and helpless in front of the country reached by the day of the crisis crippling the financial and economic level due to the lack of scientific and proper planning.
Al-Shammari told / KD / that Iraq now has no Youla sufficient cash to meet the operating state requirements including salaries, noting that the Iraqi government has resorted to international banks and the IMF and the World Bank in order to obtain loans to meet the salaries of state employees.
“The government is considering to present to silence the people did not think about the future, what will the Iraqi economy on the grounds that such loans have agreed terms and benefits required Iraq to pay them in accordance with the specified period of time, Iraq will be unable to pay in the future of these loans in the event of the survival of the economic status quo “./anthy/8/