Iraq prepares to enter a credit IMF to provide him with borrowing $ 6 billion

Iraq prepares to enter a credit IMF to provide him with borrowing $ 6 billion

Posted, 30/03/2016 22:21

Iraq prepares to enter a credit IMF to provide him with borrowing 6 billion[Oan- Baghdad]
concluded Tuesday afternoon, in the Jordanian capital Amman talks between Iraq and the International Monetary Fund , headed by Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari and the presence of the Governor of the Central Bank and Financial Advisor to the Prime Minister.
A statement by the Ministry of Finance Agency has received all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that ” a number of directors general of finance, planning and oil ministries and the Central Bank of Iraq, took part in the final meeting in what was chaired by IMF staff team Christian coconut and team members and representatives from the World Bank and the Agency Japan international cooperation Agency [JICA] and the US embassy in Baghdad. ”
the eighth president of the group of experts at the international Monetary Fund , according to the statement” made ​​by Iraq ‘s efforts in the implementation of quantitative targets and the standard of the UNFPA program staff monitor [SMP] which was agreed upon in November 2015, this easy entry into Iraq in the run ‘s credit program [SBA] with the Fund. ” the
two sides reached according to the statement to” a common understanding about to enter Iraq in the program [SBA] and identify actions semen taken and the goals that the program aims to achieve. ”
He said , ” this program will bring Iraq ‘s entry into the provision of external financing up to $ 6 billion in order to finance the budget deficit in 2016, as it enhances the ability of Iraq to borrow abroad to finance the deficit. ”
at the end of the talks held two sides held a press conference attended by a group of TV and news agencies briefed through the Minister of Finance results talks and answer all questions in all transparency and the presence of the Ambassador of Iraq in Jordan , Safiya al – Suhail.