Iraq is continuing the investigation into the disappearance of funds during the CPA
04/05/2012 11:41
Baghdad, May 4 / May (Rn) – The Commission investigative Iraqi joint for continued verification of funds spent during the civil administrator Paul Bremer and the successive governments without the existence of the exchange are shown they are looking for money exchange without the consent of the House of Representatives during the past years. Iraqi authorities say the money dismissed from “the Development Fund for Iraq,” the U.S. government authorized to act yet with 2003 and believed to be its fate is unknown. acknowledged U.S. officials June last the disappearance of $ 6.6 billion from the fund the reconstruction of Iraq, but Iraqis say that about $ 17 billion in lost and stolen by the institutions U.S.. A member of the investigative secretary Hadi, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the Committee are discussed with the Inspector General of the U.S. on the amount of $ 8 billion spent during the term of the civil governor Paul Bremer run the country,” noting that “the Inspector the U.S. provided the Commission with figures detailed for those amounts. ” and said a member of the Committee that “Bremer is responsible for the disbursement of that money does not assume any side Iraqi responsibility at the time.” and that “there is money spent outside the budget during the period of government of Iyad Allawi, the interim within contracts arming of the Iraqi army in the program (FMS) is the focus of study and research by the Commission as to whether spent contracts are formal. ” He continued that “the Commission can not be achieved from the money spent under the approval of the House of Representatives that the aspects of dispensing a fundamentalist, even if outside the budget within the funds availability because it funds the disposal of the signing of the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance who between the details of the disbursement of the former. ” He added by saying that “the process of checking all the money spent without bond exchange require the presence of accountants charge of auditing the funds received and disbursed.” was the establishment of the Development Fund for Iraq (Development’s Fund immediately after Irak – D F A) in May 2003, by the Coalition Provisional Authority has been recognized under the UN Security Council resolution. and authorized the Iraqi authorities and the Washington Department of Development Fund for Iraq after the dissolution of the Coalition Provisional Authority in June 2004 and until 31 December 2007. From: Raman Brosk. Open: Murtaza Yousuf