Iraq: Foreign currency forged spread in the market with the lack of control …
Iraq: Foreign currency forged spread in the market with the lack of control …
Amplified the spread of counterfeit currency in the country in different categories of the local currency and the U.S. dollar and other foreign currencies in the absence of control of the security services on fraud and with the increasing spread of the financial problems which provided an opportunity for third parties leaking false hard currency.
Says Managing Director of the company Harthiya Banking Abu Abdullah Hajji: “It is well known in all countries of the world that there are strict procedures taken against the fraud being affect widely and eloquently on the country’s economy and thus lead to serious consequences from the most important weaken the currency truth local,” explaining that ” This responsibility rests mainly on lies economic security. adds, “It seems that the competent authorities in the country is not interested in what is going on during the period that followed the exclusion of Dr. Shabibi
In his time was the financial situation has been relatively stable and controlled by, they did not appear to have fraud in this capacity and proliferation.
He continued, “There are third-party behind the fraud because fraud hard currency such as the dollar and the euro have great difficulty because the features of this currency exceeds the level of available resources in the country.
For his part, refers owner banking anonymity to the existence of numerous cases of people have fallen victim Ankhaddallm foreign currency forged.
saying “a few days ago was deceived colleague of mine in the profession huge amount of $ 2700 is what made me hasten immediately purchased a test more modern to detect counterfeit currency.
Meanwhile complain citizens of the further spread of counterfeit currency is very large.
shows Engineer in the Directorate of Transportation Sadiq Saadi of the “regrettable is that the dollar is trading as the currency local,” noting that “being discharged in informal settings, not licensed by the Central Bank, added to the weakness of security controls to detect counterfeit currency.”
believes citizenship Nada Honey: “to the extent “that” the presence dollar counterfeiter comes with the economic collapse that hit him some neighboring countries. adding that the ordinary citizen is harmed first and last of these operations because it is difficult for him to know of fraud, while ATM according to financial expertise reveals the process of counterfeiting currency regardless of detectors forgery .
so demanding member Economic Committee in the House of Representatives the Central Bank and the Directorate of Economic Crime to take the necessary measures to prevent the spread of counterfeit currency in the local market. says in a press statement that “the phenomenon of counterfeiting has become widespread and largely in the market and this indicator threat of the national economy, because it would lose citizens’ confidence in dealing in Iraqi dinars.
explains that “reducing the proliferation of counterfeit currency falls to the security agencies in the state by taking their own means to fight this economic crime and arrest the perpetrators.
was announced Spokesman of the Ministry of Interior managed Directorate Economic Crime Directorate Police Salahuddin province to arrest a gang specialized rigging foreign currency and possession of 130 thousand dollars forged.
at the same time affirmed the financial expert as Hadi al-Tamimi “that processes printed counterfeit currency are outside the country, because it is a complex process and accurate.
Timimi said in a press statement that the spread of these currencies in the market would scar the reputation of the dinar and lose the confidence of dealing, and this would cast a shadow on the national economy, calling on the security agencies to combat this phenomenon and the arrest of the perpetrators.