Iraq: Calls to speed up the reform of the economic and legal environment

Iraq: Calls to speed up the reform of the economic and legal environment


In order to provide jobs for the unemployed outside the framework of the public sector

of things for granted that the absence of the private sector means the absence of creativity and speed of adjustment to market needs and provide employment outside the public sector as well as the lack of competition between the private and public sectors  to the continued deterioration of the efficiency of the latter, something which requires government intervention to protect the public sector through financial support and protection policy customs rate of annual support is currently $ 3 billion Mini protect the institutions of productivity inert at the expense of the citizen who finds unchanged compelled to purchase goods and services at a higher price and the quality is poor.

This is what started it Dean Iraqi Institute for Reform d economy. Kamal Al-Basri in his speech for the “morning” as he said: In order to create a favorable environment or appealing to the activity of each of the private and public sector and restructure the structure of the economy as the global context should first reform of the business environment of the procedures, laws and make it a suitable environment as well as the achievement of human development is باشباع needs Rights of basic services, especially education, as can not achieve development without the interaction of citizens and positive so as to ensure the rule of law and good governance of the different institutions all this is one of the requirements of the development of the Iraqi economy, he said.

job and goes on visual analysis of the reality of the economic policy of the country indicates, for example, to that because of limited job opportunities that could be created by the public sector government is seeking to create jobs by increasing the number of employees of the police and the army and take advantage of the surplus cash in the purchase of military equipment, as well as the adoption of oil revenues on the price of oil the global market and this measure shows the country’s economy to the waves of tides, which are reflected by the sharp fluctuations in oil revenues, pointing out that oil revenues usually benefit the cities more than rural Maysbb immigration status usually ماتكون periods of time resulting in bottlenecks sharp due to insufficient supply of services in relation to demand and to social and economic problems multiple reflected on economic policies in the country through the weakness of the contribution of rural areas in the agricultural and livestock production and for changes in the fertility of the land and thus lead to heavy losses. agricultural sector In another matter drew the visual that the agricultural sector contributes in the amount of 4.15 percent of GDP, despite the fact that arable land Agriculture constitutes 20 percent of the area of Iraq and that nearly 75 percent of farmland irrigated suffer from salinity caused by the mismanagement of perfusion reminding that Statistics Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations indicate that farmland cultivated actually about 13 million acres, enough to meet the needs of the country the necessary nutrients for living 45 million citizens, pointing out that Iraq imports about 80 percent of the local market need for food, expressing surprise at this contradiction and calling for a study of this reality and research in order to find the solutions required to benefit from the agricultural land available and neglected place.

industrial sector and with regard to the sector industrial Fisher visual that the contribution of the industrial sector in GDP is estimated at 1.26 percent of GDP with the number of plants owned by the state amounting to 192 plants employing a total of 800,000 individual pointing out that they suffer from technological backwardness and obsolescence as well as that after the year 2003 suffered a lot from these projects of destruction and became the most of them with technology lagging productivity and low and a financial burden on the state, pointing out that because of the inefficiency of these projects to achieve the revenue necessary to cover the costs of production, the government is obliged to provide support amounting to $ 3 billion noting that the Council of Ministers issued a law to reform These institutions but no work done so far will require restructuring of these projects and privatization and the implementation of programs of governance in management.

ILO his part, said economic expert harmful Sbahi “morning” in the same regard it is useful to learn more about the reality of the private sector through The study made ​​by the International Labour Organization for micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized businesses in Iraq, where the organization has, in cooperation with the UN Office for Project Services conducted two surveys on the enterprise sector in Iraq and show the results that there are 84.5 percent of the institutions run by individuals and 12.1 percent are managed as a company. He added سباهي the scientific level of the workers in these institutions 5.6 percent Lamy 17 percent reads and writes and 31.4 percent primary education and secondary education 21.4 percent and 9.5 percent and 0.1 Graduate Graduate useful to 7.4 percent have bank account Iraqis and 90.7 percent Unrecorded institution in any party and 23 percent of the sample pay taxes and 8 percent are enrolled in the Social Development Fund, warning that these results are Atbashr well and need government support thoughtful to the private sector based on comparative advantage and the output of production and not inputs as well as providing training and qualification of new technology and material support bis say the importance of the adoption of these figures as indicators of the decline in the government’s performance مايتطلب reconsider everything stated in these figures towards strengthening human capacity through training and rehabilitation.

human development and stressed Sbahi at the end of his speech the need to overcome the country on these challenges and reform of the economic environment and legal and procedural in Iraq and activate deferred laws and which depend necessary to encourage foreign investment capital and provide the necessary quantity and duration, technological development and administrative noting that all of this will lead to human development we desperately need.