Iraq and Kuwait agreement on the organization of navigation in front of the House of Representatives
Iraq and Kuwait agreement on the organization of navigation in front of the House of Representatives
Put the House of Representatives, on Thursday, the draft law on ratification of the Convention between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and Kuwait on the organization of maritime navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah in front of his deputies in the first reading, amid expectations that the witness hearing a debate on the law with the continued boycott members of the rule of law for the session in protest not to include a bill criminalizing the Baath Party.
He reported a parliamentary source for “obelisk” that “the agenda of the session of parliament which was distributed today includes the first reading of the draft law on ratification of the Convention between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait on the organization of maritime navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah,” noting that “the bill, which sent the Iraqi government to be submitted to Parliament Committees on Foreign Relations in Parliament and Legal Committee combined It includes articles “.
The source pointed out that the bill includes a reference to the approval of the Council of Ministers of the Convention was “interest of the Government to strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two countries and respect for human traffic navigational approved in international conventions and agreements and support the maritime transport sector through the organization of maritime traffic in the Khor Abdullah through the formation of a joint committee to activate and implement the provisions of this Agreement and the development of joint plans for marine safety in the Khawr Abd Allah and other navigational and environmental issues. “
He also said that the agreement stipulated not to raise any other flag for ships carrying the nationality of one of the contracting parties are not aware of their nationality during their passage in the territorial sea of the other party when exercising the right of maritime traffic.
As for foreign vessels, it will raise only aware of their nationality. And not to apply the provisions of this Convention on the passage of warships and Coast Guard for both parties where each party will work to prevent fishermen from being in fact part of the territorial sea of him from the fairway. The parties will cooperate to preserve the marine environment from pollution risks whatsoever and work to combat and eliminate its effects.
According to the draft agreement, the waterway mentioned in the agreement is the waterway located from the point of confluence of the navigation channel in the Khawr Abd Allah international boundary between the two points border No. (156) and (157) southwards to the point (162) and then to the beginning of the entrance to the navigation channel at the entrance of Khawr Abd Allah.
It draws also said that the parties to the agreement will form the Management Committee jointly chaired by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport on the Iraqi side and Undersecretary of Ministry of Transport for the Kuwaiti side and membership of an equal number of specialists from both sides, where will this committee tasks organize and coordinate the navigation on the waterway in the Khor Abdullah and develop a plan joint to ensure the safety of navigation in the waterway and the approval of maintenance work Kaltusah and deepening and the development of guidelines and hydrographic survey work and recovered Aguarq. And the costs of these works equally between the parties to the Convention.
The Iraqi government approved on 30 January last agreement with Kuwait concerning the organization of navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah, overlooking the Gulf, after a long political debate between the two lasted for more than two years.
He said on Keywords Secretary General of the Council of Ministers in a joint press conference on 30 January with the Deputy Prime Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, the most important decisions of the Cabinet was to approve the agreement between Baghdad and Kuwait to regulate navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah, which took place primarily in earlier.
The Iraqi government considers that the agreement is very important to regulate navigation in the port of Khor Abdullah in terms of traffic and safety and all the environmental aspects to ensure smooth navigation in this channel.
And embarked Kuwait to build the port of Mubarak on the waters of the Gulf which sees Iraqis that would lead to hinder navigation in a large part of their territorial waters in the Gulf, which led to the occurrence of a political controversy between the two countries.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked the seventh of January, the Council of Ministers approved a draft law, and upheld the legal department at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers on the fourteenth of January, subject to the Council.
The agreement based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982 and a commitment to the UN Security Council resolution No. (833) for the year 1993 on the international boundary between the two countries, particularly with regard to the subject of respect for the right of maritime traffic for both parties.
It is hoped that the Convention enters after approval in Parliament into force from the date of exchange of diplomatic notes the official pro to authenticate the parties to agreement by and diplomatic means in accordance with the constitutional procedures followed in both countries and will remain this agreement shall remain in force for an indefinite period unless one of the parties terminated and notice the other party formally before six months to be terminated with the consent of the contracting parties.