Iraq 2013 Budget
The House voted today on the federal budget law for fiscal year 2013, which was calculated its revenue from export of crude oil on the basis of the average price of $ (90) dollars per barrel.
Resolution No. ()
Building “on what passed the House in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (I) of Article (61) and item (iii) of Article (73) of the Constitution President of the Republic decided on / / 2013 Issuing the following law:
Law No. () for the year / 2013 General Budget Law of the Federal Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year 2013 / ((Chapter I)) Revenues Article 1 First “: A – estimated revenues of the federal budget for the financial year 2013 / amount (119,296,663,096) thousand dinars (one hundred and nineteen thousand two hundred and ninety six billion, six hundred and sixty-three million ninety six thousand dinars) as shown in (Table / A revenue according to the main accounts) attached to this law . B – calculation of income from export of crude oil based on the average price of $ (90) dollars per barrel and the rate of export of (2.9 million) barrels per day (two million nine hundred thousand barrels per day), including (250,000) barrels a day (two hundred and fifty thousand barrels per day) for quantities crude oil producer in the Kurdistan region and the intervention of all revenue actually in the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI), or any other form replaced after discount (5%) of compensation for Kuwait war or any other percentage decided by the UN Security Council and paid to the United Nations. C applied to the agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government ratified the decision of the Federal Council of Ministers No. / 333 for the year / 2012 and is binding on the federal government and the provincial government in each ăÇíĘÚáŢ terms of the budget law. II “: Committed to the ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry of the enrollment of all sums cash grants obtained under memorandums of understanding with governments or foreign institutions revenue of “final” to the public treasury Federal and Federal Ministry of Finance re-allocated to the purposes for which was awarded to her and in coordination with the Ministry of Planning Federation. Third “: Amounts of donations given to the ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry after acceptance of the Federal Minister of Finance revenue permanently to the public treasury Federal and that the Federal Minister of Finance allocated to credits ministry or organization is not related to the Ministry of exchange in accordance with the purposes for which it was granted for it. IV “: Amounts of grants or contributions by governments and foreign institutions to ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry or the provinces and provincial councils under memorandums of understanding revenue permanently to the Treasury whether these grants and donations in the form of technical assistance or the implementation of projects that are under اقيامها speculative in the records of the Ministry or the is related to the Ministry or the regions and provinces and the relevant provincial and be accepting cash or in-kind grants and reallocated coordination between beneficiaries and all of the planning and finance ministries. Fifth: Is calculated amount of grants and subsidies unused amounts allocated to government departments and public sector companies end the financial year / 2012 in accordance with the accounting standards used to calculate the final exchange is considered excess funds or paid in excess according to these bases advance at the expense of the grant allocated to a department or unit in the financial year / 2013.
((Chapter II)) Expenditure and deficit Article 2, first “expenses: The sum amount 138424608000)) thousand dinars (one hundred and thirty eight thousand four hundred and twenty-four billion and six hundred and eight million dinars) for the expenses of the fiscal year 2013 / distributed according to (field / 3 total expenditure) (Table / c expenditure by ministries) attached to this law. A sum of $ (55108602000) thousand dinars (five and fifty thousand and one hundred and eight billion, six hundred and two million dinars) for project expenditures distributed according to (field / 2 expenditures for investment projects) (Table / c expenditure by ministries) attached to this law. B amount of (83316006000) thousand dinars (eighty three thousand, three hundred and sixteen Miliro six million dinars) for ongoing expenses according to (field / 1 – current expenditures (Table / c expenditure by ministries) attached to this law. C – The sum of $ (250000000) thousand dinars (two hundred and fifty billion dinars) contingency reserve within the appropriations other expenses to offset the Federal Ministry of Finance out of the allocations mentioned in item (First – b -) referred to above. Distribution of the total expenditure by sectors and activities have also in the table (b) attached to this law as follows: – 1 – security and defense expenses: (19702296000) thousand dinars (nineteen thousand seven hundred and two billion two hundred and ninety-six million dinars). 2. Education: (12782897000) thousand dinars (twelve thousand seven hundred and eighty-two billion ثمنمائة and ninety seven million dinars). 3 – Energy (29456011000) thousand dinars (twenty-nine thousand, four hundred and fifty-six billion and eleven million dinars). 4 – Environment and Health (6825231000) thousand dinars (six thousands and ثمنمائة and twenty five billion, two hundred and thirty one million dinars). 5 – Social Services (17708644500) thousand dinars (seventeen thousand seven hundred and eight billion, six hundred and forty-four million and five hundred thousand dinars). 6 – water, sewage and sanitation: (4214134278) thousand dinars (four thousand two hundred and fourteen billion and one hundred and thirty-four million, two hundred and seventy-eight thousand dinars). 7 – Transport and communications: (1825766826) thousand dinars (thousand ثمنمائة and twenty five billion and seven hundred and sixty-six million ثمنمائة and twenty-six thousand dinars). 8 – the agricultural sector: (2684995000) thousand dinars (two thousand six hundred and eighty-four billion nine hundred and ninety-five million dinars). 9 – the industrial sector: (1714323000) thousand dinars (one thousand seven hundred and fourteen billion and three hundred and twenty-three million dinars). 10 – Construction and Housing: (1636842000) thousand dinars (one thousand six hundred and thirty-six billion ثمنمائة and forty-two million dinars). 11 – Culture, Youth and clubs and associations: (2327115210) thousand dinars (two thousand three hundred and twenty-seven billion one hundred and fifteen million two hundred and ten thousand dinars).
12 – central public administrations and local: (12847559686) thousand dinars (twelve thousand ثمنمائة and forty-seven billion, five hundred and fifty-nine million, six hundred and eighty-six thousand dinars) is distributed as follows: – A – (3932509686) thousand dinars (three thousand nine hundred and thirty-two billion, five hundred and nine million, six hundred and eighty-six thousand dinars) for the central public administrations B – (8915050000) thousand dinars (eight thousand nine hundred and fifteen billion and fifty million dinars) Lalla local circuits 13 – Obligations and international contributions and debt: (10292057500) thousand dinars (ten thousand two hundred and ninety-two billion and fifty-seven million five hundred thousand dinars). 14 – Kurdistan: (14406735000) thousand dinars (fourteen thousand four hundred and six billion and seven hundred and thirty-five million dinars) D – an amount of $ (7256000000) thousand dinars (seven thousand two hundred and fifty-six billion dinars) for (reconstruction and development projects, regions and provinces, including Kurdistan) out assignments referred to in clause (first / a) of Article (2) above is distributed by the hearts of every province and implemented as follows: 1 on the governor to submit a plan reconstruction of the province and districts, counties affiliate ratified by the provincial council to the Ministry of Planning Federal ((in coordination with the Councils and districts)) for the purpose of study and approval to take into account the worst hit areas in the province, and to be distributed allocations conservative amounts ( reconstruction and development projects, regions and provinces, including Kurdistan) districts and counties associated according to population ratios for each after excluding strategic projects that benefit more than one hand or eliminate that cost does not exceed new strategic projects for 20% of the allocations of the province. 2 The governor exclusively approved the implementation of the reconstruction plan and the provincial council is responsible for monitoring implementation. 3 – to the Federal Cabinet transfers amount (1.3) trillion dinars (one trillion, three hundred billion dinars) of investment allocations and added to the allocations for regional development after excluding allocations of ongoing projects and projects sovereign and projects that serve more than one province. E – The sum (1317805575) thousand dinars (one thousand and three hundred and seventeen billion ثمنمائة and five million five hundred and seventy-five thousand dinars) as projects to producing provinces, including Kurdistan out of allocations referred to in clause (first – a -) of Article (2) above In order to maintain the right to dispose and use including no more than (50%) of customizations referred to above for the purpose of importing electricity or provide services to maintain and clean and operating expenses, and be priority spending areas hardest hit by the production and oil refining and environmental protection projects, and through conduct transfers required coordination with Each of the ministries of finance and planning federated equivalent (1) dollars for each barrel of crude oil producer in the province and (1) dollars for each barrel of crude oil refined in refineries to maintain and (1) a dollar for every (150) cubic meters producer of natural gas in the province to be distributed by the production of each province and delivered to the federal government and that is an accounting adjustments after being examined by the Federal Office of Financial Supervision in the subsequent year’s budget. II “: the deficit A – The total planned deficit of the general budget of the Federal fiscal year / 2013 (19127944904) thousand dinars (nineteen thousand one hundred and twenty-seven billion nine hundred and forty-four million, nine hundred and four thousand dinars) and covers the deficit of cash retained in the Development Fund for Iraq DFI and internal borrowing The outer and the percentage of savings is expected to increase selling prices or increase oil production. – Authorizes the Federal Minister of Finance the power to continue to borrow from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), complementing the sum (4.5) billion dollars (four billion five hundred million) and the World Bank complements the $ (2) billion dollars (two billion dollars) during the year / 2013 and using Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) of up to SDR (1.8) billion dollars (one billion, eight hundred million) to cover the projected shortfall in the federal budget in addition to domestic borrowing by the Treasury transfers.
((Chapter III)) General and Final Provisions Article 3 Restricts exchange of credits principal accounts of the expenses (salaries, goods and services, benefits, social benefits, grants, subsidies, other expenses, capital expenditures) and expenses approved projects within the general budget of the Federal Republic of Iraq by the Minister of Finance of the Federal and the concerned minister or president who is related to the Ministry or Governor or provincial council chairman the power to exchange directly in the light of the appropriations earmarked within its annual budget and for the purposes specified under a spending plan ratified by the Minister of Finance of the Federal and may not engage in ÇáĂáĘŇÇă drainage over what is intended in the federal budget and in coordination with the Federal Ministry of Finance / Accounting Department .
Article 4 Federal Minister of Finance the power to make transfers between funds the federal budget of the Republic of Iraq approved in the federal budget annual level doors and departments and key accounts and subsidiary has authorized ministers and heads of departments not related to the Ministry, governors and heads of provincial councils is associated province validity conduct transfers between budget allocations of the Federal Republic Iraq ratified in the federal budget annual rate not to exceed (10%) (ten per cent) of the unit exchange unit of exchange other is reduced allocations except appropriations investment projects, taking into account the provisions of subsection (8) of section (9) of the Financial Administration Act No. (95) for the year 2004 / that are not transfers of allocations expenses capital projects to operating expenses are not from the allocations of non-financial assets to the substance of salaries and other expenses and that is to determine the validity and controls make transfers within the Implementing Regulations of the federal budget for 2013 / which will approve them Council of Ministers. Article 5 Prime Minister Federal and Federal Minister of Finance jointly amounts approved for use (contingency reserve) set forth in paragraph (First / c) of Article (2) of the Act for the payment of necessary expenses after running out of this law, if there is an urgent need to spend without being restricted (tunnel local ) and the lack of allocation to cover this need Reduction (3) billion dinars (three billion dinars) for each case and if the amount exceeds the limit mentioned aggregated approval of the Federal Cabinet proposal of the Federal Minister of Finance and the Federal Minister of Finance to prepare controls to use assignments contingency reserve within the Implementing Regulations of the general budget annual federal. Article 6 – First: Use of approved appropriations in this Act until 31 / December of the fiscal year 2013 /. Second: Income derived by an extremely 12/31/2013 Revenue received after the end of the financial year 2013 / borne revenue to the federal budget for fiscal year 2014 /. Article 7 – It is not permitted to make any transfers within the allocations (reconstruction and development projects, regions and provinces) among the provinces. Article 8 Authorizes the Minister of Municipalities and Public Works Federal authority to make transfers between own resources to the municipal budgets of the institutions within the same province and conduct transfers within the goods and services account for each Municipal Corporation. Article 9 First: Observed quotas governorates that are not organized by a population of province of total expenditures shown in (Table / e expenditures ruling) attached to this law after excluding the share of Kurdistan’s (17%).
II “: The share of the Kurdistan region (17%) seven Ashrmn cent of total expenditures shown in (Table / e expenditures ruling) attached to this law by the Federal Ministry of Finance. Third “: The proportion (17%) Seventeen percent of the total operating expenses and expenses of the investment projects of the general budget of the Federal Republic of Iraq ratified the Kurdistan region after excluding expenses sovereign of b (the House of Representatives, the Presidency, the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, wage negotiations and legal claims for debts, costs for auditing, monitoring and prosecution of money abroad, costs for auditing auditing firm International Committee of Financial Experts, to contribute to the cost of producing crude oil source, contracts foreign companies implementing Kurdistan (in light of the record of the agreement between representatives of the Federal Government and representatives of the Kurdistan Regional Government on production and export of crude oil in the region mentioned Cabinet decision No. 333 for the year / 2012) Benefits of World Bank loans and the benefits of IMF loans and interest on loans other foreign, interest on bonds treasury transfers general, the benefits of bonds to extinguish the external debt of the private sector, amounts Arab contributions and international, the amounts of compensation Kuwait war, the expenses of travel and Nationality Directorate and the leadership of the border forces and the National Security Apparatus, debt settlement abroad, wages for transporting crude oil exported via Turkey, premiums bilateral agreements with Paris Club countries and countries outside the Paris Club, the investment projects of companies foreign oil, benefits implications for premiums bilateral agreements with Paris Club countries and countries outside the Paris Club, to pay the value of the versions of treasury transfers old, cash settlement of debts of small private sector abroad and co-financed expenditures and port projects, dams and system rail network-related international and manage airspace and debt settlement Kuwait Airways and premiums loans International Monetary Fund and the Arab Monetary Fund dues for debt restructuring agreement Iraq). IV “: When an increase or decrease in total expenses of the federal budget added or reduced share of the Kurdistan region proportionally “With this increase Oanakassan taking into account the provisions of clauses (II” and III) of this Article, including amendments to the sovereign expenditure and the ruling from the transfer of allocations to public expenditure the same percentage mentioned above. And the Federal Ministry of Finance calculates the share settlement procedure Kurdistan region in the light of the actual expenses for the previous years and shown by the final accounts approved by the Federal Office of Financial Supervision. Fifth: Pay advances after the agreement between the Federal Council of Ministers and the Council of Ministers of the Kurdistan region on expenses (salaries / armament and equipment) for the Regional Guard forces (Peshmerga) in line with the Constitution until a law regulating benefits and pay.
Article 10 First “ A. The Office of Financial Supervision in agreement with the Federal Audit Court of Kurdistan calculate and determine federal revenues obtained in the region this year and the Ministry of Finance in the province to transfer to the Federal Ministry of Finance monthly. “ Dues are settled between the Kurdistan region and the federal government for the years (2004 until 2012) and subsequent years after being examined by the Federal Office of Financial Supervision in agreement with the BSA to the Kurdistan region no later than 10/15/2013. II “: When the prov not paying federal income obtained to the Federal Treasury, the Ministry of Finance of the Federal deduct quota under paragraph (a) of the item (I “) of this Article, including equivalent revenues planned in the federal budget and conducts settlement calculations for later.” Third “: The Federal Ministry of Finance to deduct amounts of damage caused by the provincial government or the province as a result of not allowing use of airspace or not allowing extended ground cables for telecommunications service and Internet Federal or global in the Republic of Iraq for the purposes of mobile phone companies and service companies internet approved by the federal government’s share of the region or province When funding specifically from revenue derived from licenses and mobile phone fees. The Ministry of the Federal Communications determine damage and presented to the federal cabinet to take a decision on the In the case of objection to the provincial government or maintain the decision of the Federal Cabinet dispute shall be referred to the Federal Court for a decision. Fourth: The Federal Ministry of Finance to deduct amounts of damage caused by the region or province produced at non-delivery of the oil and gas producer to the Ministry of the Federal Oil for export and deduct the amount of damage from the allocations of the region or the province produced in the federal budget for 2013 and the Federal Ministry of Oil determine the damage and submitted to the Federal Council of Ministers to take decision thereon and in the case of objection to the provincial government or maintain the decision of the Federal Cabinet dispute shall be referred to the Federal Court for a decision. Fifth: The Federal Ministry of Finance to deduct amounts of damage caused by the region or the province as a result of not allowing extended power lines and the Ministry of the Federal Electricity determine the damage and submitted to the Federal Council of Ministers to make a decision about him in the case of objection provincial government or maintain the decision of the Federal Cabinet dispute shall be referred to the Federal Court for decision.
Article -11 – Re-examined in the share of the Kurdistan region and governorates not organized province in the federal budget for the year / 2013 and onwards in the light of the results of Statistics and Census for the year / 2013 and that is in the light of determining the actual amount of the share of the region or the province irregular province in the federal budget for the year 2014 / and display The difference to the Federal Cabinet for its settlement. Article 12 First: – Committed to federal ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry b (Table / d) “workforce of the ministries and departments centrally funded for the year / 2013″ attached to this law and Federal Minister of Finance at the request of the ministry or organization is not related to the Ministry, the validity of the development of grades and adjust staffing resulting from the following: A development of grades covered political separation, according to the law re-separated political No. 24 of 2005 as amended. B develop grades for the purpose of installing Awakening decades working in all government departments. C develop grades for return competencies owners. D develop grades resulting from public transport companies or self-funded bodies to the centrally funded departments.
E development of grades formations created in the ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry after approval by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and authorize the Minister of Finance of the Federal adding customizations financial implications. And the development of scores of engineers and technicians who will be transferred from public companies with self-funded subsidiaries for each of the Ministries of Industry and Minerals and defense to self-funded districts of the Ministry of Electricity and add customizations financial implications. II “: Federal Minister of Finance Insurance financial allocations for employees in companies, public bodies and departments self-funded “which will be developed grades them as a result of the transfer of services to owners departments centrally funded in accordance with paragraph (I) of the above article to cover the needs of the staff. Third “: The federal ministries all stop appointments within formations affiliate of public companies, agencies and departments with self-funded “which receives a grant from the Public Treasury of the Federal State or loans from government banks that deleted grades within vocabulary angel bodies throughout the search when it became vacant due to transportation or retirement resignation, or death. Fourth: The Federal Minister of Finance Insurance financial allocations and the introduction of grades for all employees who have been sent back to work in companies and departments and public bodies with self-funded, which is deficient in its own resources of separated politicians issued about them resolutions of the Commission verify the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers or to integrate militias and humanitarian cases due displacement, similar Bmnzbe mic defunct companies that have been attached to federal ministries of b (industry and minerals, agriculture and defense). Fifth: Committed to ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry announcing grades developed within angel Year / 2013 in the local newspaper and provide the Ministry of Finance and the provincial schedules jobs announced by the appointment procedures, taking into account rates of population in each province and subject to Article (9) of the Constitution of the armed forces and security services. Sixth: A prevents the appointment of employees in government departments all manner contract with the possibility of renewal Previous decades in case of a need to renew these contracts. B be exempted from the provisions of paragraph (a) above contracted workers in the investment projects New stations and water and sewage, electricity, as instructed by the implementation of the budget Federal / 2013 in addition to contracting with experts and professionals And Advanced Level and in accordance with the regulations set out the decisions of the Council of Ministers No. / 280 for the year / 2009, as amended, and / 297 for the year / 2010 and 29 for the year / 2011. C installation contractors in the years prior to the permanent staffing in case of availability of Grades Vacancies exception from the requirement to age and accounted for contractual service service for purposes of retirement and the premium and promotion for each tenured after the date of 9/4/2003. Seventh: The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers check the number and names and qualifications of all contracts to be proofed on permanent staffing and notice and the Federal Ministry of Finance develop the necessary grades below and add the necessary financial allocations for this: 1 – for the cases set out below and contracted during military operations in 2008 exclusively: According to the Interior Ministry lists in a timely manner. Decades Charge of the Knights in Basra B contracts promise of peace in the province of Maysan C reconstruction contracts the cities of al-Sadr and the torch in the province of Baghdad 2 Grading the development of self-funded departments of the Ministry of Electricity to those services will be transferred to them from military employees of electricity outside the police controls the Interior Ministry and who was re-appointed as civil servants within the headquarters of the Ministry. 3 – the development of grades for the purpose of installing Awakening decades working in the headquarters of the Ministry for the purpose of transporting electricity to the self-funded departments affiliate and start a financial allocations. 4 – re dismissed against the backdrop of security events of the year 2008 in the province of Basra and arrange them in Baghdad. 5 – the introduction of grades of the Mujahideen of the marshes and Rafha refugees 6 – re separated from their constituencies on security backgrounds since 2005. D develop grades for self-funded departments of the Ministry of Electricity to those services will be transferred to them from military employees of electricity outside the police controls the Interior Ministry and who was re-appointed as civil servants within the headquarters of the Ministry. E – the development of grades for the purpose of installing Awakening decades working in the headquarters of the Ministry for the purpose of transporting electricity to the self-funded departments affiliate and start a financial allocations. Article -13 – First: 1 on the ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry prior coordination with the provinces when choosing projects and issued each ministry or party is linked to the Ministry plan distribution of projects and learn provinces out and take into account the ratio of the population assessed for each province to ensure fair distribution except strategic projects that benefit more from the province and not overlap between projects included in the ministry’s plan and the projects included in the plan for regional development and empowers powers of the minister to the governor on the announcement and assignment and execution of projects ministerial (health, municipalities and Works have, Commerce, Construction and Housing, Agriculture, Labor and Social Affairs, Culture, Youth and Sports) below $ (10) billion dinars after reallocation of funds from account ministry to calculate the province subject to item (iii) of Article (9) above, to be issued and the Ministries of Planning and Finance federated schedule projects concerned for each province and authorizes the Ministers of Finance and Planning federal issue necessary instructions to facilitate the implementation of that)) 2 to the Federal Minister of Education conduct transfers of allocations of projects for school buildings exclusively earmarked within the budget Ministry / 2013 allocations of investment projects of the province concerned and according to population ratios for each province and coordination With all of the Ministries of Finance and Planning federated without being restricted to the amount specified in paragraph (1) above. Second: the competent Ministry mandate to maintain the implementation of new projects is direct by federal ministries in 1 / July of the current fiscal year.
Third: to maintain the mandate of any of the ministries or by the Federal jurisdiction for the implementation of projects in the province at the expense allocations (reconstruction and development of the regions and governorates) allocated to them. Fourth: the ministries concerned with the implementation of the decision of the Council of Ministers No. 30 for the year 2013 issued on 01.22.2013 for the reconstruction of the areas inhabited by Turkmen under the supervision of the Office of the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs, and the Council of Ministers make the necessary transfers for this purpose. Article 14 First: The Federal Minister of Finance in coordination with the Minister of Planning Federal reallocate the approved amounts in the federal budget for the year / 2012 for the purposes of investment projects of the ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry and development projects and accelerate the reconstruction of the provinces and Marshes and projects petro-dollars in the light of revenue delivered to the federal government and the projects co-financing projects and countries unspent donor and customizations to the beneficiary to be paid during the year / 2013 for the completion of projects exception of the provisions (Section IV – P / 1) of the Financial Administration Act No. 95/2004. Second: The Federal Minister of Finance in coordination with the Minister of Planning federal allocations for investment projects ongoing or new quantities equation (1) dollars for each barrel of crude oil producer in the province or (1) dollars for each barrel of crude oil refined in refineries to maintain and (1) dollars all (150) cubic meters producer of natural gas in the province for dues all provinces of the year / 2010 and delivered to the Federal Government with the support of the Federal Oil Ministry, which was not included within the budget year / 2010, 2011 and 2012 due to the delay sending new projects by the province concerned or provinces of the Kurdistan Region to the Ministry of Planning. Third: The Federal Minister of Finance re-allocation of the remaining funds and unspent from the approved amounts in the federal budget for the year / 2012 concerning the compensation provinces, cities and individuals affected by the laws or decisions of the Federal Cabinet to balance the beneficiary exclusively to conduct disbursement during the year 2013 / exception of the provisions (section IV) of the Financial Administration Act No. (95) for the year / 2004. Fourth: The Federal Minister of Finance in coordination with the Minister of Planning Federal re-allocation of all revenue actually border ports (land / sea / air) including income sovereign during the year / 2011, which are not being disbursed in / 2012 to late arrival of data by province concerned to the province’s budget for 2013 / including the Kurdistan region by revenue actually at border crossing points in that province. Fifth: The Federal Minister of Finance in coordination with the Minister of Planning Federal reallocate revenue actually at border crossing points (wild, sea, air) including income sovereign during the year 2012 to balance the border provinces, including Kurdistan region in 2013 / both by revenue actually at border crossing points in that province and that allocated for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of border crossings and associated infrastructure exclusively of each province. Sixth: Federal Minister of Finance in coordination with the Minister of Planning Federal reallocate representing (50%) (fifty percent) of the amounts of regional development unspent allocations in / 2008 to allocations projects for regional development of the province concerned for disbursement during the year 2013 / exception from the provisions of Section IV / P 1 of the Financial Administration Act No. 95 of 2004 Seventh: Minister of Finance to reallocate the remaining funds from disciplines of medicines and medical supplies approved within the budget of the Ministry of Health Year / 2012 to the Ministry’s budget mentioned in 2013 / exception from the provisions of paragraph (1) of section (4) of the Financial Administration Act No. 95 of 2004 /.
Eighth: The Minister of Finance re-allocation of income earned from visa for Iraq to visit the holy sites of the 2010, 2011 and 2012 to balance the provincial described below and by descent cursor over each and that is spent on services visitors and infrastructure for them that does not exceed operating expenses 50% of the total allocations. Coordination between conservatives and secretaries general of the holy shrines in exchange identify these customizations. 40% of Karbala 25% of Najaf province 15% of Salahuddin province / Samarra and Balad 10% of the province of Baghdad / Kadhimiya 10% of the province of Baghdad / Adhamiya and Hadra Qadiriya (in coordination with the Sunni Waqf) IX on Federal Minister of Finance re-allocation of revenues derived from farmers for loans agricultural initiative received them for the year / 2011 and 2012 to the budget in 2013 / and that exclusively allocated for the projects agricultural initiative exception of paragraph (1) of section (4) of the Financial Administration Act No. 95 / for the year / 2004. X. – The Minister of Finance re-allocation of funds unspent budgets to the Martyrs Foundation of allocations years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Article 15: Federal Minister of Finance the power to add allocations for the purpose of extinguishing advances installed from 1/1/2008 until 31/12/2012 and spent a result of the laws in force and after he is examined by the Federal Office of Financial Supervision and approval of the Federal Cabinet. Article 16 First: – Of the Council of Ministers to submit a supplemental budget to the House of Representatives, and in case you can not bit the House bill during a period of thirty days from the receipt of the draft law Vlcil Minister added to the federal budget allocations in accordance with clause (ii) of this Article. Second: – To the Federal Cabinet add allocations to the federal budget for the year 2013 / when achieve an increase in revenues from exports of crude oil exported through the first six months of this year, taking into account calculated share of the Kurdistan region (17%) after covering the deficit and excluding expenses and sovereign ruling that found as follows: – A) the payment of the planned budget deficit. B) Insurance amounts of investment projects for the Ministry of Electricity and after approval by the Ministry of Federal Planning in addition to amounts of electrical energy imports and import fuel for power plants and electricity fees debt owed implications ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry. C) to reimburse the private sector before 9/4/2003. D) the repayment of loans granted by the government banks for salaries of employees of public companies for 2010, 2011 and 2012. E) repayment of loans granted by banks to buy government Barley crop for the year / 2010. F) allocation of $ (500) billion dinars extra كتخصيصات to contingency reserve and the victims of floods and natural disasters and dispensing cabinet when needed without the submission of a supplemental budget to the House of Representatives. G) allocations for cancer and thalassemia patients. H) the allocation of the amounts relating to the general census of population. I) securing the necessary amount that was withheld from the budget estimates of ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry for the year / 2013 after obtaining the approval of the Federal Cabinet that does not exceed the total amount of 500 billion dinars. J) the allocation of amounts awarded for the following entities: the Martyrs Foundation (300 billion dinars) and the Foundation of prisoners (100 billion dinars) and Property Claims Commission (300 billion dinars) and compensation Article (140) of the Constitution (150 billion dinars) and Compensation Act property affected by the previous regime No. (16) for the year 2010 (300 billion dinars) K) allocations commitments and international contributions to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs L) allocations and local council elections Kirkuk Provincial Council elections. M) allocated (300) Mlyardinar the Ministry of Transport for breakwater project N) allocation of $ (174) billion dinars to the Ministry of Education to cover the expenses of literacy Illiteracy. Q) securing the necessary allocations for the implementation of the provisions of the Social Security Act, if approved, to cover the expected increase in the salaries of retirees. P) securing the necessary allocations for the implementation of the provisions of the law grant students (63) for the year 2012 and in the absence of abundant government should cover the grant by the predecessor. Q) The sum of not less than (100) billion dinars (one hundred billion dinars) for the province of Karbala and the amount (50) billion dinars (fifty billion dinars) for the province of Najaf. R) to allocate 25% of the budget surplus in 2013 and distributed to slide due from the poor and disadvantaged of the Iraqi people, according to the guidelines and specific mechanisms established by the Council of Ministers by Mahromep and the ratio of the population of the provinces and the region. S) to increase financial allocations for ongoing projects of the holy shrines of وقفين to fulfill its obligations. T) The sum of (300) billion dinars (three hundred billion dinars) for the payment of premium capital of the Housing Fund of Iraq owed pursuant to the provisions of Article (1 / III) from the Iraqi Housing Fund Act No. (32) for the year 2011. U) The sum of (20) billion dinars (twenty billion dinars) for each of the districts of Shirqat the Baiji (hand Makhool) in the province of Salahuddin in compensation for suffered from military operations and terrorist attacks. C) increase allocations of social protection network to raise the minimum amounts in line with the rates of poverty indicators and to increase the number of members covered including the Department of Women’s Care in accordance with regulations. D) increase allocations Baghdad province to enhance security at the gates of Baghdad. X) the allocation of an extra $ trillion dinars for the development of regions and provinces. Y) securing the necessary allocations for the implementation of the provisions of the Act to amend the law of service and military retirement if it is passed. Z) securing the necessary allocations for the implementation of the provisions of the law of itinerant Rafha, if it is passed. G) increase N_khasasat and the Ministry of Culture. Article – 17 – Federal Minister of Finance to increase appropriations and certified to cover the cost of the business carried out by the National Centre for Laboratory Construction and the National Center for Engineering Consultancy of the Ministry of Construction and Housing up to 50% of the revenues derived from the implementation of these actions exception of section one of the Financial Administration Act No. 95 of 2004, and that the disposal amounts to development centers and support the technical and administrative cadres Article -18 – First: 1 be borrowing from the Agricultural Bank and the Land Bank and the Housing Fund without interest, similar to the agricultural initiative and push the interest rate of the financial savings achieved from oil exports. 2 be borrowing from the Industrial Bank of SMEs without interest and bear and the Federal Ministry of Finance to pay the interest and for large enterprises will be interest-free lending in accordance with the priorities of the government under the controls established by the Economic Commission. Second: All citizens are exempted from the amount of the accrued interest rate of loans granted to them by both the Land Bank and the Agricultural Bank and the Housing Fund and borne by the Ministry of Finance interest rate. Third: Requiring all of the Agricultural Bank and the Land Bank and the Housing Fund distribution of loans to be granted to citizens by the hearts of every province in accordance with the standards of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq Fourth: The Ministry of Finance the amount of the interest rate the (4%) (four percent) of the total loans granted to residential بسماية project Article -19 – The Federal Council of Ministers based on a proposal from the Federal Minister of Finance extinguish loans and debt premiums granted for agricultural equipment to farmers and farmers before 9/4/2003 that no more than the amount of the loan for 50 million dinars Article -20 – First – Doubled amounts allowances tax to the employee within subsection (1) of Article XII of the Income Tax Law No. (113) for the year / 1982 as amended by subsection (2) of section (2) of the CPA Order (dissolved) No. (49) for the year / 2004. Secondly – Doubled the amounts for measuring tax contained in the article / 13 of the Income Tax Act No. (113) for the year / 1982 as amended by CPA Order (dissolved) No. (49) for the year 2004. Thirdly – Must be double tax allowances and the tax scale for another year and can not be renewed. Article -21 – Extinguish outstanding debt owed to the government in charge of paying the tax by the persistence of the official application of Article (20) of the Budget Law for the year 2008 for the period from 1/1/2009 until 31/12/2011 pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (11) of Section IV of the Financial Administration Act No. (95) of 2004 amended. Article 22 Indeterminacy in state leadership positions (General Manager and above) unless there is a degree in Law Ministry or the organizational structure issued based on the law ministry or organization is not related to the Ministry. Article 23: First – Shall be exempted from all duties of goods and commodities imported by the government departments and the public sector in its name and use. Secondly – Exemption above includes goods and imported goods to government departments and public sector of donor governments or institutions. Article 24: To the Federal Cabinet reimburse foreign companies contracting to extract crude oil with the Kurdistan Regional Government in addition to the amount allocated for this purpose and adult (750) billion dinars (seven hundred and fifty billion dinars) and included within federal budget law for the year 2013 / from savings realized from revenues during the year / 2013 or by publication treasury transfers after the Federal Office of Financial Supervision and the Federal Ministry of Oil fundamentalist audit Article 25: Shift all revenues Communications and Media Authority to the federal treasury account of the state after deducting the amount of its own budget and approved by the Board of Commissioners and the Ministry of Finance. Article 26 First: Does not work any decision contrary to the law and bear the federal treasury any financial burdens of this decision unless legitimized legal and approved by the House of Representatives. Second: The House of Representatives shall not pass laws that result in financial consequences retroactively. Article 27 Committed to the Ministry of Finance to borrow internal or issuing treasury transfers to pay dues covered by the decisions validated according to the following laws: the law of the board of property claims number (13) for the year 2010, the law of compensation for those affected by the military operations and the mistakes of military and terrorist operations No. (20) for the year 2009, the Law Foundation of martyrs No. (3) for the year 2006, the Law Foundation of political prisoners (4) for the year 2006, the law on compensation for property affected by the previous regime (16) for the year 2010 and for all provinces, including the province of Kurdistan. Article 28 The Ministry of Finance to hold the following transfers: – 1 – transfers $ (146,511) million dinars (one hundred and forty-six billion, five hundred and eleven million) of the allocations of the Ministry of Interior to the House of Representatives budget to cover the cost of wages and feed protections. 2 – transfers amount (8800) million dinars (eight billion eight hundred million) from the allocations of the Olympic Committee and the amount of (4300) million dinars (four billion, three hundred million) from the budget of the Commission Albarraolympih and transfers were to allocations law granting athletes heroes and pioneers. 3 – transfers $ (50) billion dinars (fifty billion dinars) of the allocations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs / purchase of aircraft to allocations of the Social Welfare Department for Women to increase the number of beneficiaries. 4 – transfers $ (50) billion dinars (fifty billion dinars) of co-financing allocations – and the Ministry of Finance. 5 – transfers $ (50) billion dinars (fifty billion dinars) allocations of corporate restructuring – and the Ministry of Finance. 6 – transfers $ (8) billion dinars from the allocations of the two Vice-Prime Minister for Services and Economic Affairs. 7 – transfers $ (5) billion dinars to the Public Service mines in the Ministry of Environment, specialty (3) billion dinars for the implementation of the statistical program for victims of mines and ordnance and (2) billion dinars for the implementation of the program identify contaminated areas. 8 – transfers $ (97) billion dinars (ninety-seven billion dinars) to the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works to implement revolving around the city of Karbala to address bottlenecks resulting from the numbers of visitors to the province of Karbala. 9 – transfers $ (4) billion dinars to the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. 10 – transfers $ (2) billion dinars to the accountability and justice. 11 – transfers amounts allocated to the beneficiaries of the Social Welfare Department for Women in the Council of Ministers to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs after Ministry organizes the new structure of the Department and be approved by the authorities concerned, that using these customizations for social welfare for women exclusively. Article 29 First give retirees who receive a pension of $ 400.000 dinars (four hundred thousand dinars) a month or less a grant of 100 thousand dinars (one hundred thousand dinars) per month and gives retirees who receive a pension every month between 400.000 to 500,000 dinars monthly grant to become his pension 500.000 dinars monthly. The disposal of the grant to those who receive a pension under special laws include the grant of retired workers and awarded as follows: 1 (100%) of the above amount for retired 2 (100%) of the above amount if the deceased was a retiree three or more beneficiaries. 3 (75%) of the above amount if the deceased was a retiree two مستفيدان. 4 (60%) of the above amount if the deceased was a retiree one beneficiary. Second – The Council of Ministers transfers grant amounts above the allocations of the revenue budget in 2013.
Article -30 – The Federal Minister of Finance in coordination with the Federal Minister of Planning to prepare the necessary instructions to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of this law if approving the budget and submit it to the Federal Cabinet for the purpose of validation. Article -31 – This law shall be published in the Official Gazette and performs as “1 / January / 2013. Reasons Order approving the federal budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year 2013 initiated this law.