Iranians kidnapped Obama!

Iranians kidnapped Obama!

January 14, 2016

Iranians kidnapped ObamaAuthor: Tariq Hamid
when he was detained Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats belonging US Navy in the Gulf, last Tuesday evening, and on board ten sailors Americans, sailors story were not themselves, but that the Revolutionary Guard has actually kidnapped by US President Barack Obama, and by the limited hours of throwing Obama’s speech the case of the latter Union to him before the end of his second term.
crisis of American sailors in Iran ended after hours of detention, but Obama’s speech is completely kidnapped, where Foote Iranians Obama a chance to appear strong appearance that forced Iran to bow in the nuclear file. The arrest of the sailors process lost on Obama a chance to brag about the legitimacy of the nuclear deal, and spoiled him an opportunity to say to America divided, and the world, about Iran, that Tehran had changed, and she will return an active member of the international community to renounce violence, and respects international conventions and agreements. One may argue that in the Iranian dispose of crap, this is true, and like folly to trust Iran regime too!
So the American sailors arrest, and before Obama’s speech, the US president is weak showed, questioned even defenders of its external policies, particularly toward Iran in our region, and the confusion It was clear to the White House team, through leaks, and justifications, provided by Obama’s team to the American media moments of the arrest of the sailors, and was the biggest confusion is in how Obama deal with the event, any sailors arrest, and whether guaranteed in advance a speech prepared or not, all this did not We were in front of the arrest of sailors process as much as we were in front of the kidnapping of the American president the same process, and the «ransom» is to miss the opportunity to Obama to appear strong President His legitimacy of the completion of the nuclear deal with Iran.
Persisting in torturing American President, and the desire to show weakness, the Guard Revolutionary Iran’s arrest of American sailors, and thus Obama kidnapping itself, the days of the expected implementation of a nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers, and the goal of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is clear where they want to say before they did not bow, and that Obama is too weak to boast of victory for them, as they are, any guard Revolutionary, they want to say to the Iranian inside, and outside, he does not still have the upper hand in Tehran, and despite all that has happened recently to Iran after the barbaric attack on the Saudi Embassy in Iran, and Tehran apology to the Security Council about it. Also, what do the Revolutionary Guards is an embarrassment, practical responded to the propaganda of the Iranian President and his team, specifically Almtmaki Foreign Minister and others, who claim their desire for peace and openness while marching lies and malicious charges against Saudi Arabia. The dilemma Obama is not his abduction is the same, but in that he wants to play a game of neutrality toward Iran’s recent aggression against Saudi Arabia, and the region as a whole, however, any Obama, is himself a victim of Iran on kidnapped before his State of the latter Union and spoiled him a chance to appear hero done is originally completed.

Citing “the Middle East.”