Iran plans to import goods from Iraq using its outstanding energy revenues

Iran plans to import goods from Iraq using its outstanding energy revenues

6/18/2020 13:19

Iran plans to import goods from Iraq using its outstanding energy revenues[Follow_Eye]
Bloomberg news agency revealed that Iran is planning to import goods from Iraq using billions of dollars of gas and electricity revenues suspended in the country due to the US sanctions.
And quoted, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iran, Abdel Nasser Hamati, as saying that “the central banks of the two countries signed for the first time an agreement that can trade” after his meeting with the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen al-Alaq in Baghdad.
She added, “Hematei did not provide any details about the type, value, or quantity of commodities involved in future deals under the agreement.”
The Iranian Energy Minister, Reza Ardakanianan, said earlier this month that “Iraq owes Iran at least 800 million dollars to import electricity, while Iran stated in February that Iraq owed Iran 2 billion dollars to buy natural gas.”
Iraq is the second largest trading partner of Iran after China, as the value of Iranian exports to Iraq in 2019 amounted to about 9 billion dollars, while the import value from Iraq was only 58 million dollars.