International Monetary required to reduce the deficit to lend to Iraq

International Monetary required to reduce the deficit to lend to Iraq

December 21, 2014

US dollarRevealed the Parliamentary Finance Committee Rapporteur Ahmed Rashid flesh that Iraqi oil is sold, during the last few hours, dollars with 53 per barrel, “stressing that this level of prices,” one of the real reasons that prompted the government to not to discuss the budget on Thursday, adding to the pressures of the Central Bank of Iraq the need for deficit treatment before resorting to external borrowing. ” He explained the decision of the Finance Committee that “the International Monetary Fund, which the federal government intends to borrow from it, has the conditions for lending to states not to exceed the budget deficit in the country ceiling of 15 trillion dinars,” pointing out that “the Iraqi government intends to borrow $ 5 billion from the International Monetary Fund. ”