Integrity: properties registered in the name of the former regime employees Maliki

Integrity: properties registered in the name of the former regime employees Maliki

07-04-2015 08:45 AM

Integrity - properties registered in the name of the former regime employees MalikiRevealed to the Parliamentary Integrity Commission, it had reached a corruption of files in real estate registration after the search and investigation and hold meetings with the director and officials of the PES to register real estate, and return those files to the era of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
He said the Integrity Committee member Adel Nouri, in a press statement, seen by (news) today, he ‘was called director and officials of the PES to register real estate, to record their statements about the real estate, where the findings of investigations into a large corruption in the era of the Maliki government. ”
He pointed Nuri that ‘property and property belonging to the former regime officials, back of the Ministry of Finance after the formation of The Iraqi government, but the investigation revealed that those properties have been recorded on the female followers of his constituency and the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers Name ‘, pointing out that he’ was ownership of these properties without charge or hold an auction. ‘
include property buildings and palaces of luxury constructed during the reign of the former regime and recorded on behalf of the people close to the then head of the regime of Saddam Hussein.