Infallible threatens to use his constitutional right to sack Maliki
Infallible threatens to use his constitutional right to sack Maliki
Writings Thursday , July 23, 2015
Raised Iraqi Vice President Nuri al-Maliki’s remarks and his attack last on Saudi Arabia, and demanding what he called ‘placed under international trusteeship’ deep differences between Iraqi President Fuad Masum, and Maliki, as the two sides exchanged text messages, phone calls on those statements constituted an embarrassment to President Masum, who was vacationing in the resort of Sulaymaniyah in northern Iraq. A senior Iraqi official said in the office of the Iraqi presidency that ‘the President Fuad Masum, criticized Maliki’s comments seriously, and considered it offensive and smells of sectarian direction of a sister of Iraq’, demanding Maliki B’adm repeat those statements again, and attention to the problems of Iraq, instead of attacking others in every media appearance on his TV ‘, in reference to the Afaq TV, which is owned by al-Maliki and shows it on a weekly basis for two hours talking about different issues. ” .