Infallible proposes to divide Iraq into “regions”

Infallible proposes to divide Iraq into “regions”


Infallible proposes to divide Iraq into regionsThe President of the Republic, Fuad Masum, it can not form a state of Kurdistan without the recognition of the major powers.

Masum said, that “an independence referendum in the Kurdistan region, does not necessarily mean the announcement of the formation of the state in the next day, suggesting that” Iraq is two provinces, a Kurdish region, and the rest remain in the other region, the entire state remains the entire name of Iraq. ”

“I spoke on the occasion of the feast for the unity of Iraq, and I swore to the right that we must preserve the unity and independence of Iraq, sky and land and sea, but now there is a desire in Iraqi Kurdistan and the majority of the parties in a referendum on whether want to be independent or to stay as you are.”

And that “the majority take advantage of independence, and therefore does not mean that, if not necessarily the referendum announced the formation of the state in the next day,” noting that “the formation of the state has its components and its own circumstances and conditions of countries in the region, and without recognition of the major powers can not be the formation of this state.” .

Infallible and called that “Iraq is a federal state, with a revision of the structure of the Iraqi state,” adding that “I have an idea that Iraq be two provinces, a Kurdish region, and the rest as long as they do not want to form regions remain in the other region, the small region is Kurdistan , and the other is the largest territory of Iraq, or any other name is called, the entire state remains as the whole of Iraq. ”

He went on to say that “the referendum people’s choices and their demands, when they vote on the constitution vote in Kurdistan, by an overwhelming majority, and at the same time, they went out to vote in another fund on Do you want to be independent, or you will be loyal to Iraq.”

In response to a question on the position of the neighboring countries of the referendum, said President of the Republic, “I can not be forced to stand with or against Alastphae, it is the option of states, but I think that the issue is not easy, and I have already said that the countries of the region will have a position, and I from my side I’m not against the referendum, but after the referendum will be linked to internal and external conditions, in terms of regional and international countries, if they assist in the formation of the state, it would be. ”