Infallible confirms that the announcement of the formation of the government is soon

Infallible confirms that the announcement of the formation of the government is soon

September 1, 2014 11:20

Infallible confirms that the announcement of the formation of the government is soonBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. The President of the Republic of Iraq Fuad Masum, on Tuesday, said that the consultations to form a new government has seen significant progress, and that Pat announced soon.
Masum said in a televised interview vassal / Baghdadi News /, that “there is a feeling everyone has the need to form a government, otherwise we will enter into a spiral,” pointing out that “the priority after the formation of the government would be to focus on fighting al (Daash).”
He infallible that “there is a full conviction among political parties that it is imperative that we re-Iraq relations with the countries of the region and the Arab states and the countries of the world because it is difficult to rely only on ourselves to fight these armed groups,” stressing “the need to build a broad coalition to fight armed groups in Iraq, saying it “poses a threat to regional and international security.”
He was charged with forming a government, Haider al-Abadi called, on Wednesday (13 August 2014), the political blocs to appoint representatives to agree on ministerial portfolios, while stressing the need to be candidates for bags of national competencies.
The President of the Republic of Iraq Fuad Masum has on Monday (8/11/2014), commissioned by the leader of the Dawa Party, Haider Abadi form a new government after announcing that the National Alliance, the largest bloc and that he Abadi candidate for prime minister Ended 21 / t